Reviews from

in the past

I grew up playing Classic Ps2 games and seeing Spyro was getting a remaster I knew I need get my hands on asap. it was a game, I enjoyed playing every second of it and Platinuming it it was as blast. The gameplay and story is simple was fun.

I didn't play the original Spyro but this really did capture the simple, fun and addictive style of early collect-a-thons.

There are some very finnicky jumps and sections that are virtually impossible without a tutorial, which do setback my score a little bit.

Why oh why is there no level restart and how are there loading screens this game is over 20 years old.

A mediocre platformer in my opinion, sorry not sorry.

Third GOTM finished for July 2023. Absolutely stunning remake of a classic collectathon. Graphics and environments were gorgeous as expected, music was fun and upbeat, and the overall gameplay was enjoyable minus a few irritating jump sections. Boss design was by far the weakest aspect of the game, culminating in a final boss sequence that took arguably one of the worst parts of the gameplay and extended it with no check points. A bit of a sour end to an otherwise sweet game.

Some minor bugs on PC (solved by reducing FPS from unlimited to 120) that didn't detract from the overall gameplay once solved. Completely avoided the flying levels (as they were not very fun) because they were thankfully optional.

A fun 3D platformer with great controls that is a bit to simplistic for its own good.
The games world are oozing charm but the act of completing levels gets repetitive due to the lack of changing objectives. This leads to many of the levels blending together as most levels are tackled in the exact same fashion. There are exceptions like tree tops that show the potential this framework could have in future entries
The boss fights are pitiful but the flying speedways are good fun.
A solid first attempt with plenty of room for growth

Good platformer. I like it alot.

Spyro 1 is pretty basic as far as 3D platformers go, but it's still fun and has its own charm.

My thoughts on the spyro games have changed drastically over time. I had a lot of fun with it when I first played it back in 2018, but looking back on it now, not much of it has stuck with me since besides Treetops and Gnasty's Loot.

Still a good time that I'd be willing to play again at some point, but doesn't really stand out to me compared to a lot of other 3D platformers I've played

I had a pretty good time with this game. It looked outstanding and played very well. I loved the different locations and thought the platforming was a lot of fun. However, I really didn't enjoy the flight levels.

um jogo bom pra quando tu só quer relaxar e não precisar fazer nada muito absurdo. tem um moveset básico e fases simples, e a mecânica de ter uma bússola pra encontrar as gemas das fases é muito útil, mas a câmera e a movimentação não são das melhores...

imagine being such a little bitch that you run away from a literal purple winged child

Spyro’s remaster was another breezy library rental for me, and a nice trip down memory lane. As an adult it didn’t offer me as much as, say, the Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy due to the simplicity of the levels and general ease (alongside the dragons/objectives who sometimes give you hints). It all gave me the impression that this game was for smaller kids than I thought, and that’s fine, I suppose.

But even for the now-crusty Condad the Spyro controls and gameplay loop are money and make up for a lot of the shortcomings.

Unfortunately, this carries the distinct third-party Nintendo Switch smell of playing a PC game on the lowest settings. Blurry, choppy, not easy on the eyes. The original was a stunner on the PlayStation, this was simply playable. I assume you’d be better off with any of the other consoles’ versions.

Why the hell do people complain about backtracking there is none here

They botched the artwork. The original is better.

Pretty inoffensive game, though some parts were a little frustrating. The game and level design shows its age but this is undeniably a fantastic remake.

How the fuck did they expect anyone to naturally figure out treetops

Clásico colectaton, variedad de enemigos, muchos niveles aunque son pequeños, lo único malo son los jefes son solo otro nivel como los demás mientras que el boss básicamente es otro enemigo pero tienes que golpearlos tres veces.

Aun mas divertido con Mods ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Nice casual collectathon platformer. Big fan of the simplicity and all the numbers going up!

Absolutely hated the flying levels and just saw that they bring them back in Spyro 2. Nice.

Divertidinho se pá, mas alguns mapas são terríveis e o estilo de jogo é extremamente repetitivo. Sem contar que a luta final é uma das coisas mais desanimadoras que ja vi na minha vida. O jogo constrói aquele ar de ameaça que é o Gnasty Gnorc pra no final tu ter uma das boss fights mais horríveis dos jogos (aliás, um ponto negativo muito forte desse jogo é a falta de boss fights que sejam minimamente boss fights). E o final em si é extremamente patético, te forçando a fazer 100% desse jogo água de salsicha. Não vou fazer 100%, quero que se foda esse jogo, vou me contentar com o final ruim mesmo

A very solid 3D platformer overall, but not one I had any strong attachments or opinions on.

