Reviews from

in the past

(played as part of ATARI 50)

Imagine some kid getting a Jaguar at launch and being stuck with this and CYBERMORPH. Their friends on the playground talking about Doom and Sonic and Game Boy Zelda. Atari owed that kid better than this shitpost garbage.

Played as part of Atari 50.

I don't want every single one of my Jaguar reviews to just reiterate that Atari fell flat on their face when it came to evolving with their competition, but that really is just the main conclusion to be made, isn't it? Launching the Jaguar with two largely uninteresting space games ripping off Star Fox in two different ways is crazy. Trevor McFur is just a boring shmup, with a striking lack of music for the vast majority of the game. The levels are long and repetitive without a ton of variation, and once you do finally beat a boss and get into a planet it's largely more of the same, just with a different scrolling background. It's no surprise no one bought this piece of shit console if this is what they were using to sell it, lol.

I will give credit where credit is dude and say that some of the level designs are actually quite interesting and really out there for the time. It's too bad a good majority of everything else kind of sucks.
