Reviews from

in the past

Thrilling and emotional. Made me cry. Outrageously good storytelling for me to care this much about these characters.

i was cutting onions once or twice while playing

i remember playing this game for the first time on my dad's playstation and it quickly becoming my favorite game... story is beautiful and combat is fun :D

Ég skil ekki alveg hvað það er við þennan leik og þessa sögu sem bara... gerir eitthvað við mig. Það er sko spurning hvort þetta sé hvað tölvuleikir ættu að vera, eins cinematic og hægt er, og ég held að í flestum leikjum þá held ég að þeir ættu ekki að gera það, heldur notfæra sér þá staðreynd að þeir séu tölvuleikir. En maður bara virkilega verður að viðurkenna að þegar það virkar, eins og hér eða t.d. í God of War, þá virkar það helvíti vel og skapar hrikalega tilfinningaríkar upplifanir.

I've lost count how many times i've replayed this. My favorite game of all times; I have such a deep passion for all the characters it's insane.

One of the best games ever, the soundtrack , the history, characters, perfect.

Never finished this version but it was cool I got it for free with my PS4 at the time

I have never really played this IP even though I knew it was a masterpiece. My brother bullied me to play it. I already knew most of the story before my playthrough, and it still slapped the shit out of my ego. Why the hell didn’t I play it before? Maybe because I didn’t have the interest in mature story rich games. 9 years after release, it still holds up. The story is the core of the game. Gameplay is good enough but a bit old for nowadays. I’d be happy to play the remake on pc in the future.

Finally got to play this game after watching others play it :)

Great story for a zombie game. I feel like most zombie tropes are overdone but I liked that there was more to this game than just the infected.

What are we? Some kind of The Last of Us?

i have too small of an attention span

A cena do acidente de carro foi o maior jumpscare que eu já tomei.

La primera vez que lo vi fue con Vardoc. Fue ahí cuando vi que los videojuegos eran algo más.

Fun road trip game for the whole family to enjoy. Play it with your kids.

there isn't an option for watching my friend play the game in its entirety but like i basically played it. also i cried

Obra maestra, historia y ambientación brutal, me impactó bastante

Nah so like, how come I haven’t play this till now fr

The same as the original, but improved.

Le jeu est cool, il souffre des mêmes défauts que le 2 à savoir son gameplay efficace mais trop classique sauf qu'il n'a pas la force émotionnelle du second selon moi même s'il reste tout de même bien touchant par moment. Après c'est un jeu et gameplay > histoire dooonc. On peut parler du manque de muscle mommies dans cet opus, défaut HEUREUSEMENT réglé dans le second.

Not my kinda game. Can get pretty boring, puzzles are a little brain dead. The story is good, but not as good as everyone says, and definitely not good enough for me to recommend people play the game. Acting is good tho.

Score: 2.5/5
Letter Grade: C

meu mano joel sofreu demais nesse jogo

[My 3rd playthrough.]

Besides the redundancy in its formula the Last of Us remains a masterpiece in its narrative driven gameplay and intensely immersive combat. The interactions with Ellie and Joel are second to none in the medium and really carry the story to a whole other level. The multi-player is also a wildly unique and engaging,(and often overlooked), affair that warrants your attention alone.