Reviews from

in the past

Way too slow and clunky for my liking

A great debut game for one of the most well recognized and coolest female protagonists in media

the best game you can play while listening to an audiobook
just hours upon hours of slow clumsy, yet deliberate platforming with not much else going on besides the occasional enemy to shoot. but its perfect for when you need something to do while listening to something that won't really distract you too much from the thing you're listening to
that said, i think i would have died from boredom if i wasn't listening to something more engaging while playing this, partially due to just how labyrinthian some levels can be, and idk about you but running around in circles looking where to go and what i missed just isn't fun. and im sure i would have given up if not for speed up and rewind via emulation, especially with how precise and lethal some jumps can be
that said, the last few levels do redeem the game in the end, and i am glad i played it

Joguei pela primeira vez via Steam, e o port (se é que dá pra chamar disso) é tão malfeito que chega a ser injogável. O jogo roda emulado via DOSBox, e nada contra o emulador, que fique bem claro, mas transferir um jogo clássico via emulador open-source, sem se dar o trabalho de converter e atualizar mecânicas antiquadas pra um funcionamento melhor e mais fluido aos novos jogadores é um tiro no pé. Os controles péssimos podiam ser divertidos e podiam fazer mais sentido na epóca, mas como o jogo é obtido de forma oficial, cabia também um port oficial que tivesse sido trabalhado pra caber nos tempos atuais e dar mais jogabilidade e conforto aos jogadores que querem se inteirar de jogar os clássicos da era de ouro.
Lara muitas vezes não responde aos comandos de pulo, o controle de camêra não funciona e o jogo vive um meio termo entre o fluido e o manual. As ambientações e trilhas sonoras são ótimas e casam perfeitamente com os gráficos, esses que não deixam a desejar no sentido de mostrar a evolução dos jogos de computador em seus primórdios e chegando até aqui. Sinto que o jogo funcionaria bem se um port atento e profissional tivesse sido feito.

Oh yeah it aged. Quite frankly the inputs were a pain on this one. But it's a way to experience the old old games for sure. I'll finish it eventually for sure.

although the platforming is super clunky and a bit difficult, it still holds up to me today. a lot of people wouldn't agree, but i still find myself very pleased with how it aged

Its atmosphere and control scheme really work their way under the skin. It starts off feeling plain, cumbersome, but once one learns the rules and begins to believe in its spaces, it's an absorbing and memorable experience. We're so used to user friendly, context-driven control schemes, and environments we look past or through or around with markers and maps and UI. It's you, Lara, and the world; it's navigation above all. This game has some puzzle solving and too much combat, but the first is really just understanding your surroundings and the second is usually finding a spot where you can shoot whatever is threatening you without getting close to it. It all comes back to moving around---understanding the space, and the controls are in total support of aiding that understanding. Setting up jumps, the hang-time in the air, there's a tension and reward to it all. It's 3D platforming, baby.

And while navigating, almost all we hear is Lara's footsteps and voice. Very little music. There's a real sense of solitude to it. When we hear something other than her, it puts us on edge, and it probably should because the enemies feel like they're out of a fixed-camera survival horror game. Those environments too, huh? Always emerging out of the darkness, always larger and more ominous than you think they're going to be. I love the pulsating, emerald tones of the water. Its Egypt, with its layered underground somehow illuminated and spotted with palm trees for contrasting colour. It's a rude surprise that it decides to end like System Shock 2.

It's tough to care about whatever the story is with those bowling alley cutscenes, and the horror atmosphere is unsupported by the plentiful resources, but it's easy to put those aside when the design brings you close to its space like this. I've played the 2013 reboot so I know it gets worse, but I'm curious about the other early entries now.

É um jogo bem foda sim, sua atmosfera nas dungeons é muito bem feita.
O jeito que ele bota você para explorar cada lugarzinho do mapa para te fazer achar tanto os itens da fase como os secretos, esse tipo de gameplay pro ps1 é uma coisa linda, mas na parte da movimentação é uma DECEPÇÃO, mds que coisa horrorosa.
Mas é isso, gostei pra krl e só n do mais um pouco na nota por causa dessa movimentação e um pouco da história que não me pegou tanto.

Ass and absolutely garbage because it's sooooo boring

I started playing this for this first time because I found this interesting video series with an AI impersonating Lara Croft and making comments while playing the game, and I want to know how it pulls it off with the proper context

It has some ambience, but I'm still astounded at how big of a deal this was. To go from the oogled magazine renders to actual gameplay was such a leap. Plays so bad, y'all.

I played this when i was like 4, but i remember liking it

I forgot the game didn't end at the Egypt area

Cool concept, clunky controls, the first game I ever bugged my dad to let me play when he was done. 💗

um dos meus jogos favoritos, mas envelheçeu mal pra caralho

I never played the original Tomb Raider games on the PS1. Yes, shocking because Lara (yes, Lara, not the games) were hyper famous back in the early 2000's and she was literally everywhere. I played tiny bits from the reboot trilogy and I finished Tomb Raider (2013) several times.

