Reviews from

in the past

Enjoyed it as much as the first adventure in that I enjoyed it.

The best Sonic game without question

Играю ради Чао Гардена.

The shadow and sonic levels are great and super fun. Tails, Eggman, Rouge and Knuckles all fucking blow ass. Gets an extra star for the great soundtrack however.

I freaking love this game with all my heart and soul. Sonic Adventure 2 is and always will be my favorite Sonic game to ever exist. I find this game to be a smart sequel where it gets rid of the things i didnt like in Adventure 1, and cuts the fat by having only the playstyles i liked or thought could be better. And better they did. The Sonic/Shadow levels are obviously the best of what this game has to offer. They control just as good as SA1 did, the level design, while more linear, also feels more focused and fun to me for mastering it's stages. All thanks to the ranking system, and is a core reason why all of these playstyles are fun to me. I wont lie that i don't play the Knuckles/Rouge or Tails/Eggman levels nearly as much, but i still find them enjoyable and a step up from the Knuckles in Adventure 1 and E102 Gamma. Especially since every character has their own dedicated level and the grand majority of them i do find fun. City Escape (Duh), Radical Highway, Pumkin Hill, Cosmic Wall, Prison Lane, Metal Harbor, Sky Rail, and Green Forest are some of my favorite Sonic levels i played and i would play them again and again if i wanted to. The Music just goes so freaking hard. Even 22 years later. Live and learn just brings me so much emotion whenever i hear it, Escape from the City is iconic as hell, Pumpkin Hill has some cheesy rap music that you cant help but love, and all of rouge's music is so jazzy. The Story however, is my favorite thing about this game that makes it stand above most Sonic games. I love Shadow as a character and the whole save the world or conquer it theme they go for in the story too. Overall a fantastic Sonic game, even with its flaws, the things i think it does well kinda just make me forgive it anyway and forget about it. Also the Chao Garden is fun. A solid 9/10 for me

2nd best game in the series. Introduced more GOATS. Best gameplay in the series

Shadow is the coolest character in the franchise

the mech stages are awful, the treasure hunting stages are okay, and the speed stages are good

Generous one star. Booted up at least 5 times. never beat the first level. I Was like 5-6 during these attempts.

I really do not like this as much as the first one. First off, they lost the jank. The cutscenes are still pretty amusing, if not as wacky (tbf Sonic meeting the president is fucking hilarious). The story is more serious, which is both an improvement and to its detriment. And that's kind of my criticism of everything in this game: lots of "improvements" have been put in place. Some are great, like the lightspeed dash being instant or the Knuckles/Rouge stages being genuinely great this time. However;
Sonic/Shadow stages are more linear and strait line speed-focused, which may work for some but skipping vast parts of the level was something that made the original incredibly exciting. The Chao garden is far better integrated, but realising the keys and animals are the only worthwhile collectable in stages leads to my rapid decline in any interest of them once I get bored of Chaos.
Worst of all is the character change. I would be completely fine with the way in which you move from character to character per stage, I'd go as far as to say it IS an improvement from the previous games 6 character stories that are all just the same game again but varyingly worse than Sonic's. This is only in theory. In practice, Tails and Eggman exist. The mere presence of their stages in this game, just knowing once I beat a genuinely fun Sonic/Knuckles level, I'll be back to the horrendously slow prison of the mech...
Fuck Tails and Eggman for ruining this otherwise solid sequel.

My personal favorite Sonic Game.

pretty solid for the queer camp arthouse romcom that it is

Honestly, my one major complaint is that there wasn't enough Sonic and Shadow, their levels were just so fun. This game was a blast and is dripping with personality. What do you mean Shadow the Hedgehog as a concept didn't just appear alongside the creation of the universe. he's been here forever.

The Shadow and Sonic levels are really good and the story is good cheesy fun. Unfortunately, that is 1/3 of the game. Not only did they bring back Omega and Knuckles' gameplay styles, which were... alright, back in SA1, but they took steps to actively make them worse. Eggman/Tails are much more sluggish than Omega, and the radar only showing one of three objectives at once is so, so annoying. I understand making a game with only Sonic gameplay was very difficult at the time cause he goes through levels so fast, but regardless the solution is just... not good.

Enjoei, achei o pacing meio arrastado e depois pego pra jogar

Esse jogo traçou meu destino de vida.

Quando eu era um simples moleque de 5-6 anos, eu descobri o Sonic inicialmente pelo primeiro do Mega Drive e por uma demo do Heroes no PC. Mas quando eu vi uma imagem do Adventure 2, eu fiz desse jogo meu ideal. Como não tinha um Dreamcast ou Gamecube na época, eu tinha que me contentar com ler ou assistir coisas na internet sobre, e foi aí que eu descobri Youtube, fóruns, sites e tudo mais que você possa imaginar. Lia todas as reviews possíveis, ficava horas esperando na internet discada pra poder assistir uma cutscene ou outra, eu fazia de tudo por uma mera CURIOSIDADE. Agora já adulto e jornalista formado, eu sei que o primeiro passo foi dado aí, e depois foi essa mesma curiosidade que me guiou pelos caminhos da vida.

Mas enfim, e o jogo? Segue excelente! É um consenso as fases de velocidade serem algumas das melhores que a franquia já produziu. As de caça ao tesouro e de tiro decepcionam muitos, mas eu acho que são ótimas evoluções do primeiro Adventure, mas aí confesso que você tem que ser tolerante ao temido JANK. E eu sou, bastante. Você encontra o tão falado JANK na história também, e eu francamente...........adoro? Sonic sempre foi uma franquia que tentou se levar mais a sério e muitas vezes basicamente se tornar um shonen daqueles bem na sua cara, e o Adventure 2 entrega isso com maestria, com uma história absolutamente ESCANDALOSA, com inúmeros momentos de brilho de seus personagens. Shadow e Rouge, logo em suas estreias, roubaram a cena, E O EGGMAN É UM DOS PROTAGONISTAS! É uma visão jamais antes vista do status quo da franquia, e por mais que seja tudo uma grande loucura, é marcante demais.

O Vini de 2023 tem o mesmo recado que o Vini de 2007 tinha: EU TE AMO SONIC ADVENTURE 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Played this game 5 times

City escape is the best level in video game history

they made it worse than the first one how is that possible

dos 3 estilos de gameplay, 1 é legal, os outros dois são absolutamente insuportaveis

This game has it's problems, but it's one of my favourite things ever made.

Hola te odio, no es cierto amor, yo te amo