Reviews from

in the past

Tetris is often associated with the Game Boy but the NES version offers the same fun gameplay plus color. What can I say about Tetris? It's addictive and amazing. I am more partial to newer gameplay mechanics like holding pieces but the original is still fun to play from time to time.

I haven't played the "original" computer version of Tetris, emulated or otherwise, so for my review purposes I will be using this as the origin point I guess, even if it's arguably not the definitive version despite its recent surge in popularity. Regardless, Tetris broadly as a video game is, in my money, The Perfect Video Game, in practically all variants, now and forever.

Do I even need to explain this one? It's Tetris, plain and simple. I mean, what more can be said about this iconic puzzle game? It's a timeless classic that has captured the hearts and minds of gamers for generations.

NES tetris is far from the most satisfying way to play these days. Try a newer installment.

its tetris what more is there to say

The absolute best version of Tetris to come out by 1989. I could listen to Korobeiniki for hours, and I did!

tetris for the nes is just amazing. fitting those silly little four-blocked pieces together is so simple yet so eternally satisfying and challenging to both the mind and the hands on later levels. the three music tracks in the game are all pretty pleasant to listen to, and some of the different palettes that the blocks take on can be quite pretty to look at as well. game a and b both have their merits and frankly, everything contained in this cartridge is perfection except for the fact that high scores don’t have any way to save, but we have the ability to take pictures in this day and age so that doesn’t really matter at all.


This game is so addictive, it haunts my dreams with falling blocks! It's simple and it's classic.

this game is goated fuck you if you think otherwise
"oohhhh but rdr2" "oohhhhh but the last of us"
hell nah. fucking tetris is goated

GooeyScale: 95/100

Feels weird to review Tetris. It's Tetris. It's great.

One of the dozen ports of the original falling block puzzle game, Tetris by Nintendo on the NES is easily the best version on 8-bit Nintendo hardware. Sure feature wise its lacking compared to Tengen's NES version but it plays far better than anything from Tengen. There is a good reason why this is the go-to version for competitive Classic Tetris.

NES Tetris will always be the best Tetris.

[Should I log Tetris every day?]

Who hasn't played this?

Perhaps the most well known game.

This is going to sound blasphemous for hardcore Tetris fans, but NES Tetris isn't the best retro Tetris game in my honest opinion.

That title goes to Gameboy Tetris. It's just the perfect game to take on the go and play in short bursts.

If you are a hardcore Tetris fan I can see how the improved visuals and control given by the NES release makes it far superior, but as someone who just likes to play for 10 or 15 minutes at a time I'd rather the ease of access the Gameboy provides.

Still the best "match" puzzler on the system though so, so it still has a spot in any collection.

What do you want me to say here? You know Tetris. It's fun.

I love this game so much i'm gonna cry

No le falta nada ni le sobra nada; es perfecto.
Gloria a la Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas.

i hate the idea of the "perfect game."

it's true tetris is, mechanically, without meaningful blemish. especially accounting for rerelease after rerelease, it has been polished to a gleaming shine. but it's an unadventurous mindset that decides something's worth on how few flaws you can find with it.

there's a rock-solid elegance to the purity of tetris' easy to learn, hard to master gameflow. but i can't deny that many iterations on it have been even more hypnotizing, if a little more lopsided.

tetris is a beautiful, pristine pearl of gaming history. but i can't help but find more value in the chipped diamond, myself.

tentei ficar boa só pq vi gente sendo boa mas ai nao fui boa

A timeless classic, and endlessly fun.