Why I wanted to try out the original? Because I was really curious how Lara created a whole new era in the action-adventure platforming scene and to my surprise, the game is not that bad, it is just ridden with technical problems.

First off, Tomb Raider's music is great. It is one of the most beautiful and catchy OST's I have ever heard, the songs will 100% stick with you after the game. The game itself aged quite nicely in terms of graphics as the large halls, empty tombs and trap filled rooms are very nice to look at.

Sadly, the controls are not really good. The movement in this game is really janky and you can get used to it if you will, but I always struggled in some parts of the game, because Lara simply did not wanted to do what I had in mind. She missed ledges, jumped off from walls to her certain death, did a backflip instead of running in a direction, you get the idea.

It is a first installment in a long running series, of course it is janky as hell!
The action is alright, it is a tad bit too simple, but you can get over it. In a platformer however, movement is pivotal in terms of how the game age. I am sad that I cannot enjoy it as much as the game deserves it, because the movement and the jumping is janky.

Despite all this, I had some fun with the game and I want to play with the sequels.

Talvez não tenha envelhecido bem para muitos, mas ainda é impressionante como, enquanto jogo 3-D, ele ousou e conseguiu fazer mais do que muitos e foi uma grande revolução, mas que acabou meio esquecido e só lembrado pelos nostálgicos que, sinceramente, não devem ter jogado 1/3 de vezes que eu. Sinceramente, é um ótimo jogo pra zerar numa tarde.

Grande série da Angelina Jolie
Os controles são duros que só, e quase não melhoram nos 3 que saem a seguir, mas é algo que dá pra se acostumar.
Grande parte do jogo se passa em lugares fechados sem música alguma, o que ajuda a deixar tudo mais macabro, eu tinha muito medo desse jogo quando criança. Só digo que é muito fácil de criar creepypasta com jogos 3D antigos assim.

Angelina Jolie nunca mais foi a mesma depois dessa

Fuck the wolves and the piece of shit gap.

This review contains spoilers

The base PC controls are just fine, I think! They're a little non-standard, but they're actually fairly comfortable.

Lara controls like a dream once you understand how she moves, which is basically that she has to run across a full tile to do a running jump.

I consider Tomb Raider I a near perfect game. The only real thing I don't like are the human enemies, although I will say that the boss of Natla's Mines that uses uzis was too comical to hate.

This game has so many fun memorable areas. St Francis' Folly, for one. The cistern! The Tomb of Tihocan! The last three levels! It's all so good.

I wanted to like this game. I really did but theres so many issues that i cant bring myself to finish it. To cut to the chase, the game is slow. That isnt necessarily a bad thing but when the game wants to also be so fucking punishing at the same time, it turns the game into a slog. When you may solve a puzzle or find out where to go its fun, but then you might die to some bullshit trap or the 500 gorillas that half health you with every hit. So youll be doing some of these segments multiple times over. In modern games like celeste for example, when you die the game doesnt punish you heavily and spawn you near where you died. tomb raider will take you back to where you last saved, at least on ps1 which can be so fucking far back that it makes tou want to stop entirely. But i kept pushing because i enjoyed the games atmosphere. The controls are strange but i like them. Grabbing ledges manuvering terrain is way more interactive than most modern day games like assassins creed. The general game is fun but its so intent on curb stomping the player at every moment with awkward puzzles, and constant insta kills. Some puzzles require timing so tight that i was doing some for 20 minutes straight. Initially enemies arent so bad but ehen you get to egypt, you get lions and gorillas that hit so god damn hard and are everywhere. There is also some random ass dude who pops up from nowhere sometimes and just starts shooting you. Youll never know hes there until you see your hp bar draining rapidly and then he doesnt even die, you have to get him off screen after hitting him for a bit. This humanoid gun combat and 2 shot kill animals make most of combat just health tanking and chugging med kits. If this game removed the combat and was designed to be more forgiving in some aspects, it would be amazing. I couldnt bother to finish it and stopped at the king midas level because it was so confusing to play through. I looked up a guide and knew instantly how to beat the level which took out most of the fun. On top of that, it was gonna take so long to actually play the level that i just gave up because i got bored and was annoyed at confusing puzzles. In a way, this game is like a zelda game without the shitty story and just the dungeons, but now the dungeons are just a mishmash of bullshit. I also wish the levels werent so wide and expansive. It makes traversing them so boring when it takes so long to get from point a to b. It also make the levels confusing mazes because theres so many different path ways, and if you stop mid level, you forget and just get fucked. The music is also annoying, its very loud and basic. The nice mood that you might get from, for example, portal is just ruined when the ost comes on every time you enter a new room in tomb raider. Tomb raider in a way is relaxing, where you just solve puzzles in peace, but it refuses to be that and instead wants to be an aggresive globe-trotting adventure which i just dont think its built for.

