Reviews from

in the past

I think I'm ready to come back to this one, despite being on weaker hardware, still a good way to play this game. But if it comes to Switch it's over

This port made me realize I hyped up the original Woolly World a LOT more in my mind than I thought I did. If it wasn't for the incredibly charming and cozy aesthetic of that version, I'm not sure it would have ever caught my eye. Still a very fun game, but I really don't like playing Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World because the low quality models and textures ruin the experience for me.

Unironically would’ve preferred if this got ported for a 3rd time to the Switch instead of Crafted World, but I suppose we can’t have nice things all the time

A direção de arte é linda, mas não salva o level design fraco e repetitivo

This game is actually a lot of fun, once you get past how bs it is to actually complete it. If you're like me (deranged) and like to play through every Yoshi game trying to get 100%, you will drive yourself mad with how annoying this game can be do it. But, there is one option you can do, a new feature in this rerelease known as "Mellow Mode" basically what happens is you have infinite flight and infinite eggs, you still take hits though so it's not entirely braindead. If you're planning on getting 100% which i'll say right now, it's not worth it, use mellow mode, it'll make your life easier.
With that out of the way, i'll just say that this game is very creative and the music is amazing, this is a solid 3DS port of a Wii U game, and I think its my preferred way to play. Sure the visuals aren't as strong as Wii U but this game still has the charm you'd expect from a Yoshi game. Right up there with the og Yoshis Island but that's going to be hard to top.

why did they port this and epic yarn to 3DS? are they stupid?

Super fun and solid all the way through. It’d definitely be better in HD, though, because my tiny 240p 3DS screen simply can’t do this art style justice.

jogo da Good-Feel que não me fez me sentir good

i thought this game was boring and slow but when I started speeding through levels I had more fun with it. the beginning levels took me so long to beat because there are FOUR different types of collectibles so I spent agessssss on each level looking for them. but I gave up and then it became more fun.

and I gained some respect for the game as it went on, because damn they really do have a unique theme and gimmick for every single level. that's really cool. and compared to NSMB2 on the 3DS, this game is way more complex and the mechanics are more fun. It has more controls than just run + jump :P

But overall this is still kinda mid and eh it's just a mindless background game.

also this is my third time writing this because my PC keeps crashing uh oh

Good but is better on Wii U and on a potential port on the Nintendo Switch or the next Nintendo console.

Mano, que jogo gostoso, Meu Deus.

I liked this game! I thought it was really cute and satisfying. Definitely not the most groundbreaking platformer, but I really enjoyed what I played!

poochy.... Poocby..... ouuuuuhhhhh poohy... greatesr animal ever.......

Such a sucker for nintendo Yarn games

My God how much effort
3DS first party games never disappoint

This is my favorite 3ds title and it is one of my favorite games. Everything from the hidden rooms to the enemies is perfect. The game looks amazing for the 3ds, and the art style is my favorite art style ever. This is a must play for those who enjoy platformers.

(9-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

Is a nice and cozy fluffy game, which is nice and cozy with a bunch of fluffy puppies, and he's so cute and you jump around and you throw puppies

Um bom jogo, muito bonito e criativo uma sequência melhor e mais digna ao yoshy island. O jogo não é tão fácil quanto pode aparentar, se vc apenas quiser completar o level provavelmente fará sem dificuldade, mas se vc quiser coletar todos os colecionáveis que Deus te ajude.
Eu apenas exigi de mim mesmo coletar os girassóis e os novelos de lã que desbloqueam fases extras e novos yoshis jogáveis, e quase fiquei loco, acho que levou mais de um ano pra concluir esse jogo, com pausas de messes sem jogar é claro. Uma coisa que eu não gostei foi as músicas, mas acho que elas não são ruins, apenas não é o meu gosto, mas me irritaram e me deixavam enjoado de ouvi-las toda hora, tive a sensação que elas se repetiam várias vezes em fases diferentes. Um dia gostaria de jogar a versão de wii u que é mais bonita em HD e o jogo parece ter sido inteiramente tricotado com os fiozinhos aparecendo e etc. Enquanto que o de 3ds só parece uma textura de lã, mas o jogo continua tão bom e bonito quanto o de wii u.

its good but the game drags on music, is great though

te va a gustar y te vas a divertir aunque seas un manco de mierda

Made it several worlds in, but never to the end, on account of abandoning my 3DS. I really wish Yoshi's Woolly World was ported to Switch as well, it's a super fun game, but until that happens, this game will remain unfinished.

It's funny/sad that they decided to make this game an early 2017 3DS game and not wait two more measly months and instead make the version with the stop-motion theater shorts, Poochy auto-running levels, and the create-a-Yoshi customization a Switch launch title instead. Now Yoshi's Woolly World both feels underappreciated and exists in this weird limbo where I can't consider either version "definitive" because one version lacks content and the other one doesn't have the cute HD yarn graphics.

It's a shame too, because if I ignore my childhood nostalgia for Yoshi's Story, this might be my second favorite Yoshi title behind the eternally beloved Yoshi's Island. After all these years and various releases of varying quality, they finally rediscovered the secret sauce for making another good Yoshi's Island title - complete with a great soundtrack, as if in apology for the auditory crimes committed by New Island - only for Nintendo to say "yeah I'm sure the 3DS and the Switch can coexist without any sales repercussions" and doomed this game to obscurity two separate times.

They even changed the way items are collected in this game! You don't have to gather everything in one run to count for 100% completion! Now I don't feel like I HAVE to spend forever combing through every corner in every level and find every little stamp to make sure my playthrough "counts"!

This game deserved better. Yarn Yoshi deserved better. My custom-made Rayman Yoshi (whom I've named Ray-Yoshi) and my custom-made Banjo-Kazooie Yoshi (dubbed Banyo-Kazoshi) deserved better.

And Poochy, especially, deserved better, even if don't want to ask the uncomfortable question of where the Poochy Pups came from if there only seems to be one Poochy. (although I guess Yarn Stork brought them. maybe.)

Boh, il est mignon, mais loin d'être mon jeu Yoshi préféré.

Probably my favorite Yoshi game other than the original Yoshi’s Island.

despite it's change in style, this game is a return to form to YI compared to the disappointing DS and god awful new island games. looks AND sounds comfy. i loved all the amiibo skins. yes yes yes yes yes!