Reviews from

in the past

Toem: Basto Region is a great addition to the base game, adding a new area to explore with a host of new missions to complete and new animals to photograph. New to the update is the day/night mechanic; when sleeping in a resting place, the time of day changes and affects the environment, specifically the water as there are certain roadblocks your character can't access either on day or night. It's a bit annoying when you have to go back and forth changing the time of day when completing some missions, but it’s a little something that spruces up the game just a bit, and that's all I can say about the Basto Region. It's a nice little addition to an already charming game.

Really chill and relaxing game.

Não me aguentei! Assim que fechei o jogo base, fui zerar a expansão no mesmo dia. Mesmo com algumas coisinhas repedidas, esse jogo continua tendo a gameplay gostosa de jogar.

I loved the clarity of the quests and artwork in this game. Photography games are extremely hit or miss for me, and I thought Toem did a good job at turning the camera into an intuitive and satisfying game mechanic.

One gripe is that there is very little incentive to refine your photos in the game's encyclopedia, since all subjects are always billboarding toward the player. Two different pictures of the same subject (a bug, a tree) will typically be largely similar. This is such a compelling ongoing activity in the recent Zelda games because of the dynamic lighting and animations in those worlds. In Toem, as appealing as the art style is, it never really compelled me to take a picture of the same thing twice. Apples and oranges of course, but for whatever it's worth, I think that particular sub-system isn't very well suited to the art style.

Still the game's strengths are in its personality and confidence in it's own aesthetics, and on that metric is wonderfully well-executed.

lovely addition to the game but i felt the tasks were relatively simple

Muito bom assim como o jogo base. Terminei a campanha do jogo e ja estava triste pois tinha acabado, foi ai que eu descobri que ainda tinha mais essa maravilha para me prender ainda mais no jogo. Perfeito

Cool free DLC that adds a whole new area with new missions, creatures, achievements and Easter Eggs, and more content for a game that was already good is very appreciated! I love how the devs are clearly proud of this title and really wanted to have more fun with it.