Reviews from

in the past

I swear to god if i hear Jazz music one more time, i'm gonna lose it (game's good tho)

Sem duvidas o melhor jogo de sonic, mesmo com essa mecânica de medalha

Incredibly subpar beatem up game bundled with one of the coolest 3d platformers ever. If you don't want to play Unleashed Project, this is a mess of a game but the highs are so high that I still think it's an easy win for fans of the series.

If this game didn't have the Warehog, we might've had a perfect score on our hands. Dead Serious.
Ok, the final boss wasn't great either. Fantastic soundtrack though.

A lovely game marketed terribly in the west. Unfortunately, it is as stable as my mental health.

I was an avid Unleashed defender for a while. I'm in the minority here, I prefer the nighttime stages to daytime stages. I am mainly an RPG player and the combat was more engaging to me than highspeed platforming is. I'm not a fan of the boost because it creates this necessity for huge levels with large sections just blown past. Once I beat the game, I think I became more critical of it, but I think it was genuinely just a skill issue because I struggled a lot in the daytime levels and it killed my love of the game. And the medal requirement was annoying.

Eggmanland was insane though. I hate it but I also kind of love it.

Jugué la considerablemente peor versión de la Wii.

what if you

were on the verge of making the best 3D Sonic game to date

but SEGA said

"Y'all heard about God of War?"

(also Eggmanland is one of the worst final levels of all time why the FUCK they do that?)

I got stuck on a token barrier and I don't want to replay every level to get more.

Minha experiência com esse jogo na infância era com a versão de Ps2/Wii, que eram jogos diferentes, desenvolvidos por outro time de produção. mais fracos graficamente e com menos fases. Por isso, sempre nutri uma expectativa muito grande para esse jogo, sempre achei que ele seria uma versão muito melhor, de consoles mais fortes, já que contava com o time principal de desenvolvimento da franquia.
Bem, quebrei a cara, esse jogo é bem frustrante no fim das contas.

werehog was good cry about it

Sou dividido com Sonic Unleashed porque a versão de PS3 tem uns FPS drops dolorosos de vez em quando e também pelo fato do gameplay do Werehog não ser tão fluído quanto deveria. Tendo dito isso, as fases do Sonic de dia ainda são lindas demais e eu até que gosto da história, especialmente do boss final que consegue ser desnecessariamente épico.

I thought the werehog would be hotter

i was so young when i played this that i couldnt end the fucking game and i cant remember anything of the gameplay

No idea how to rate this really since i played a couple of werehog levels in emulation and thought they were pretty inoffensive but not interesting enough to power through the incessant crashes. So - I just installed unleashed project and had a great time.

Oh boy. This game is stellar on Xbox Series X/S/One.

Can't believe how much of an upgrade it's to tweak the FPS a bit. And the best fix to date, input delay. Comming from the PS3 version (the worse version of them all) it's night and day (get it?).

Still not perfect though, game itself has flaws like the janky Werehog platforming, or Sonic having to either attack enemies or boost with the "X" button.

If you have an Xbox One or better yet, an Xbox Series X/S. Just buy this game, it's worth it.

day stages are peak (except arid sands), night stages are ok (except arid sands), eggmanland is pretty bad but not as bad as people make it out to be tbh. Biggest problem is the bosses are all ass especially dark gaia

the werehog sections dont work on any level and i know people swear the daytime levels are good but. are they? at best theyre passable and at worst they’re pretty jank

does watching the playthrough of this game count

Whenever I think of this game it reminds me of this sonic amv I used to watch as that had the werehog as the thumbnail, the most badass shit I had ever seen in my life

نص الوقت ما اقدر أشوف بسبب الجهاز يحتضر

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I love this game. I love the daytime and nighttime stages, I love the music, bosses, it's epic 😎. Love Eggman Land despite it taking me 2 hours to beat. Then the Egg Dragoon is my favorite boss fight in the whole series. I could talk for hours.

Sonic fans are insane for thinking this is even remotely decent

As fases de dia são incriveis, muito boas, talvez as melhores fases boost da franquia, mas as fases do werehog são mt chatas e demoram demais, além de ter que pegar as moedas do sol e lua que é outra coisa mt chata tbm, mas de resto (historia, graficos, gameplay) é mt bom