Reviews from

in the past

The story here is that one Phineas and Ferb episode but bad.
Why is this the playstation platformer that lived?

Having never played a Ratchet & Clank game before, I didn't expect much of it, presuming it to be a fun but childish action game. And there is some truth to that sentiment, but what I got wrong was how incredibly fun it would really be and how likeable I would find the characters.

Ratchet himself I had for some reason presumed to be a manic snappy video game protagonist so I was much more interested in the considerably cooler looking Rivet (Ratchet's hat truly is silly), and she didn't fail to endear with her gung-ho attitude and pure coolness, but Ratchet (and Clank as well) surprised me with their depth of emotion and kindness. It was really when Ratchet met Kit and I could see what kind of a person he truly is that I fell in love with him and his cheery compassion. After that it didn’t matter anymore who I was playing, I was in it for the whole nine yards.

The story itself might be a bit silly still (especially the cartoony villain whose name I even feel silly writing), but it’s fun enough to keep one entertained and there’s enough depth to the relationships between the characters and their regrets and doubts that it manages to occasionally resonate. I won’t be singing praises for its story, but I’d love to spend more time with these characters. I might even go back to play some older Ratchet and Clank games, just to see how the guys hold up.

As for the gameplay, what starts a bit chaotic, stays chaotic, but in the best way where you’re not just button-mashing but using your various weapons to control the chaos. There were times when the screen was so filled with effects that if I had not been playing it myself, I wouldn't have understood what was going on. The weapons are all fun to use and even the most generic of them are drawn in a new fashion that adds novelty to them. The feeling of shooting a gun has been optimised to such an extent that there wasn’t any of the big selection that I didn’t like, only those I preferred over others.

I love it when a game surprises me like this. What started as trying out an acclaimed game that I expected to consider fine, turned into one of my all-time favourite games and a series I’m now looking forward to. So nice :)

Menuda joyita se ha sacado Insomniac con este juego. Para mí, el mejor de la saga, pero con muchísima diferencia. Divertidísimo de principio a fin.

Es cortito, pero tampoco necesita mucho más. Ojalá más juegos así de PlayStation Studios y menos GaaS o juegos de 40 horas con escenarios abiertos, sistema de botín y parafernalias así.

This game made me so happy! It took me back to the first game when I was a kid with my younger brother. I don't just mean the nostalgia, but the way the game felt, the way it was structured. It gives me hope for Sony's future.

The gameplay, running at 60fps, was beautiful and felt great to play. The colour palette and lighting as my enforcer lit up a room of goons-4-less was stunning. I haven't seen anything like it on the PS5. The game itself looks incredible, the graphics are stunning.

Rivet is a great character, and I can't wait to have a Rivet and Kit game. The story was basic, but hey, it's fun, and that's all that matters with Ratchet and Clank. One of the first games this year to make me excited about a sequel!

I've never played any of the previous games of this series, but after Rift Apart I feel like I should give the other ones a try, too! If you have a PlayStation 5, you can't miss this one - the graphics, the amazingly imaginative gameplay elements, the characters, the DualSense support, it's all incredible. I haven't enjoyed a platformer so much since Super Mario Odyssey. It's a bit short, but there's even some replay value. An almost perfect all-ages adventure!

This review contains spoilers

Skidd McMarx returned, that had to be my favorite part of the game if not for the alternate dimension Skidd (Phantom) whom is a boss. But about this game, it was great, the story progressed right from "Ratchet and Clank" [2016]. When starting with the game, I assumed that the two separate stories would be annoying jumping back and forth from one another. Switching between characters was nicely worked in within the story. The final boss fight was the amazing, utilizing both characters within the fight in different phases was a great way to see both dimensions characters fight along side each other. Although the story was similar to "Phineas and Ferb Across the 2nd Dimension" it was still unique and had a good story.

Like Marvel, Star Wars, and Pixar had a baby. Incredible graphics, charm, character and world design. Combat has tons of options and movement is great. Rift tech has potential for a lot. Rivet and Kit are awesome. Next game should be Ratchet and Rivet; co op!

