Reviews from

in the past

I love everything about this game - except the game itself. Its themes, its fanbase, its atmosphere, but playing through it can feel like a chore. Don't let people tell you it's by design, because it clearly isn't.

Do you feel like a hero yet?

Nolan North commits war crimes

People who only watch movies will love this

jogo cansa muito depois de umas horas

Do you feel like a hero yet?

Provavelmente o melhor war shooter que já joguei! A gun play é genéricona da 8° geração, mas tá valendo. A trilha sonora é fantástica, só rockzera das antigas. Me admirei com seus gráficos também, são bem bonitos para época, os cenários em um Emirados Árabes destruído e coberto por areia da aquele imersão de pressão de resgate.

As escolhas desse game são intensas (a parte do fósforo branco me pegou), as revelações surpreendentes e a conclusão intrapessoal fantástica!

Esse game é atemporal!

If you haven't played this game yet, play it. Go in blind. Do not read any spoilers. Even if you have heard spoilers, play it anyway. It lives up to the hype.
I'm going to have to hold off before I post a full review. Giving an adequate analysis of this game is going to require some time and effort, especially since the game really requires some intertextuality to fully understand. I'm going to have to play a few more (related) games and watch some movies before I feel like I can really talk about this game and how it fits into its context. And no, this isn't some kind of weird troll--I genuinely think this game has a great storyline and it deserves to be explored in detail.

There's something to be said about the fact that one of the greatest stories ever told through a video game was heavily inspired by Heart of Darkness, but the game leverages features unique to video games as a medium so well that I can't help but love this game.

Tremendo juegazo. Salió en una época ultra saturada de shooters y shooters bélicos, y aunque no triunfó en ventas, da gusto que haya destacado por sobre otros con una historia y narrativa única y sumamente buena. Si no te gustan los shooters, el juego sigue siendo recomendado por su historia, adelante que este juego le puede fascinar a cualquier persona.

En cuanto a jugabilidad, está normal, decente. Pero su narrativa es la clave, la manera en que rompe la cuarta pared con el jugador de manera sutil, el como exploran la psicología de los personajes al corromperse por la guerra, la degradación del protagonista, tiene pequeños detalles en la historia como cuando ves la cara de *d en carteles, anuncios, cuando en realidad esa cara nunca estuvo ahí y es por obra del protagonista, entre muchos otros detalles que hacen el juego más profundo y genial... Es un juego bélico como ninguno, es único en su clase.
No es tan largo, yo me terminé el juego en 9 horas en una tarde y noche de vicio, pero dura el tiempo indicado que tiene que durar. Completamente recomendado

Jogo que se salva mais pela história, sem ela seria bem esquecível

Sadly I've been spoiled of the climax of the story and got left with an average third person shooter

I really didn't expect what kind of game this will be. Some will say PTSD simulator. Yes that is true but its more complicated than that. Play it yourself

If you can endure the awfully dated gameplay, you'll experience one of the best stories in gaming.

Nice story, nothing special about gameplay - just your normal shooter.

iam not as in love with this one as most peeps
but i can understand some of the cult following that grew around it

on a first playthrough its a fun shooter that ends tragically.
on a second playthrough its a cautionary tale with a lot of foreshadowing.

what a great game, its so visceral you can almost feel the sand in your fingers with blood as you make your way through dubai

really love the post apocalyptic setting but the main thing people talk about this for is it's "twist" which was kinda dumb

I think a lot of the criticisms thrown at this game are either coming in bad faith or just plain wrong. Spec Ops: The Line isn't telling you you're an asshole for playing the game that you've bought, it's just asking you questions about actions that you would take for granted in most games, and no, it's not doing that to reach some childish conclusion of "you're a MONSTER for shooting people in videogame".

Ultimately all art is subjective but it pains me a bit to see people writing Spec Ops off as some pretentious game that thinks it's way smarter than it is without really trying to actually consider what it's trying to say rather than jump to the most immediate conclusion.

I also think that even if you don't care for the meta stuff, the story of Captain Walker holds up extremely well on its own. Uh, gameplay kinda sucks, though I love a lot of the little details like Walker getting more unhinged in his combat animations as the game progresses.

Loved when the game asked why I did the thing the game made me do

Sadly the only game to gaslight me through its loading screens.

if the gameplay wasn't stinky this would be much much higher, because this genuinely made me feel ill at several points.
However the gameplay IS stinky so despite the incredibly investing story, I can't convince myself to give it higher because between major story beats just wasn't all that enjoyable, and that's like most of the game sadly.

Gameplay is solid, but not groundbreaking. Standard 2005 ~ 2016 cover shooter; poke your head out for more than two seconds and your character is turned into meatloaf, which makes melee and shotguns feel pretty useless. The sand mechanics are basic but add a neat layer of environment interaction to some of the proceedings. The only major bugbear is some of the controls; Walker comes off of cover or gets stuck to it at very inopportune times, running feels a bit too tank-like, and vaulting can be a hassle (on top of being bound to the melee key).

Visually, the graphics are clearly dated, but the art design is surprisingly vivid. In spite of the obviously intentional gray-brown military shooter aesthetic, there's some genuinely fun locations and engaging buildings throughout. On top of that, the emphasis on sandstorms and rolling dunes, while still brown, feels like a nice break from concrete and dingy hallways.

In spite of all of that, the main draw here is clearly the story. Signs likely appeared and went unnoticed by me earlier, but it's mostly about halfway through when things really kick up into something special. A game that expertly uses this specific medium of storytelling in a way that comments on both the nature of engaging with the artform of video games on a level not seen since probably Bioshock(?) and the dehumanizing effect of war. This would not work in any other format because you, the player, become a participant, as evidenced by loading screens referencing you directly. Character actions become increasingly grim and indefensible until you're left wondering why they, or you, for that matter, ever thought it was worth it to begin with. Thankfully, the story is not dumb and ham-fisted enough to put you on the wrong side of a good versus evil; everyone here is grotesque, to some degree, and who the good guys are (if there are even any at all) is up to you to decide. The twist came across as a tad bit goofy to me, but it does little to undercut the experience before it. This must be the definitive "war is hell" video game.

(lil b voice) i havent played it yet

A run-of-the-mill military shooter with a deep psychological look into the violence of war and the human mind hidden underneath.

There were SO many 3rd person cover shooters that came out during this era. Luckily, this one pulls itself from the rest by committing some atrocities.

One of the most haunting gaming experiences I've ever played

It's a weird experience but it's also a pretty good one. I didn't mind the fact that it's a very dated shooter because the gameplay is alright enough for me to still care about what's going on.

My only gripe is that the most notable moment (the white phosphorus setpiece) is not very earned, like at all. The ladder that you have to go down after isn't shown that well so, unless I'm just missing the point, I don't feel like that's very deserved. You are guided into believing that's what you have to do which takes away from the power of it a little bit. I think there are points that do what it tries to much better, like after Lugo dies and you're surrounded by civilians, you can actually make a conscious choice to not mow them all down and just shoot your gun in the air which I think is a much better alternative as a scene that's supposed to make you think about what you're doing.

There's a lot of small details that I like a lot, like how combat dialogue turns from being regular COD "Enemy KIA!" to "FUCKERS DOWN!!!!!!!!" as you progress further and Walker starts slowly losing his sanity

But yeah I mean, it's pretty good

There's a lot to unpack here and I don't think I can do it in a quick review. It does feel a bit of its time in many ways, but it's a truly unforgettable experience.

It's short and if you can grab it for cheap, do it.