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in the past

My favorite of the trilogy. Suffers from a little too much ambition but is the perfect conclusion to Sucker Punch's tenure w/ Sly

I think this is the funniest Sly. But also not as iconic as Sly 2. I also feel like this was a bit shorter than Sly 2? But not sure.

An opera singing minigame. Murray becoming an Australian hippie. Richards getting sloppy. This is the peak of the legendary raccoon.

It was so close to being an all-timer for me but the overloading of character gimmicks you only use a handful of times really dragged the experience down for me. Shame too, I was genuinely really invested in the story and was surprised by, despite it clearly leaning towards a younger audience, how mature it was. Plus everyone feels better to control than last time.

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Sly, Bentley, and Murray present three parts to a whole -- the ego, the superego, and the id; but more emotionally speaking, they forge a brotherhood based in honor and commitment. Sly's pursuit of the riches of his past, his legacy wrought in gold, pertains to his personal quest for identity.

The three are a close-knit family, which has been established ever since the first game introduced them as orphanage pals-- abandoned children from far different backgrounds who find stability in each other's company and their shared exploits. Thievery compels their wits and passion for action (and our own), and offers the protagonist an ethnic identification for him to latch onto. Sly 3 rises above typical sequel obligation by offering solace and development through redemptive episodes.

Familiar series baddies like Dimitri and Panda King are recruited to the Cooper Gang, and even the exhibitionist Baron turns out to be brainy Penelope hiding behind a dastardly facade. Panda King's episode especially considers the very significant act of self-actuated renewal, particularly during one scene where he has an internal monologue with his reflection, in a rousing display of autonomous emotional consolidation. It is wildly ambitious writing for a game aimed for younger audiences, with a wonderful lesson on the importance of enacting personal growth. Growth is a choice governed by one's emotive maturation.

Carmelita as well eventually comes around to acknowledging Sly's inherent goodness, despite his criminal activities, because ultimately his team's ventures prove a morally sound expedition into ancestral discovery. Love lights the way forward towards cooperation and unity-- Sly 3 presents a refutation of division in a world full of strife.

These thieves take down the egotists who give thieving and sleuthing a bad name. They are ethically-disinclined protectors of the world they inhabit, whether relieving the poisoned waters of Venice, clearing out a company of miners from the Australian outback, or thwarting a malicious Chinese emperor's forced marriage plot. Don Octavio, General Tsao, Dr. M, these nefarious villains each represent a cruel, imperious narcissism, which Sly and the gang offer a karmic retort to; and the gameplay (which revolves around carrying out cunning schemes with grand, fulfilling realisation) fittingly corresponds.

Dr. M deems himself the mirror image to Sly's selfless crusade, going so far as to implicate Bentley by comparing them to each other. But Bentley perceives his friend's loving companionship and exposes the antagonist's insecurity. There is a real beauty to the game's progression as new playable characters are introduced, meaning new abilities are unlocked for new interactive playstyles, conditioning this developing team as a singular unit, glued together by the player's input.

One could talk for hours about the game's endless variety of settings and playstyles. The fifth chapter, Dead Men Tell No Tales certainly comes across as ahead-of-its-time (would Assassin's Creed: Black Flag exist without this game??). Though, for as -- surprisingly -- intelligently the script considers its characters, it's a shame Penelope only ever serves as a token female character in a plot dominated by male-centric invention. She's either a brainless love interest or a damsel in distress for most of the cutscenes, unfortunately.

Regardless, Sucker Punch have once again succeeded in melding the weighty action adventure of Saturday morning cartoons with a visual style that suggests a vibrant comic book in motion. For as playful the design is, the writing beautifully grounds this story of anthropomorphic animals seeking out their most ideal selves. Sly 3 commends honor in the face of authoritative greed, making it one of the most sophisticated and inspiring children's games ever conceived.

Did some things better, some things not as good. More characters to play as was nice, but the collectable bottles being gone was a bit of a bummer, not to mention how some parts felt a bit too gimmicky for lack of better word. Still a cool game regardless.

The best entry in the series in my humble opinion. I want nothing more than a return to this style, and this series as a whole as well.

A MUST PLAY. This is the best Sly game !!
I felt the love and effort put into this game throughout every second of this replay.

There was a massive improvement in gameplay; with so many characters added, no two missions are the same or constantly getting recycled, it actually feels like every character serves a purpose.

