Reviews from

in the past

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Really nice game! I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to play as Clementine, but I was happy when she came around in the story. She is so badass. The zombies scare me :(

Enjoyed the first two episodes, then Episode 3 onward I just couldn't get into the story as I did not really care about what happened to Richmond. Choices do not really matter all that much in this game as well.

Who the hell thought playing some random dude named Javi over Clem was a good idea

This "New Frontier" storyline doesn't add anything to Clementine's story, but I liked the new characters nevertheless. As reaching the same emotional impact of the first season would be nearly impossible, this time we have a whole new setting with a relatively action-packed adventure kind of approach. The writing is a little too naive at times, but at least it felt like our choices mattered for once. It sucks that the second season's ending gets undone though. The gameplay is similar to previous chapters, but we do not have as many useless interactive sections as before.

Played through The Telltale Definitive Series. Absolutely worse than the first two in almost every way. The point and click elements were worse, the world and characters looked worse despite clearly having better graphical fidelity over all, Clementine has become an insufferable bitch in the time between the last game and this one. No matter what choices you made in season 2 she is like this. Her choices at the end of the game are completely determined by the flashback sequences and not at all with how you treat her or help her throughout the game, which seems insanely stupid. I never cared about Kate, or David, or Tripp or Gabe like I cared about Kenny, Lee, and Clem in the first two games. Javi is a pretty cool character though.

o jogo não é ruim, tem até padrões bons pra telltale, principalmente na relação dos personagens, mas pqp, de quem foi a ideia de fdp de trocar o protagonista, MORRAM!
personagens totalmente esquecíveis, vc não se importa com eles, se importa com a clem, então suas escolhas no fundo apenas querem beneficia-la.

Javi is pretty decent. The cast of this season though was not greatest compared to the previous seasons... Gabe and Kate were not the brightest. And Tripp be tripping out all the time lmao.

Definitely not as strong as the first two seasons, still have one more episode to go though!

This was quite a good game but it felt like quite a fresh start as compared to season 2 which picks off after season 1 with the same characters. The new characters were alright but the highlight was Javier. The other characters were alright and some were really forgettable. This led to not much sadness or tough decision making. The story was alright but in the end its a part of this amazing series so that's why it gets a somewhat high rating

Not as good as the first two but a good spinoff style game, doesn't really do anything crazy however

esse jogo é tipo um fan service ao contrário

Bit of a meme that misses the potential of its premise by a mile, although it at least gives you a dialog option to confirm the main character is bisexual which is neat.

Now.. this game was really good i really loved the storyline didn't really like the choices at the end but overall really good game

Não lembro muito, não é nada marcante e bem genérico eu acho kkkkkkkk, não faço questã ode jogar denovo

Oubliable comparé à ce qu'on a eu avant

The third season is a good change of pace for the story of TellTale's The Walking Dead. Having a new lead character and moving Clementine to the side as a hardened teen and supporting player was a good move for "this" season. Bringing the story into a community environment reminds me of The Govenor in the show. At the time I didn't have access to the final season and am getting ready to play it and wrap up this story.

It wasnt as good as the last 2 seasons, but it was still really good, I love javi

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Zatím nejslabší díl TWD příběh je náhle ze začátku změněn aby nejspíš tento díl nabral nový dech to se mu ale úplně nedaří a zachraňuje jej Clementine která se pozdějí objeví
Příběh není chabý ale vůbec se nevyrovná prvním dvou dílům Taky zde velice chybí AJ
Je zde velice nezodpověděných věcí z druhého dílu což je trochu deprimující
Grafika stále špičková
Tedy pouze příběh trochu selhává

Definitely worse then season 1 and 2 but has some real good choices
Very interesting that you don't play as Clementine again but at least she's a part of it

this is my second favourite season of twd games and nobody can tell me other wise

Mediocre quality drop followup to a great game, Javier is cool but I can't say I cared that much for the others (hell some characters I can't even remember who they are, an issue I never had in S1, S2 or S4), fuck Gabe and his teen angst bullshit. Jesus is also cool tho lol, I picked the flirt option with him not thinking itd be flirting and that was quite a fun outcome lol. At the end tho, was this sidetracking really necessary or worth it? No, but Final Season is atleast good. Also weird ass oversaturated ReShade looking graphics completely missing the point of the bleak look of the series, something Final Season also fixed. I think Definitive Edition also fixed it? I never played any of these on that

Javi, Kate, and David need to go to group therapy because holy shit, they are a mess.

Oh yeah, the game is good btw. No idea why it gets so much hate. I guess some of the choices didn't matter, but that's been an issue since the start of the series. It was worse in season 2. Although there are still some dogshit moments here, don't get me wrong. There's one choice at the end of episode 4 that I thought was fantastic initially, only for ep 5 to make that decision meaningless in the lamest way possible. If you know, you know. It's such a stupid moment.

But besides some awful moments here and there, I think this season is underrated. I mean, it has fucking Jesus in it. What else can ya ask for?

¿Quién es toda esta gente y por qué debería importarme? ¿En qué estaba pensando Telltale?