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in the past

Cheio de artifícios de gameplay para prolongar a duração e cheio de missõezinhas irritantes que não agregam nada.

Le jeu est étonnamment long, mais pas ennuyant pour autant, c'est vraiment très sympa de jouer chaque personnage qui ont chacun leurs gameplay, il y a quelques niveaux pas dingue et la scénario va pas pisser très loin mais c'est vraiment un bon jeu !

Truly one of the great PS2-era platformers. There's so much charm to everything about this game, but you've got to start with the characters.

It's difficult to imagine 3 better-written stereotypical comedic characters than Sly, Bentley and The Murray. Relentlessly funny throughout the whole game. The main villains are amazing too, and they really embody the cartoonishness and their own respective levels so well. I would love if there were a few more though, since a couple of the crime bosses get two levels, where by the end you're just waiting to see the back of them and get your teeth into a new colourful baddie.

The world design is also top-notch. For sure there are a few better worlds than others (Paris is always the notable mention for what shines about this game), but even the slightly more bland environments are easy to look over when they still contain consistently varied and entertaining missions.

They really don't make 'em like this anymore!

During my PS2 days, the Sly Cooper games were unique and full of character. I originally started the series with Sly 2, coincidentally being the first Sly game I would platinum from the Sly Cooper remastered collection.

The soundtrack, story, and character designs were all very engaging. The UI was simple and unique for the time, and the style was confident and bold. Speaking of style and themes, I really loved the heist planning, and slideshow of the team discussing the steps on taking each Clockwork part. For a game about being a thief, pickpocketing sure was rewarding with the many different props and items you could fish out of enemy pockets. As a kid, some of the stages were creepy and eerie feeling; you’re constantly hiding and on the run in a dark city devoid of civilians. In retrospect Sly Cooper always felt like what Sonic the Hedgehog was suppose to be, personality wise.

I guess one of the smaller gripes I had would be Bentley’s gameplay being the weakest of the three characters, and how some antagonists would have two chapters instead of one. The additional chapter rarely added much to the story arc.

Both gameplay and platinum trophy was easy, as all trophies involve stories or collecting coins and breaking bottles.

Overall Rating: 95
Personal Difficulty: 25
Trophy Hunting Difficulty: 25

Characters become some of the strongest and most likeable in gaming, controls are perfect, story is entertaining and the series’ style is realised and gets built upon in the next game…. And then completely stomped in in sly 4

I played the second game as part of "The Sly Collection".

🕗 Total time played (approx.): 13h
🏆 Completion: 100% (36/36 Trophies)


"Sly 2: Band of Thieves" is a game that embodies the essence of a solid 3D platformer with its charming art style and delightful characters. Throughout my playthrough, I found myself genuinely enjoying the experience, but there were also moments that left me feeling frustrated and somewhat disappointed.

Let's start with the positives: the game's art style is STILL fantastic, with vibrant colors and imaginative designs that bring the world to life. The characters, from Sly and his friends to the various villains, are well-developed and full of personality. The heist-based gameplay is a refreshing twist, adding a layer of strategy and planning to the typical platformer formula. The core mechanics of sneaking around, pickpocketing, and using gadgets are all well-executed and make for satisfying gameplay. The variety of missions and locations keeps things interesting, and the story is engaging, with twists and turns that keep you hooked.

However, as much as I enjoyed the majority of "Sly 2", there were certain aspects that detracted from the overall experience. One of the biggest culprits was the inclusion of vehicle sequences. These moments felt like they were from a different game altogether and often disrupted the flow of gameplay. Not only that, but the controls during these sequences were frustratingly imprecise, leading to more than a few instances of unnecessary failure. Additionally, the final level on the Airship was particularly aggravating. It was filled with tasks and challenges that felt more like chores than fun gameplay. The difficulty spike was kinda steep, and the sheer number of enemies and obstacles made it more of a test of patience than skill. It was also a disappointing end to an otherwise enjoyable game.

Despite these frustrations, "Sly 2: Band of Thieves" remains a solid 3D platformer with a lot of heart. The characters and world are charming, the heist mechanics are engaging, and there are plenty of moments that will put a smile on your face. It's just a shame that certain design choices and the final level marred what could have been a near-perfect experience. In conclusion, the game manages to entertain and charm, but it's not without its flaws. If you're a fan of 3D platformers and can overlook some frustrating moments, you'll likely have a good time with this game. Just be prepared for a few bumps along the way.