Junto ao Crash 2 do ps1 foi um dos primeiros jogos o qual aprendi a jogar e guardo um carinho eterno. Esse ja tem uma história mais complexa e enigmas mais difíceis de resolver. Joguei a primeira vez em 1998, mas só fui zerar de fato em 2005. Exige muita inteligência e atenção. Não tem muito o que revelar da história sem dar spoiler, vale a pena perder tempo e atenção com ele.

Feels dated but once you get the controls its great fun.

Eu tava curtindo pra caralho, mas o combate do jogo envelheceu EXTREMAMENTE MAL! Dá uma canseira absurda jogar essa porra sabendo que o combate é desse jeito.
Eu pretendia jogar o resto da franquia, mas não to com muito saco não. Talvez eu tente jogar a trilogia do reboot depois.

As someone who grew up playing a lot of Tomb Raider II and thus has a lot of nostalgia for it, this game hasn't aged particularly well. The controls are clunky and weird and levels are needlessly huge and kind of confusing to navigate. I understand how big of a deal this game was when it was new and I appreciate that about it, but that doesn't retroactively make it better.

It’s hard to know how to review this game, if you hold it up to modern standards then of course it’s got more than its fair share of issues. But if you take it for what it is and compare it to games at the time it is one of the best games ever made.

At the time of its release we has seen nothing like this, the graphics on both pc and console where fantastic and the game play and level design where fluid and expansive. It really did blow allot of people away. I won’t go into too much detail regarding Lara's history or legacy as we all know the impact she had on the video game industry as well as pop culture its self. So let’s begin.

Tomb Raider puts you in the boots of arceologist Lara Croft who is approached by a rich and powerful business woman known as Natla to recover an artefact in Peru, and that is all that is know when Lara sets off on this adventure. The story on the whole is decent but It can be hard at times to piece together exactly what’s going on, I guess in modern gaming we are so used to incredible cinematic experiences that a handful of short FMV's and in game cut sense don’t quite cut it. The clues are there however and its a decent story that keeps the game moving on nicely. The game itself see's Lara tackle 4 areas that are broken up into 3 to 4 levels each, these are Peru, Greece, Egypt and finally Atlantis. The level design for the time is incredible and really second to none, its the classic Tomb Raider design of platforming, key/switch finding and occasional animal or boss battles but for the time is was fresh and exciting. My Only gripe with the levels is that each areas levels can feel repetitive from a graphical point of view, even though the layout of these levels are vastly different they use allot of the same styles and textures.

From a graphics and sound stand point, for a 1996 game it looks and sounds great. 3D environments bring the world together and Lara’s character model looks good if not a little.....pointy. Only issues are a poor draw distance which can be quite jarring in 2016 and sounds sometimes don’t play when they are supposed too however this is an issue in both PC and console versions of the game. The levels don’t have a soundtrack as such, but more occasional sound bites as you adventure, or sounds play to symbolise and secret being discovered or door opening. Sounds of Lara's movements, gun fire and other NPC's are all good for 1996. Some character models of other humans could be improved however as the difference between them and Lara in quality is quite obvious.

The game play is what we have all come to know, love and find frustrating. It’s the usual fair of run, jump, roll, dodge and shoot. There is allot more emphasis on platforming in Tomb Raider as opposed to the other games in the series and only a few enemies appear in levels. To be honest in 2016 Lara did not feel as "tank" like as I thought she might but it can be a challenge to move her around. More often than not I died because she did not jump when I wanted her too or due to the dated graphics a ledge was not as close as I thought. This was frustraiting in 1996 and is frustraiting in 2016 so be warned before you play. It did however not stop my overall enjoyment of the game and replaying it 20 years after it first came out was a complete joy. The PC version also bennifits from its ability to save wherever you like mid level, PlayStation and Saturn versions of the game had to make use of save cristals scattared thoughout the levels and this became more than a slight annoyance on the consoles.

Over all Tomb Raider is a fantastic game, it blew us away in 1996 and in 2016 it’s not as hard to play as I thought it would be. The story is solid and helps move things forward nicely and the overall presentation for the time of release is top notch. This is all complemented with fantastic level design if not slightly aesthetically repetitive. On a modern PC with windows 10 the games runs well, only issues I had is FMV's stretch to fit the screen which can make them harder to watch and there is also a slight delay between them starting and playing on screen only a second or two but this really does not detract too much.

Overall Tomb Raider is an all time great that will go down as a classic. - 9.2/10 - PC 9.0/10 - PS1/Saturn

Recently completed it on stream so I may be viewing it favourably but the game is great. By modern standards its lacking a lot, especially in its gunplay.

The sense of exploration, the music, secrets and atmosphere come together to create a great experience filled with challenging puzzles, memorable moments and locales.

The shooting is really my only criticism, as well as the boss fights. They are a bit too simplistic and easily kite-able.

The way how you can get soft locked and ganked over and over again is problematic. But that might be a skill issue with not preserving meds.

Overall a great template for the modern adventure/puzzle game.