This was literally the sole reason why I bought a PS5, so I’m glad it turned out to be one of my best gaming experiences to date.

Just such a great time all the way through.

Fun game, as is with nearly every Ratchet & Clank game. It is a bit on the short side though. Similar to A Crack In Time, but technically better executed and more enjoyable to play and 100% complete. Surely a must have.

Really good, just too short. Still adored it though. So pretty.

Very solid platformer to round out the PS5's excluives library. As my 2nd Ratchet game I loved it. Looked like a Disney movie yada-yada-yada

A really great experience from start to platinum. For the most part of the game i had fun, except some arena challenges which were frustrating. Probably my favourite R&C game. The weapons felt good to use, the combat had me in a flow state and the collectibles were never too hard to find.

Super solid action platformer with absolutely top notch presentation, however lack of enemy variety can make certain sections a little bit of a slog to get through, especially when you're fighting the same miniboss for the 11th time. 3.7/5.

Que asterion n’approche jamais de ce jeu

A beautiful, masterfully crafted piece of macaroni art. Fun, but don't be rough with it or look at it too closely.

The game is a very good demonstration of what Sony's newest console can do. If you had told me 15 years ago when I was playing the PS2 games at a friend's house that Ratchet and Clank would not only continue this far as a series, would still be made by Insomniac instead of the IP being sold off and going multi-platform, and would be one of very few high production-value exclusives for the PS5, I would not believe you. To me this feels like if Jimmy Neutron was still getting a big budget theatrical movie every few years. The use of the controller's adaptive triggers is at worst satisfactory, and at best makes standard the kinds of inputs that all the dozens of people who like the Steam controller praised it for.

The core mechanics are strong, a massive improvement over the 2016 movie-tie-in game. Everything in the previous game felt completely weightless, controlling Ratchet was like controlling a cursor; playing the game for the first time over half a decade ago I wondered if it would feel better with a higher framerate, trying out the first few levels on PS5 quickly gave me the answer (no). The camera movement still feels like its velocity is unusually high but that's basically my only complaint. Standard jumping and shooting feels great, and the multiple kinds of dashing give movement both in and out of combat so much more flair. The standard dash is the only time I can think of where a 3D game uses the kinds of trailing after-images seen in games like Symphony of the Night, and the R1/L2 dash is able to cover so much ground that I was shocked when I realized it wasn't limited to the wide, flat level where it is introduced. There are times where it feels both refreshing and somewhat absurd that a game with this amount of visual polish and movielike story presentation can be allowed to control like a classic PlayStation game.

It's always sort of telling to me that something is off when a game has something very unique on its title screen. An obvious and common example is when a game prominently features a button that takes you to a digital storefront, though a game like Sephonie giving you a direct link to a walkthrough right from the get-go is also pretty informing about what sort of priorities the game was made with. I've seen games that have speedrunning options before, but Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is the only game I've ever seen feature them in such plain sight, instead of burying them deep in the settings menu. The philosophy is no secret, this is a game that expects you to blitz through it.

The game encourages such fast-paced engagement with its core content, both by its mechanical speed and set-piece oriented linear segments as well as narrative urgency, that I got about halfway through before I realized that there was anything optional or hidden in the game at all. Many of the levels begin as a much more linear sequence, either because certain elements haven't populated the area yet, or because the game doesn't give you a necessary traversal ability until later. Though, even on a revisit, there's only so much opening up that can be done for some levels; the underwater laboratory is a particularly egregious example. The first visit provides some extreme urgency in the form of an Alien-esque monster stalking the halls, meaning the player likely develops a tunnel-vision preventing them from finding anything optional on their initial run. Coming back to this level later, it hasn't changed much at all other than allowing the player to go through it at their own pace. Finding a collectable in the deepest parts of this area is still going to require the player to take the whole loop around.

