Reviews from

in the past

The combat is mushy and the story is nonsensical and I think I like this game more than anyone on the planet. I recommend playing this with a buddy and roasting it the whole time.

The best part was when the quiet man said: [...]
Truly breathtaking

L'exemple même du jeu de merde que tu veux faire en rigolant, et que chaque minute supplémentaire passée te fait :
- regretter de l'avoir lancé
- relativiser sur TOUS les jeux de merde auxquels on voudrait jouer "pour la science"

Rien. Ne. Va.

N'y touchez pas.

"The Quiet Man ending explained"
"The Quiet Man Freudian analysis"

The game wants to be a movie but it sucks at being a movie too. I don't think I've ever played something so arrogantly confident in gameplay this rotten. This is an all-around pretentious piece of trash that's rightfully taken its seat next to the other infamous failures of the industry.

Zero stars, one for every brain cell the game has.

i'm pretty sure i know one of the only existing fans of this game. he picked this for a game club that i participated in and it was only $2 so well... 🙂

didn't really know much about this other than the fact that it was infamously bad to an extent you don't frequently see these days. beyond that i didn't realize that this had actual combat/beat em up gameplay on top of the narrative based stuff. i wish i had stayed unaware but it's too late now.

the two gameplay formats are at complete odds with each other. the story has no flow to it because you're constantly being interrupted (in a jarring fashion) by another fight sequence. i could see a better execution of either the combat gameplay or the narrative itself appealing to fans of those kinds of things but given that they are both miserable slogs it doesn't make anyone happy.

i know there's a second run where you get sound and such but there's no fixing this for me. i'm not bothering.

(BacklogBeat's Game Club - May 2024 nomination)

@Sgulgi, welcome to your tape.

This game is so incomprehensibly bad that I can't help but feel like it was intentionally trying to be the next big cult camp classic. Terrible gameplay, insanely bad narrative, horrible acting, awful art direction...the list just goes on. I hate rating games this low, but I genuinely do not have a single good thing to say about this game.

Square Enix is the most unserious company on the planet.

I was hoping it's so bad, it's good. No, it's just shamefully bad. Even 3 hours was enough.

I just wanted my father's applause.

this game is truly incredible, its a bad comedy without audio, and the audio actually makes it even worse, like suddenly the game feels racist and the story feels twice as stupid once you can understand it how incredible

Este juego es una basura, es lo único que puedo decir, no vale la pena ni perder el tiempo en explicarlo.

This game is a technical and narrative mess, but I can't say I didn't have fun playing it. The in-engine cutscenes are something else.

This game was announced at E3 before covid was a thing...imagine the horror of knowing this was one of the last titles to leave your legacy with...
People like Dane might be deaf, but they could still hear the bulls*** for what it was...

Defies any possible rating. Congratulations or I'm sorry to whoever created it.

With sound.

sure play quiet man. whatever.