I think some of the levels with a large focus on supercharge jumps could get hella annoying, and the nature of this game's collectathon nature could lead to you missing a single gem somewhere in the level which leads to multiple minutes of scouring through it just to find out that Sparx just barely missed collecting one or something, which can lead to the game feeling like it has rather slow pacing at points.

But overall its a decently tightly designed collectathon with solid mechanics, and this remaster gives absolutely stunning visuals.

Just kind of boring fr,, games one giant fetch quest

I've never played much Spyro before, and I was surprised to find it to be a much more open world experience than the Super Mario 64/Banjo-Kazooie-esque level design I was expecting. It still plays in a similar manner and has you collecting items in similar way, but it's much less constrained to segmented levels. That being said, I found this game to be very average. It's very easy, I didn't find any of the levels all that memorable, and the bosses are only bosses in the loosest sense of the word. It just felt very underwhelming overall, although it does a does seem to be a solid remake. Perhaps the sequels are more enjoyable, but for such an iconic game, I was honestly expecting more.

bonitão e as fases são legais de passear, mas tem muito menos desafio envolvido do que eu me lembrava, o jogo é praticamente ficar andando e coletando moeda. o remake ficou top

i actually really enjoyed it. its repetitive and simple and the final boss is kinda frustrating and tedious, but i have a strange love for simple, early 3D platformers like this. and its gorgeous too. im taking the one star off because 1) the music isnt really good at all and 2) it runs very poorly in handheld mode, which is how i played most of it

A wonderful remake brings a legendary character back to life: Sparx the Dragonfly.

As someone who never got to play the original, I was really excited when the trilogy remake came out and so far this was a strong start to it. Spyro is definitely one of my favorite video game characters, so being able to witness his journey's original beginning in the modern age was wonderful. I have played the game to completion twice now, and definitely think it has a level of charm that games today truly lack.

Probably the best thing about this game is how smooth Spyro's movement feels. His moveset involves quick ways to damage enemies and swap right back into movement, all while having great maneuverability. This enables you to play the game quickly if you wish, so I would say it's definitely looking good for speedrun potential. There's a tiny bit of less control over the flying segments, but nothing too aggressive to complain about.

As far as the levels go, they're pretty simple and often adhere to the world's theme a bit too closely to make them pop out from each other, but they certainly remain enjoyable all the same. The game operates as mainly a giant Collectathon, and oftentimes these levels have neat ways of hiding different collectibles. Some of them mentioned in the skill book (optional objectives) can be a bit harder to find than I think reasonable, but this amounts to three or so and that's all. Some levels contain boss battles as well, they're all pretty easy with some coming with interesting No Hit Challenges as well. The flying levels as mentioned earlier have a bit rougher controls, but outside of one I found them enjoyable.

Lastly, I'll mention that the remake does a stunning job on the graphics upgrade, while still having a taste of that old school charm to it in the revised music. Of course if you don't like the revisions made to the songs you can actually toggle the original versions as well, but I found the new versions to be rather faithful and enjoyable. Overall it was a great game and has me looking forward to the other two Spyros bundled in this collection.

It was fun. Nostalgic feeling despite never playing this as a kid. Simplistic and antiquated a bit though.

♦ Devido às aparições do Spyro nos jogos do Crash Bandicoot decidi comprar a trilogia remasterizada para conhecer os seus jogos.

• No geral, é um jogo de plataforma bem simples, muito lindo e muito divertido.

Spyro is a decently fun platformer that ultimately fails to impress. Much of the game is irritating; a lot of jumps and enemy interactions just don't feel tested very well. The levels are ultimately forgettable, but they have pretty good music to go with them. The game is blissfully short and fun enough, but has too many problems to be that fun to play today.

Spyro the Dragon (1998): Muy divertido, colorido y alegre. Ejemplo de juego relajante, con el único objetivo de pasar un rato agradable, sin presiones. Los descubro años tarde, pero muy satisfecho (7,95)