What's with that "zurpstone" side mission? To get one of the collectables you need to break 60 purple rocks in one of the early levels. A lot of them are up high, on towers and hills that seem inaccessible. After getting half of them, you get the option of flying around the area on a dragon, but the dragon can't actually damage the stones. After you get 45 of them, the dragon can breathe fire and break the rocks, and you get a piece of NPC dialogue saying "oh yeah I forgot to tell you earlier..." so it's not like they forgot to explain this to the player, they meant for this to be hidden information, and that's... stupid? What's the intent there? Did they want players to uselessly try to climb a mountain, having no idea that they should direct their attention elsewhere until they get every single other rock?

The game is surprisingly buggy for how otherwise polished it appears. At least once per level I found myself either dying or getting stuck due to broken collision. In one of the arena missions, enemies just stopped showing up and I had to reload from checkpoint. Character chatter often seemed to reflect a completely different context than what was going on; I can't be certain that all of these were actually errant but it sure felt like it. At one point, after doing one of the Glitch missions (interesting coincidence) the game didn't actually give me the reward, and instead had me do another, different mission at the same terminal. Later in the game I found the final Glitch terminal, but the reward was already sitting out in the open.

The character dialogue is just unbearably, sickly sentimental. You'll be doing your regular scrimblo bimblo bouncehouse funtime and your silly big-eyed robobuddy will ask you why you don't fear the future. Everyone feels like a member of one of those online "support groups" that turn into gossip circles as soon as the wrong person steps out of line, it all feels excessive and disingenuous. Some late twist reveals throw a wrench in the works but get resolved so quickly that I'm not sure what the point was. Kit is the only character who really has a recognizable arc, but I'm not sure what it's in service of or what really changed, was it a matter of self control or of learning to take risks? I don't know.

Relatively minor spoilers ahead, the bad guy loses at the end, shocker. The premise of the game is that Dr. Nefarious bridges the gap between dimensions to find a universe where he always wins. This is where most of the game takes place, and for basically every story beat this rings true. Nearly everything that could go wrong for our heroes does go wrong. It might seem that the story is being set up to be about perseverance or the power of friendship overcoming impossible odds, but that's not really what happened. Having all but conquered his own world, the alternate universe Emperor Nefarious falls victim to his own hubris, and decides that he must also conquer the universe that Ratchet, Clank, and Dr. Nefarious are from. This is, obviously, not the universe where Nefarious always wins anymore; sure enough, who delivers the final blow on the Emperor? Not Ratchet, Rivet, Clank, or Kit, but Dr. Nefarious. From start to finish the story is driven almost solely by the antagonists.

You can get a keyblade and make the money look like rupies, so that's neat.

1a vez que jogo um da franquia e não esperava que fosse gostar tanto, é uma ventura bem divertida com personagens muito carismáticos e cenários incríveis, fiquei surpreso com o level designe e direção de arte do jogo,não é nada inovador mas é muito bem feito e bonito. O combate do jogo também é excelente com a grande variedade de armas e podendo fazer combinações deixa bem dinâmico ele, muitas vezes eu me senti em doom com a velocidade e ter que toda hora trocar de arma rápido pra não apanhar. Ele tem um ritmo bom na progressão que não faz cansar e te mantém engajado no jogo, esse sendo dúvida é o jogo que deixa claro o potencial da nova geração( o único até agora) os visuais são absurdos e a dinâmica de gameplay com os portais demonstra isso, enfim um espetáculo do sonysmo.

Amazingly fun and clever shooter. I love how they modernized the gameplay while keeping the goofy characters and dialogue. As a life long fan of the series, this one was a blast to play through.

Group Discussion Podcast:

My Final Thoughts:

Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is an amazing game, and for those of you who have been on the fence about whether or not you should play it - you should just play it. Especially with the recent announcement of the PC port coming soon. This game is Ratchet and Clank in its purest form, firing off on all cylinders. This is the cleanest I have ever seen the combat, and I would say is probably the most accessible Ratchet and Clank game to date. This game is fun, it’s chaotic, and it has reminded me why I love the Ratchet and Clank series despite the few bugs I encountered.

