Reviews from

in the past

i just wanted to kiss someone :(

Polly Geist is my girlfriend.

joy you scoundrel you drained all my resources.

impressionante como eu e meus amigos não sabemos nem flertar nem administrar recursos de uma viajem

joguei com meu amigo e a gente morreu de fome no processo

Implements a way to fail mid way through and a difficulty however expands the already pre-existing lore in a way to make background characters be more well rounded compared to the caricatures they embodied prior.

this shit had me dying lauging at the thought of cannibalism. ten outta ten.


Mesma coisa que minha review do Monster Camp, mas ainda melhor. A escrita entre os personagens é tão fenomenal que eu já me emocionei com as mensagens motivacionais para jovens adultos como eu.

I was very surprised by this game, After being fairly mid on the first two games I found myself really liking this game. Its focus more on the resource element and not the dating mechanic made me enjoy it way more. The game being less obtuse on what you need to get to the various endings also made it very enjoyable. I also found the writing to be the best of the three, while not always good it had the most enjoyable writing. I do wish it had more locations and the hitchhikers were a little less random ( I regret getting the player character as hitchhikers dlc pack since they are all I get now) but honestly not a huge issue. That is where I would end the review and give this game a 4 out of 5 but then I got to the End of the Road update stuff. I do not want to spoil anything that happens in it so I will just say while I saw the media do what it did better the way it happens and the way it took me totally off guard made it an amazing experience. The fact that these are characters by now you have grown close too makes the emotional stakes actually hurt a little. Of all games I did not expect the monster prom series to make me feel so sad and depressed, and for that I have to applaud the game and the people that created it. I am very curious on how MP4 is going to be now that this was such a turn in direction (in a positive way)

Was fun, but something about it was not as engaging as Monster Camp for me, not exactly sure why though. Tons of fun to play with friends and have everyone voice a few characters as they come up.

I want to go to Knife World

Jamas pense que me divertiria tanto con un simulador de citas muy recomendable

I like that they changed things up quite a bit with this game. It's cute and still has fun adventures, but you're limited to Polly and Scott the whole time. Polly is fine. Scott is ok. I think I would rather put my time into more Monster Prom 1.

In my opinion, the best game Beautiful Glitch has put out to date. Main game is a hell of a lot of fun. There's an incredible cast of characters, both new and recurring. The scenarios are just as silly and zany as ever. The 'End of the Road' storyline was... something else, man. This is game's gonna stick with me for quite some time. Won't be fading away anytime soon...


mentally kissing calculester rn

confusing but when i played it w bf we did funny voices and it was so silly so. . .. .

my favorite video game of all time especially after end of the road

rounds get pretty long compared to the other 2, especially since you ave to wait a while for the person you want to fuck to actually show

"Wherever you go, I'll be rooting for you!"