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I went into Man of Medan hearing/seeing how much people enjoy the Dark Pictures games but had no expectations of my own for it.

I’m glad that was the case because while visually, it’s absolutely stunning even 4 years on, and, it has a really interesting premise for its story - I just feel it never quite goes anywhere with it, the game just kinda… ends.

I also found it rather easy to keep everyone alive, something I thought to be incredibly challenging given what I’d heard about it and yet I had no issue.

Aside from the story starting strong then going nowhere I take issue with the reliance on jumpscares. I only say this because there are plenty of times in this game that it does some “good” horror scares, with things moving in the foreground and background that work well in creeping you out. Then you have 9 times out of 10 where its just loud noise in-your-face obnoxiousness to try force a scare out of you.

I love me some SuperMassive Game's cinematic movies but not all things can be hits, I suppose. These games are always fun on paper because it's more reactionary content than anything else. They're easy to get through and are generally a fun time, Man of Medan is no exception to this.

The game runs super well for being this graphically appealing and it doesn't overstay it's welcome or anything, but I do think this is one of the weaker settings in the whole series. It relies a lot on stupid jumpscares and loud noises so I wouldn't say that it was scary by any means.

The endings range from mediocre to hilarious. It's an okay movie game, but it is by no means on the same caliber as Until Dawn.

La peor película que has visto en tu vida si fuera un videojuego. Aún así lo he completado como 4 veces, disfruto el terror cutre y siempre es divertido elegir entre varias opciones aunque la inmensa mayoría estén mal ejecutadas. Fans de las pelis interactivas cuando se dan cuenta de que unos quick time events cutres influyen más a la trama que la mayoría de sus "importantes" decisiones.

Eu adoro esse tipo de jogo que você tem que tomar decisões, em que elas fazem alguma diferença na história e o Man of Medan é uma ótimo jogo nesse sentido, mas a jogabilidade é tão tenebrosa que pesa na experiência.

Cool interactive movie, but next episodes are better

Very buggy, characters are not compelling, goofy dialogue.
The premise it's built on is interesting enough to carry your enjoyment throughout at least. Best enjoyed with a friend.

Has it's moments but not campy enough or scary enough

I say this is the worst dark pictures game but I still shit my pants with the jump-scares lmao

One od the main characters died in the first 10 minutes and i lost out on like 2 whole sections of the game and my friend got very mad at me

The clunk didn't work this time.

I enjoy these type of games. Choose your own adventure narratives or whatever. Until Dawn was comically absurd the way it was trying to be twelve different horror movies at once and the hokey acting. The clunky branching game fit with that. You forgave things that weren't fleshed out because it was one big b-movie. Here, with Man of Medan, it just doesn't work as well.

The narrative is more linear with less layers. But the clunky branches are more abundant. I dunno if I picked everything perfectly that they didn't flesh out well, or if it's all bad. Either way, my entire experience was jerky and silly in bad ways instead of fun ways. Many times there would be two or three silent loading transitions with nobody saying anything. Other times things would unfold without interactions or choices being made. Characters would appear in new places. And all sorts of other clunk.

Plain and simple it just didn't work this time. I still want to say I appreciate the campy fun parts, but there just wasn't enough of them. I was excited to dive into the Dark Pictures Anthology but this was a sour entry point.

o plotwist no final... que sabor! parece algo tirado de um remake de terror dos anos 2000, so que bem feito e muito assustador. jamais esquecerei daquele susto onde você olha a grade da tubulação e tem um velho puro osso pronto pra te dar um jumpscare, e eu quase me caguei com esse susto, ainda fiquei uns 10min pra me recuperar.

Man of Medan leva o jogador a tomar escolhas de vida ou morte quando quatro jovens rendidos por piratas vão parar em um navio sobrenatural abandonado e onde nada é o que parece ser.

Apresenta quedas de fps em certos momentos, legendas minúsculas e uma narrativa bem fraca.

"Man of Medan" is a short but pleasant experience to share with friends as an alternative to the movie night. It takes less than four hours to complete, but the runtime felt just right as there was really nothing more to say. The mystery was a bit too obvious from the beginning, and everything gets resolved relatively quickly and with no surprises. It wasn't as entertaining as "Until Dawn", but felt better balanced overall. They added a new feature where you have to hit buttons in time with the character's heartbeat and an interesting co-op mode where each play can play either side of the dialogues. They also did some fine work with the character models, the atmosphere of the indoor environments, and the camera angles. On the other hand, voice acting and writing are a bit too mediocre for a game that is 100% plot. They are lucky that there are no competitors, otherwise "Man of Medan" wouldn't have gotten much attention. Still, I am mildly looking forward to playing the next installments as I kind of liked the Curator.

Man of Medan tells the tale of a group of divers who are attacked by pirates and get basically stranded on a ghost ship in the middle of nowhere. Man of Medan is often criticized for it's buggy nature and lame cutscenes but I did not encounter any of these bugs and the cutscenes were just fine, so I am about to say everything that I noticed during my playtrough.

The game is short, as it should be. It aims for a movie like feel, which I believe were captured beautifully, and the game does a real good job to let you immerse in it's world. The characters are interesting, some are harder to sympathise with but I believe that is normal.

As an interactive adventure game, there are choices, and a lots of them. Some of them are significant towards the end, some of them are giving you details about the events of the game, and some can be fatal to your character. Yes, in this game everyone can die, as each and every character's fate is in your hands.