I am curious to see where they will go from here if they were to make another game, as I still feel like they are just scratching the surface and there is still more room for exploration regarding the time and dimension aspect of the series. They have spent decades building the entire game series, and there are a lot of worlds, and characters they could work off of. Give me the Spiderverse but with Ratchet and Clank basically lol.

Anyways, with that said, I am going to give Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart an 8.5 out of 10.

Maybe I'm just too attached to the PS2 era of this series, but I was pretty disappointed by this. The early weapon roster is very stock for the series and none of the weapons feel particularly unique, even if they're decent fun to use. There's hardly any platforming. All of the bosses feel very designed around this game's dodge roll equivalent, which I am not a fan of compared to the acrobatic staffing of the past. The writing also grated on me immensely, even more than the Future games, although it's admittedly been a while since I played those.

Maybe some of my complaints would've smoothed out over time, but I was only able to put around 3 hours into this before I had to tap out. It's missing too much of what defined the series to me, in favor of "next gen" features that leave it feeling more generic. Maybe I'll come back when I'm feeling less cynical. It doesn't really seem bad, but it's certainly not what I wanted out of a modern entry, and nothing I saw sold me on the modernizations.

fun, not too long, and overall enjoyable

Silah çeşitliliği, oyunun verdiği neşeli sohbetler oyuncuya güzel işliyor. Oyun içerisinde boss ve düşman çeşitliliği çok az kalmış. çok daha detaylı girilir ama oynanır.

yani. güzel, eğlenceli, kafa dağıtmalık oyun. fiyatından ve ameleliğinden dolayı pek puan veremedim. onun dışında gayet iyi oyun.

Rift Apart was a pretty good game and such a fun entry in the series after being gone for so long. This game is graphically incredible and surprisingly ran so consistently well minus a few glitches. The combat is pretty engaging with a good variety of weapons available, though I did want a little more and miss some past staples like the flamethrower. I loved the added movement abilities made here such as the dash and wall running in making both ratchet and rivet so mobile and smooth in traversal and combat.

The story was pretty good overall and I enjoyed the new additions of Rivet and Kit to the series as they bring a different feel compared to Ratchet and Clank, especially when they are swapped and explore some interesting areas such as Ratchet’s conflicting feelings with potentially meeting other lombax and what that would mean for him. That said, this game is criminally short, especially for a full price current gen game that I thankfully did not pay for because it’s on ps plus. I would have loved to get more areas or have the story or other elements like the rifts be tackled even further than the super short and linear portions they ended up being. Not too mad about it because at the end of the day I really enjoyed playing through this and will definitely be returning on harder difficulties and collecting everything. Hopefully the next entry won’t take another console generation but I guess that’s the nature of games nowadays.

Ha sido un muy buen juego para estrenar la PS5. Aprovecha las características de la consola, además de que es un juego muy cuidado a nivel de gráficos, animaciones y optimización. Lo he jugado a 60fps con Ray Tracing y 0 problemas.
Además de que el juego es divertido como él sólo, con el tema de conseguir armas, mejorarlas, desbloquear nuevas habilidades, etc. Y Rivet es amor.

Another 100% in the bag. Super engaging platformer.

Playtime: 19 Hours
Childhood in the qualitatively highest possible form. Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is just that for me. Sure, there's a lot of nostalgia involved here because this game series brought me into the world of gaming and I loved all the old parts on the first Playstations and played through them multiple times, but Rift Apart is a terrific game for me outside of that as well.

The story is simple (as always), but with Rivet and Kit there are new characters that support the multiverse approach as well as expand the lore and provide two additional playable Storys.

The power of the Ps5 is put to great use by jumping from dimension holes to completely new levels without loading time. And the world is designed even more than in the predecessors with many loving details. The game Just looks stunning.

Gameplay is as intuitive as it is fun. In combat, the many movement options, enemy types and different weapons create a flow that is unparalleled and absolutely addictive.
Love this game.

Really fun game, amazing graphics, nice stories, and great haptics. One of the few truly next gen games available on the PS5.