Replaying this years later (emulated instead of on a scratched, dying, toothpaste-ridden CD), I noticed the characters and story are incredibly well-written, especially considering this is a children's game. A lot of more sophisticated themes are being discussed that I didn't originally pick up on.

To add something more personal, I am obsessed with the art style and just the art in general. I remember sitting at my PlayStation 2 for hours just admiring the concept art, running around in the open world just listening to the ost and enjoying the map design, everything, even the guard character designs... This game truly had me in a chokehold <3

While the second game is a flat-out huge improvement across the board from the first game, the third entry in the series is more of a tradeoff in strengths.

The narrative is more complex (for better or worse), the animations improved, the characters have even more personality and the locations are more varied. However, none of the improvements are very significant. On the bright side, the downgrades to the music and level design are likewise not significant either.

Personally, I would rate it just as good as Sly 2, but with a weaker ending and some tradeoffs in strengths.

Thank you 3D glasses that came with the DVD of Sharkboy and Lavagirl

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This remains to be the best of the three Sly games. The pirate ship level is legendary and I love the main villain Dimitri being my favorite from the second it's so good to see him join the gang. The gang expanding was honestly a smart call and apart from some repetitive missions here and there this is awesome.


Another excellent game that added even more cool things to see and do.

Sly 3 with 3D glasses ah good times.

This was actually my first Sly Cooper game and I would not have it any other way, this game's platform and movement is just on point, the tutorial was really easy to understand, and every character you get to play as feels unique and awesome!

Just for the "whale fart" punchline.

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Return of the Panda King

pire Sly de la franchise ma cassé les couille ce jeu de merde

Not quite as great as sly 2, but still a fun plot. Just as charming as its predecessors. Has a giant furry you climb all over.

The culmination of the original series. The avengers endgame of Sly Cooper. Builds upon the previous games and reinvents them.

A solid end to the trilogy. A bit of a step down from Sly 2 due to multiple characters not being fleshed out due to a short story. I like the story in broad strokes, but some characters play major second fiddle. The Guru feels like a bit of an afterthought, and Dimitri only gets two levels in the entire game. In contrast, I thought Panda King's implementation was fantastic.

With more team members comes a return to more of a reliance on alternate play modes (minigames). My previous reviews have made known my distaste for some of these, and while I'd still prefer more of a focus on stealth/platforming, at least here they were implemented well. None of them were overly frustrating/infuriating in the way some had been in the previous games.

Regardless, the bottom line is that it's fun.

my original disc for the ps2 got scratched and that made in-game cutscenes load incorrectly and get stuck, so i was stuck during one of the last missions as the pre-mission cutscene never finished playing (the characters would stand around as if they forgot their lines). very sad

replaying it on ps3, i got stuck on the "protect the hangar" mission lmao, i hate protection quests so much! bane of my existence!

I don't really remember this one as much as Sly 2 but another banger by sucker punch. I miss this comedy style and vibe!

I remember not liking this very much! I thought the visuals were off compared to Sly 2, I don't like any of the additional characters very much, and I just found it really boring over all. I stopped playing around the pirate themed world. I'll go back eventually but I do not have fond memories.

good game but not as good as 2 but decently fun up until the last 2 sections

Parecido ao 2 com algumas mecânicas ligeiramente diferentes.
Gostei da maior diversidade de personagens jogáveis, é pena serem apenas exclusivos de certas missões.


Minor disappointments and a couple problems lingering from the second game (albeit the severity of these problems are minimised here) hold this one back for me, however, these are only minor issues in an otherwise fantastic game. Sly 3 isn’t the radical shift in gameplay and tone like the second, but rather the developers focusing in on the details and creating a much tighter experience. This is all best illustrated by the drastic improvement in the missions. The repetitive missions that overstayed their welcome from the second game are gone, replaced with fast pace missions booming with variety. I think what helps this variety is the developers honing in on the Ocean’s 11 style from the second. The storyline’s focus on setting up a team of different playable characters to crack a vault not only allows the story to go through many interesting story beats, but also allows the gameplay to be far more unpredictable and experimental. However, despite this sense of unpredictability, the game remains consistently fun and engaging throughout the entire experience whether you’re fighting an operatic mob boss or an evil genius mandrill.

typical sly cooper game but the pirate section is really really good highly recommend

Played when i Child, me still remember, very good bimeo game

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