Reviews from

in the past

The controls felt a little too bad for me

A harsh stealth game that is very short and extremely punishing. Doesn't manage to entertain all the way through.

This game left me very mixed. On one hand, the soundtrack was great (even downloaded some tracks), i liked the story (i would rank this lower than Tenchu 2's story though, this game's ending was very sudden) and game looks good too. On the other hand, no grappling hook, you can carry up to 3 items, combat (if you can call it that, its just a Simon Says game). Movement doesn't feel great with the over the shoulder camera, and i heavily dislike that raft jumping is now context sensitive. But at the same time if you can get past its bad quirks, you might enjoy yourself, i actually enjoyed the shadow/light system, it's got some cool stealth kills here and there. All in all, an all-over-the-place game.