Reviews from

in the past

Man, where to even start with this one. I have played Postal 4 since Alpha when it was first offered. A new Postal game?? Sign me up! I played through all the days and finished the game when the Friday update dropped. I know since then there have been tons of updates and optimizations, but it's just not worth going back to right this moment.

If you want the humor Postal 2 had, it's there however its more in your face. Which is one of my main gripes. Postal 2 was more subtle with its references, whereas Postal 4 is along the lines of "ZOMG go to the Game of Thrones Toilet store and install Bidets, but watch out for Peter Dinklage!" or with the return of the voting errand, but with WACKY BROKEN VOTING MACHINES, REMEMBER THE 2020 ELECTION?!?! At least in Postal 2, the political commentary was less ham-fisted.

I felt the design of some of the areas was severly lacking. Way too open and drawn out, with large expanses of empty map between areas. The layout of the map was also confusing, requiring me to pull out my map every 20 seconds. This is even WITH a minimap.

I don't mean this personally, but John St. John is the shittiest Postal dude VA. I'm serious. I would take Zack Ward over his performance any day. I am glad they included all VA's for the Dude that you can select from, Rick Hunter immediately.

I also felt the overall story/plot was missing something. Every errand felt disjointed, as well as the people you were doing errands for. The reveal at the end of Friday was also horrible, it retconns an entire sequence of Postal 2 that I adore playing through. It felt cheap. Same with the mall shootout, cheap arena fight that had an out-of-left-field payoff.

I would say play it, but its not worth multiple playthroughs

A worse version of an already mediocre, overrated piece of shit from 20 years.
One of the most egregious cases of abusing the early access system Ive ever seen. Its current state would have been barely acceptable as the initial EA build, nevermind the "finished" product.
Dogshit company & game. Not even worth the bandwith needed to download it

So uh, postal 4, since I played the first version of it and yeah it was terrible... Did my review changed? well yeah and now i'm coming with the full review after beating the game, let's start with some cons.

Endless bugs, performance issues.

Now let me explain, so if you ever finished postal 4 you know how many bugs this game has. I don't need to count them even RWS know about this issue and they are trying to fix it.
I encountered less bugs in postal 3 in the DRM update which is funny but yeah.

As for the performance... That gotta be the worst THING ever, why RWS switched to unreal? (again) my game crashed atleast 20 times after I loaded a new map, yet again this happened in postal 2 as well but not this often. And the framerate is very random, in some places it runs smooth and sometimes the game lags out of nowhere and it makes it unplayable. I was getting tired of the unreal engine report bug tool, so let's move to the story.

The story is simple, dude lost his trailer home and he ends up in edensin, there he takes jobs just like in postal 2 or 3.
You have new characters like kunny (the female version of krotchy) civvie11 as a boss for some reason lol and the final boss which i'm not gonna spoil it. But in the end is the classic postal story route.

Again, thank you RWS for releasing updates that heals this game, at the current moment this game is still pretty forgettable for the majority of people playing it. I might replay it after 3 years or so, had some major bugs in my playthrough and I HOPE it gets fixed.

Now for the final question... Is it worth to get this game in his current state? (11/17/2023) Hell no, trust me wait a bit and then give it a try. RWS is trying to fix this game with major updates so yeah wait until the game is right. The stars are there, might change this review when I will replay it one day.

it's... a weird addition to the postal line-up of games. i can't really describe it.

started on pc, had to switch over to ps5, still working on beating it but both are great. easier time playing on ps5 for obvious reasons (shit computer). good fun

Tried so hard to bring back the charm of the 2nd game, but just doesn't quite land. I did like how the errands you run are for various silly characters, but the map is just way to big and getting from point A to B is a slog.

bought this game and my computer couldn't run it, got a new computer for gaming and it still can't run it, i'm starting to think the game might be a bit broken

This game tried to be Postal 2 so hard and it just failed.

The humor, gameplay, glitches, bugs... it goes on.

But it's still fun when everything works.

Over hated. Far from perfect and aside from some glitches, it's fun to play. I recommend waiting for the game to make further updates or buy it on sale.

few words can be used to describe postal 4 - mediocre; ugly; buggy and most importantly - joyless.
this game feels like a cashgrab with bad reception of it being covered by multiple layers of irony by RWS that it was intended to be ass.

i struggle to grasp how you can make a postal game and make it inoffensive, using safe unfunny lame humor as well as somehow avoid making it fun. postal 4 humor is literally HAHA FECES HAHA SEX TOYS without anything boundary pushing or interesting to it.

it's insane that it seems like RWS put more effort into their social media accounts than the actual game. the game is ugly as a sin with inconsistent artstyle, it's prone to crashing or bricking mid missions which are not fun in the first place. npcs are incredibly fucking dull compared to postal 2.

i find it to be hilarious RWS tried to distance themselves from postal 3 just to make a game that's closer to it in quality than it is to postal 2, it's incredibly doubtful they will fix it because it would require rewriting the game from the very foundation of it.

if you get a postal itch and want to play this game for some reason - don't. boot up postal: brain damaged (which i consider to be the actual 4th game, not this mess) or postal 2. there isn't a timeline where this game is worth 40 fucking bucks, even 20 bucks is pushing it for this piece of dookie.

