Reviews from

in the past

you can't go wrong with Tetris even if this is my least favorite version of it.

34 years old and still holds up. Says it all really

it's hard to say a self-contained puzzle game has flaws

The fact that this game has a 4.1 is weird. Like I get it, its Tetris. But like... Comparing this to modern stuff? Hell other games on the NES? I don't buy it.

i had this idea in 1988 but its like whatever

Uma perfeição de jogo que envelheceu muito bem sendo (na minha opinião) a melhor versão de Tetris

+ Gameplay simples e divertida com uma ótima dificuldade
+ Músicas ótimas
+ Relaxante e ótimo para passar o tempo

A simplicidade desse jogo é o que faz eu amar tanto ele desde a primeira vez que joguei ele.

I want to be wanted like a long piece in tetris

they should make a movie about this

Video games would not be what they are today without this little russian block stacking game.

I don't care how revolutionary this is I could be playing something better instead

Simple, yet inventive. To me, that has to be the standard main goal of every game designer, and Alekséi Pázhitnov did it in such a clever and seamless way it still blows my mind.

The chess of videogames (goofy aah comparison)

Probably the game concept that's the closest to perfection. It is abstract to critically put into words how good it feels to play Tetris, as its core gameplay to me is simply pure genius; from its immense addictiveness and such a large range of mastery based on very simple set of rules.

The couple of defaults I would address to this version are coming from the fact that this is a Nes game from 1989, not modern Tetris; Which is to say there's a lot of highly polished versions to play Tetris out there that I would consider to be better in every aspects from TETR.IO, puyo puyo tetris, The Grand Master series... to name a few
Although I'm conscious that's a largely different subjective experience since a lot of people still play classic tetris, both competitively & for fun;

After all it is one of, if not the most important game in video game history.

I like this version of Tetris. You Can't do holds yet and can't screw around too much before blocks lock in but this is still a nice version.

And it IS Tetris. One of the most addicting games ever created.

However there are probably better versions of Tetris out there

i mean its fucking tetris

This game got me through so many boring classes

I am the man who arranges the blocks that descend upon me from up above.
They come down and I spin them around 'til they fit in the ground like hand in glove.

What a beautifully perfect game. I will never stop singing the praises of this game and would say that it is arguably the closest thing we have to a perfect game.