⭐ Rating: 3/5

A sequel that takes a totally new different approach in its design to the first games formula and it mostly pays off incredibly well. I think some of the levels feel padded out which leads to some annoying tedium, the boss fights aren't as dynamic and don't take as much risk as the first games. But the game makes up for it in much smoother gameplay in its platforming, combat, etc. Fantastic presentation and atmosphere in each level bring the world of Sly Cooper to even more life then the first games. Only issue is that the levels don't feel at all well designed for Bentley or Murray to run around in. Another noticeable step up from the first is the games narrative, the core gang each have even wittier and funnier written comradery, it also makes them all feel fleshed out as characters who learn and grow. Murray especially becomes an actual character this time and isn't just the fat one in the group looking for hot dogs like in the first game. Bentley having his moments to take the lead beyond the planning phase and face his fears. Overall a surprisingly great sequel full of surprises and fun even with its rough edges. Another 6th generation PS2 gem.

Sly 2 is a step up from the last game being a (mostly) stealth 3d platformer. They took what was iconic and created detailed open zones that feels like a perfect fit for the genre.
There is plenty to love in this game; the small zones that are dense with plenty to do and explore (the complete opposite in todays gaming world), quirky characters and interactions, and the varied gameplay which includes the mini games.
The theme and setting for Sly Cooper is iconic and leans more into it, I enjoy that you can play as all 3 members in this game, all having unique abilities to setup the heist. For instance, Murry can take on 5 enemies no problem while Sly is fantastic in traversing the stage. Sly 2 is not perfect as a few issues I found is:
- World 3, is not good. The missions and level design is sub par. Thankfully it was only one world I had issues with.
- Although an improvement, the story is fine but is lacking punch and the heists seems too lack sense upon what you are to achieve hindering motivation.
- When going though the zones, the game loop barely changes and makes the game repetitive towards the end. The zone areas are similar size and the enemies are the same just a different appearance.
- The games difficulty stays constant after the third zone so lacks the feeling of progression for the player
The game took about 17 hours to beat and was so rich in content. I played it on PS3 but if you are building a PS3 library, this game is one of the greats to have. Now to wish for a PS5 remake

Okei nyt on se sitä laatu settiä surely ne ei tee tätä parempaa pelii

Way more fleshed out than Sly 1 but honestly I think I like both games evenly but this one might have aged better into modern day

step down from the first game but not bad overall

GooeyScale: 70/100

After 18 years of playing this game,I finally finished it,all because i was dumb and ruined my disc.Loved it,an all time classic.I just wish Sucker Punch returns to this franchise.

Sly 2 is one of those 'above and beyond' type sequels where every single thing that could reasonably have been an issue with the original is improved, and things that didn't need to be improved are somehow made better. As I said in my review for Infamous 2, it's so nice to play a sequel that knows exactly what it's doing and why it's doing it.

Sly 2 trades the first game's quest for restoring the Cooper family's legacy and hunting their greatest adversary for a series of meticulously planned heists against an international gang of criminals. While the first game understandably focused almost entirely on Sly, this game instead gives Murray and Bentley some much-needed time in the spotlight. They both play very differently too, with Murray relying purely on brute force and muscle and Bentley relying entirely on gadgets to get the job done.

Though Sly is obviously the most satisfying character to play, taking control of the rest of the gang helps bring a nice change of pace to the proceedings without their roles being relegated to so-so minigame type levels with bizarre difficulty spikes as in Sly 1.

Sly 2 is also where the series finds its definitive identity. While that identity can still be felt in the original, it really becomes fully formed in Band of Thieves, oozing a bombastic style with its brightly colored comic book look and its film noir attitude and tone. It helps elevate Sly from a great platformer with an inspired vision to something truly special.

The story and particularly the dialogue also receive an upgrade, with mature, sharply written banter between the Cooper gang and their adversaries as they try to stay one step ahead at every turn. Its narrative might not be as dark and sinister as the original, but it doesn't intend to be, instead providing an Ocean's Eleven-style globetrotting caper with all the fun and dramatic twists that would entail.

Really, my only problems with Sly 2 are that the camera occasionally has a mind of its own, especially in tight corridors and corners, and that the game's length, while perfectly acceptable on its own, does start to reveal cracks in the repetitive nature of its gameplay and level structure as the chapters wind on in the back half of the game. Granted, it never really stops being fun to play, so it's not a totally egregious issue, but it's still noticeable. There’s also some spotty voice acting here and there from Neyla and Carmelita and issues with attaching to nearby climbing points as Sly.

Of course, the PS3 remaster has issues with glitches and sound problems on occasion, but that's not Sucker Punch's fault.