I like to call this game Postal 2.2 because it’s mechanically exactly the same as Postal 2. The combat is much better but at cost we have worse humor.

i have a lot to say on this one. i highly recommend it if you're obsessed with the postal series as i am, however, it is still very much unpolished. i really wish it were optimized better since frame rate and lag are big issues with this one.

the humor is a bit corny and outdated, as a lot of it references memes or events that happened between 2018-2022, and you know how things get uh... old quick, if that makes sense? an example of this is a huge billboard in edensin which advertises a satirization of that netflix show 'tiger king', this one was popular during quarantine but its not really something people care or remember today

i love the costumes and having to do side quests to get them, and my favourite part above all are the voice line options. they feature the voice actors of the previous dudes from the other games. epic.

i, however, do not like the plushie collecting. as i write this, its actually impossible to complete. trust me, i tried. 1-3 are stuck behind walls which you cant get through without cheats (and cheats disable achievements.. soooo...) i really hope rws fixes this because its honestly very frustrating, and getting around the map is so tedious, the bike helps but not by a long shot, i guess im just more used to the postal 2 map but i feel like this one needs a bit more work

I had WR a couple of times on Good game

imagine releasing an unfinished game that misses the point of why 2 was so good, and then pick fights with smaller dev teams for partaking in complete non issues while also sucking themselves off for doing the bare minimum and "fixing it"

just because other companies are doing it doesn't mean it should become the standard. I like cyberpunk but it doesn't change the fact it shouldn't happen in the first place. Hope you enjoy all the respect lost guys lol

I may come back to this game later, but honestly this just feels like a worse version of 2. Mainly in the feel of the game, I actually think the humor is better in this one from what I've seen but I have admittedly not even made it past day 1. Maybe some day I'll try it again and actually have fun

Had a rough launch and has a long way to go imo before it reaches the heights of Postal 2 or Paradise Lost, but I still like it a lot as a fan of RWS and the Postal series. I have fun running around its sandbox and causing trouble, love driving the vehicles. The weapons all feel really good, and the recent addition to dropkick people at 400 miles an hour is beautiful. Lotta moments made me laugh and gave me a big silly grin. I like how replayable each day seems to be and I love that the game is fully voiced by every actor who's played the Postal Dude so you can enjoy it with your favorite.

The bugginess is the main reason I deduct points though. They've patched it a lot and are continuing to clean and improve the game which is great, but it's still kinda frustrating to deal with broken progress triggers or crashes that were still there as of my most recent run.

I love it a lot though and it is a much more worthy sequel than Postal 3 ever was.


The Backloggd rating and kneejerk fan reactions seem to indicate my initial response to Postal 4's release was the same as many others'. Disgust. I absolutely get where y'all are coming from when you hate on Postal 4; so don't brush me off when I tell you that its is a great game.

Let's get this out of the way: yes, most of my old complaints still apply to this game in the year of our Lord 2024. Postal 4 is a janky mess, riddled with bugs and horrid difficulty spikes. It's also an indie game with a massive scope. It's worth noting that many people complained about Postal 2 back in the day in much the same way people are complaining about Postal 4 now.

When I began my playthrough, I was trying to breeze through the days in much the same way I would in my optimized runs of the second game. However, I quickly ran into issues. Attempting to speed demon my way from point to point left me feeling worn out even after just an hour or two of play. When I started taking my time, seeing the sights, vibing with the silly cutscenes, dissecting people with the fantastic arsenal of new weapons, that's when Postal 4 clicked. This is a vibrant and dense game. Shitty jokes and side content are plastered just about everywhere a modern game engine would allow. It's arguably the best open world I've seen a game, where the copypasting is minimal and every space feels like it serves a purpose, not to pad out game size. It's certainly better than whatever Starfield has going on. And that game has a higher rating than this!

I don't mean to get hung up over the critical reception of Postal 4. If a RWS-developed game is ever universally beloved, something has gone terribly wrong. It just really sucks to see so many RWS fans shit on something that was clearly a passion project for the team. Don't let its reputation dissuade you from checking it out.

At first its ugliness and being awful in general is charming. But absurd difficulty and bugs ultimately makes you regert playing this.

janky as hell but actually gets more enjoyable the longer i play it

Chegaria no mesmo nível que o 2 se não fosse pelo mapa grande demais e as missões meio sem sal, mas me fez lembrar de como eu gosto da liberdade (quase) total sem grandes consequências e exploração recompensadora do 2 e do 4.

Só queria que tivesse demorado mais para sair do early access.

This game is used as torture for people at the Pentagon.

i don't understand how anyone can unironically like this game. 2 years out of early access and it still contains bugs from the alpha. not only does it run like shit, it looks like shit. even postal 3 was more visually appealing. the game being hot garbage isn't quirky. postal 2 was controversial because it was edgy, this game is controversial because its 50 dollars and uses unity store assets. they are not the same. the devs can cope all they like