Reviews from

in the past

Where is Mareep?
My Team For This Game:
Cyan (Typhlosion)
Toge (Togetic)
The-boy (Quagsire)
Nippy (Umbreon)
Cid (Noctowl)
Pie (Butterfree)

Ah. This used to be one of my favourite games ever made but after a recent playthrough, its issues are glaring. I think Kanto should have been scrapped because all it does is pad out the game with dozens of unchallenging battles and lock NEW Pokémon into the post-game, when they would have been fun to use in the main game.

Yet, there’s still lots to love. The graphics are a huge step up and the music is SO good oh my god I love Route 42 so much

johto is a… flawed region but i don’t think any version of it even the remakes is as good as this one. the daily event structure at this game’s core and improved balancing make it a unique and fun experience to this day

Never played a Gen 2 Pokemon game, so I got this on VC. It was about what you'd expect, very basic Pokemon experience. Not the worst, but far from the best. Love the sprite art in this one though!

really neat! should be the bare minimum of a pokemon game! (just base, didnt do postgame/kanto)

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you can't catch mareep in this game. Otherwise this game is really special to me, it was the first Pokemon game I beat. and some of my favorite Pokemon were introduced in this region. but the game is really easy in the ladder half, and the gym leaders are underwhelming and Kanto is done real dirty. I still love this game but, it's just I can't overlook some things about it.


This was my very first Pokémon game I ever played and completed and it was pretty good! A classic game that will bring you joy just when you start it!
I'll probably revisit it in the future :>

Primeiro jogo de Pokémon que tive contato, por isso, está guardado pra sempre no meu coração.

Mas não é só pelo fator nostalgia, como o jogo em si também é muito bom.

Com sprites excelentes para a época, e, embora eu não seja muito fã da região de Johto, as aventuras que estão presentes na região são muito cativantes, cara.

E claro que não posso esquecer o fato de explorarmos a clássica região de Kanto no pós-jogo. Isso deu um toque ainda mais especial.

can you believe that fit all of kanto AND johto in here??

This game single-handedly changed my life at a very young age

cool upgrade of gold a nice that i could finnaly play it but it was rather oke compared too newer games and its mainly a 1 time game to play.

I had this on Gameboy Color as a hand-me-down when I was like, 3 years old. I had no clue what I was doing because I was literally a toddler. I tried actually playing it when I grew up to a teenager, but the save battery was dead and the game was unplayable (unless I beat the whole thing without ever turning my Gameboy off). So I bought it on the 3DS E-shop in 2018. It surprisingly still holds up pretty good. It's probably even better than the current Pokemon games.

worst thing to ever come out of this godforsaken franchise

O meu VERDADEIRO primeiro jogo de pokémon, amo.

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Over two decades later, this game still holds up pretty well for what it is. Nostalgia has always been hard for me to fully indulge in as much as I would love to let it determine my experience with old games, but I genuinely had a good time replaying this. The music and animated sprites are still just as charming as they were. Johto is an interesting region to traverse, even if they did go overboard with Water HMs; it's an effort to get to some places on this map which is a key part of the adventure in these games so ultimately I appreciate the intention there. The most difficult part of Gen 2 is the then-new split between special and physical Attack and Defense which makes some Pokemon less useful due to which stat their type uses and how limited their movepools are. This combined with the best TMs in the game being found post-E4 made building a mechanically interesting team more of a challenge than it maybe should be considering the introduction of two new under-utilized Pokemon types as well. The Kanto half of the game is just as disappointing today as it was back in 2000, but I give them credit for trying. It was a very cool idea.

Pretty much all of the old Pokemon games are improved with some imagination on the players' part, which is probably why I had so much fun with them as a kid. Despite how dated this game is, I still feel like it's possible for players today to make each playthrough their own. This time I beat the E4 with all stage 1 Pokemon, which is a really fun challenge in early Pokemon gens when the games were a little harder. What Crystal lacks in balancing and pacing, it makes up for in entertainment value. It's still a really solid game to spend time with however you choose to do it.

Pokémon Crystal is my preferred version of the generation 2 games, for no particular reason. While I like Gold, Silver, and Crystal, Crystal is just my preferred version.

Finally got to finish a pokémon game, and it's just as cool as people say, except that it is really slow (especially when in caves, and while surfing, when I had to speed up the emulator), I just found it boring that you can just rush the entire game with your starter (Feraligatr supremacy). I know now that there's the entire kanto region to explore after becoming champion... Yeah, maybe next time

gen 2 is just a patched version of gen 1 with great art

de longe meu jogo favorito de gameboy mas n é como se tivesse tanta competição assim

Gen 2 was such a great update to the original Pokémon games. The Day/Night cycle, 100 new Pokémon, and two regions with 16 Gyms it a great game. Add to that an extended story with a focus on Suicune, and Crystal (much like Emerald and Platinum) is an ultimate version for this generation.

My favorite part of this game was naming myself Rei and my rival Asuka. The rival's character just fits Asuka's so well, I would read out their dialogue in Asuka's voice and it was just like watching the show. This was my first Pokemon game, played it last year (2022) at the age of 22. I had been putting off Pokemon games for a while, and maybe I missed the age where the charm of collecting Pokemon is its strongest. I will say that by the end of the game I had a few new favorite Pokemon and can understand exactly why everyone has their own (mine is Pineco lol). Team building was fun, but the battles just do not compare to other rpgs of the time, like Chrono Trigger, FF7, Earthbound, etc. I didn't realize Chikorita would make the game more difficult, but I still didn't struggle too much, nor did I really ever have to grind for levels. I still need to finish exploring the Kanto region, but I think I got the grasp of Pokemon from beating the main story.

A significant improvement over its predecessor. While the balancing is still a bit off, this game loses a lot of the general clunkiness and is a whole lot more polished. If you're looking for a classic Pokemon game that still holds up, this would be the one.

There's really not much different here that would warrant a higher or lower score than gold and silver. So I'm just going to give it the same rating, praise and criticisms as those games.

2nd gen and animated sprites? gimme

With some good improvements from Gen 1, and the addition of colour, this was a fun step up but it still feels very outdated. I enjoyed the pacing of the region and the fact we get to go through Kanto all over again in a new order was pretty cool. Still just a lot of quality of life improvements holding it back.