These blemishes, however, are not enough to bring down the whole and Sly 2 lives up to be a sequel that's better in nearly every single way from its predecessor, cementing this series as a classic worthy of unconditional respect and love.


great game that is fun and enjoyable from start to finish. exceeded expectations from the first game with it upgrading almost everything

I wasn't a huge fan of the change to a more episodic with open-worlds structure at first just because it felt like each episode felt so much longer but it did grow on me in the second half of the game some of the mini-games are absolute dog water though and the controls can be finicky in a way they weren't in the original

Sly 2 makes a few adjustments to its predecessor. Hub levels now provide exploration and minor mission freedom. Game play systems are numerous - impressively so. Each world has interesting encounters that you don't see again. You also get to play a decent amount as your teammates - although, they're more annoying coming from Sly's varied move set and robust movement.

Like most PS2 platformers, it has some finicky controls and an occasionally disruptive camera. Those frustrations culminate in a finale that dampens the overall experience. Sly 2 at least offers more generous checkpoints and abandons life mechanics.

While Sly 2 does slightly improve on the prior title in most ways, it's not enough to elevate it to a recommendation in the modern gaming era.

Хорошая игра.
Первая часть больше походила на очень качественный rip-off Крэша бандикута.
Но Band of Thieves показала свою индивидуальность за счёт самой структуры игры и её механик. Каждый играбельный персонаж это индивидуальность, подчёркивается это не только сюжетом, но и геймплеем. С одной стороны у нас тут типичные: ловкий, сильный умный. Но дьявол в деталях. Но эти самые детали я предлагаю не прочитать/услышать/посмотреть где-то там, а самим поиграть.
Игра в плане управление и геймдизайна ни разу не устарела и отлично играется и в наше время. Но учтите, что вас возможно оттолкнёт та самая новая структура игры с набором миссий и хронометраж игры, а возможно не оттолкнёт, чёрт вас знает

great sequel. open world felt grand as a kid.

In my opinion this game was a little too long, the open area's are a great addition but most of the quests feel really similar which bored me a little bit. Overall a fine game, but i preferred the first one.

I'm getting nostalgic with this

Wasn't a big fan of the mission style formula, a lot of them felt quite repetitive and much of the platforming was gone. Regardless, the game isn't bad by any means, just not what I wanted for a sequel after playing the first.

A sequel done right! The hub worlds are now way better and seen as pretty open-world, you get to play as Bentley and Murray, and there's a lot of story to this game. It's a fun time and by the end of the long journey, you will have learned how to play each character best. I will say the only downsides are lack of replayability after completing the game and design-favoritism towards Sly which limits what the other two can do when you play as them. It's the easiest of the three games to 100% as well. Fun, but lacking anything to do after completing the story.

Initially, I approached Sly 2 with excitement. The first game had some easily fixable issues that, with a few minor tweaks, could have resulted in an exceptional follow-up. However, Insomniac Games made significant changes to the core structure of the first game, and, to be honest, most of these changes were for the worse.

Gone are the Crash Bandicoot-esque levels, replaced by a vast amount of mini-games and tiny platforming levels scattered across various open worlds. Initially, I welcomed the variety, but I soon realized that Sly 2 was primarily composed of these mini-games. Unfortunately, almost every single one fell short. They often dragged on, requiring players to collect, defeat, or destroy a minimum of five or ten things instead of a more manageable three. The controls were consistently subpar, whether in aiming mini-games (too sensitive) or button-mashing challenges (awkward). Even vehicle movement suffered (the tank mini-game being a prime example of both bad aiming and movement controls). With several dozen mini-games, including repeats, playing Sly 2 became a a real slog.

Despite these flaws, there were notable improvements over the first game. Collectibles now emit a tiny noise, aiding in their discovery. Playing as Murray and Bentley added variety, although their lack of Sly’s fundamental traversal mechanics limited their appeal. The overall style of each level and their respective bosses improved significantly. Fighting bosses (except for the final one) felt relatively painless. Levels like Canada, Prague, and the final stage stood out with excellent music and well-designed open worlds. The game’s action also improved, offering more useful and fun abilities, including pickpocketing, which enhanced the stealthy thief experience.

However, the game’s excessive length hindered enjoyment. Spending eighteen hours wading through an endless miasma of mini-games in Sly 2 felt excessive. Late-period 3D platformers often suffered from bloat due to genre limitations and a fear of making games too short. I hope Sly 3 strikes a better balance, because it can’t possibly be worse than this.