Let me say this, knowing that anyone could die at many points throughout the story, each and every quick time event had an emotional weight behind it, and when I succeed, it was a huge relief.

I do not know why many reviewers here do not like this game, as none of them mentiones anything particular besides "it was funny" or "It was not Until Dawn". I hope the anthology's other games are not rated like this, because based on Man of Medan, these are gonna be really fun.

If you want to play a cinematic game, where you control the story and your decisions matter, play Man of Medan! It is short, looks great and fun.

The game is too short to care about any of the characters or whether they live or die. The best part of the game is the prologue.

Basically Until Dawn, but shorter, less memorable, and with worse characters.

Just so buggy when trying to play with my friend, that made us have to exit out of the game and in one instance make me go back to a previous point in the game. It also has really goofy characters that I don't find myself rooting for. I do like its setting though on a ship but yeah nothing too praiseworthy to say.

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I played this with my wife, it took us roughly 5 hours to roll credits. We found that the characters were kind of dull and the story was uninspired, once you work out that all of the scary things you're seeing are all a result of the hallucinogenic gas your characters are inhaling, it makes the game a lot less scary and makes the choices a lot easier to make - Oh, there's something attacking me, it's obviously not real so it's probably just one of my other characters attacking me and acting could result in that character dying, I'll just do nothing. In the end, we escaped with all of our characters alive and well and feeling dissatisfied.

Que jogo RUIM, nada se salva desde os personagens até a história, com um plot twist horrivel e um mistério tão patético que eu e um amigo conseguimos desvendar tudo no meio do jogo arruinando toda a tentativa de tensão gerada.

The story begins when a group of four American diving enthusiasts embark on an expedition to explore a sunken World War II airplane. As they examine the wreckage, strange things begin to happen, and the frequency and impact of these events worsen with each object that is pulled from the water. Things then take a turn for the worse with a violent storm and the arrival of a mysterious ship. In terms of gameplay, the game develops ideas from previous studio games. As we play, we struggle with making choices, albeit simple agility and logical challenges. During the game we can lead five characters. Our decisions affect who survives, who dies and which of the many alternative endings we get. The whole is designed to encourage players to play the game many times to explore all the scenes and challenges prepared by the authors. Man of Medan features an improved three-dimensional graphic designs that help to create an impressive horror climate. The game is the first game in the Dark Pictures series. Two more games were released after this game. It offers an average of 5 hours of gameplay, but can be slightly longer due to the high replayability to reach alternate endings.

Very enjoyable to play w a friend, especially if they suck at QTE's

i came to a conclusion i suck at games under stress

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O pior Dark Pictures sem dúvidas, e olha que até hoje o máximo que eu joguei foi esse e Little Hope.
Pra ser justo com nota alta que eu dei, todo jogo com amigo fica mais legal.
Esse jogo tem um "plot twist" que eu já sabia pois assisti a série do BRKsEDU no lançamento do game, e mesmo sem assistir a série, o jogo tem uma narrativa que dá raiva pela incompetência de quem dirigiu porcamente o andar da história, porque com a devida atenção, você já descobre o plot twist no começo com algo que poderia ser mostrado como um flashback perto da parte final.
O jogo claramente teve pouco orçamento porque parece que eles tavam sendo forçados com uma arma a fazer um Dark Pictures pra cada ano ou sei lá.
A atuação e a ausência de expressões faciais faz ficar difícil de se identificar ou se importar com algum personagem sequer.
Tem uma parte que é muito boa no jogo que você pode fazer um personagem se separar do grupo e jogar com ele sozinho, que é algo que por si só é impressionante que tenha nesse jogo e seria um ponto muito forte se o resto do game não fosse um chorume.
Realmente uma tristeza e imagino a decepção de quem transicionou de Until Dawn para essa decadência, se estiver querendo um game multiplayer de terror e tiver com dinheiro sobrando, recomendo um Little Hope pois ele fica meio barato nas promoções e é muito superior a esse (não que eu esteja dizendo que ele é muito bom ou algo do tipo).
Man of Medan? Tá mais pra Man of Merda não é não? 😆😆

Foi tudo um sonho do Chinês.

Overall I enjoyed my time with Man of Medan. I am glad I played it. What is holding it back is that it's so very much on the nose. There is little to no mystery, because before your mind starts filling in the gaps in the story, everything has already been "hinted" at, or even shown to you.

The game has some cool moments where Player 1 can directly influence Player 2, without knowing that the other person they see is the second player, and you won't know before it is too late and all choices have been made.

Moments like these stick out as memorable, and is easily the game's biggest strength.

However, for every cool part, there is an equally lame moment where the characters in the game act like complete idiots. If the characters in the game actually acted like people, so much of the story would not work. It is driven by a complete cast of dumbasses making dumbass decisions, and you as the player has no way of influencing these choices, because if you did, the story would not move forward.

In the beginning of the game, you get captured by pirates, but one of your crew is able to hide and not get noticed by the pirates. Great. LET US TALK ABOUT THIS PERSON LOUDLY IN FRONT OF THE PIRATES. Oh no they found him :(

Writing like this makes you question the team's capabilities. No one picked up on this before release?

Overall, the game is a story game that has some cool moments, and does co-op in a way other studios haven't really tried before. There are cool visuals for some of the spooky areas, and the voice acting is pretty good. That said, this is a story game that does not tell a particularly good story. If you specifically look for a co-op horror themed action-movie game, I recommend this one, mostly because there aren't other options. If that idea is not appealing to you, there are many better horror games out there.