Reviews from

in the past

I dug a really big hole around my friends house

Great visuals, satisfying gameplay. Fun. Lovely soundtrack.

really enjoyed the game but lack of updates and broken promises has put a sour taste in my mouth

this game is very fun to play with friends. i'm like 80 hours into my second playthrough, where i reached the plains and the mistlands, and i have to say, it's clear the devs love it.

i only wish they made valheim plus part of the base game because it's a grindfest and kinda frustrating without some tuning

i wish i had someone to play with

"Valheim" is definitely one of the best survival games I have ever played.
The norse mythology setting of the game adds a ton to the lore of the game, meaning that we, the players are in Valheim, which is an eternal purgatory because we didn't die honorable deaths, and need to make up for the gods in order to ascend into Valhalla (Heaven).
The graphics of the game are oddly satisfying and pleasing to watch, and the overall gameplay and mechanics of the game are spot on. The combat is sharp and fair, the game allows for a lot of building diversity and creativity, and the sailing on sea is fabulous. Not giving 5 star review due to the lack of content being added and due to some minor performance issues that could be improved.

I shall return to this when I have a gaming PC that can handle its beauty.

Really cool game to play through with a group of friends.

• Beautiful graphical style
• Great sense of progression, reminds me of Terraria
• Fun boss fights
• Really cool building mechanics
• Satisfying sailing

• A lot of grinding (depends on how many people, but with just 3 of us we had to mine SOO MUCH just to make us armor and weapons)
• The world is very large, and if you're unlucky with your world, it may take hours of sailing to find a new biome or structure
• Minerals can't be taken through portals, which is annoying when you have your whole forge at home but already mined up all the minerals nearby so now you have to sail for 5 hours just to make a BRONZE SWORD

While the cons were annoying, mods fixed pretty much everything for me so yeah.

help, my husband can't stop playing this game

Overhyped imo. Was fun first 20 hours, then it got boring.

very good but too long and too grindy for me

trop marrant la survie minecraft, des flash backs de minecraft

As someone who bounced off Minecraft and NMS, this scratched an itch here for a month. The combat jank is actually really fun in my opinion, definitely with elements of Souls-games with the dodge roll/stamina/blocking. Sailing on a ship has an appropriate amount of sim elements like wind / deteriorating boats / monsters to keep you on your toes. Exploration + jank combat = good stakes.

What ultimately fell apart for me is the late game. You simply increase the power of your weapons from wood —> bronze —> iron —> etc. But the abilities don’t change or grow in complexity. Coupled with ok boss design you kinda start to feel the grind without system intertwining complexity.

Maybe if it had an MMO-style environment with job specializations (via mods), or weapons with abilities that can be crafted or forged, there might be more to chew on.

But it’s still in beta so TBD. I just saw that quests are being added, but I doubt this will help fix the late game design problems. It’s also visually bleh and the music is non-existent.

if only there were more content

Early access so I can't consider this as completed, but after playing 100+ hours, I can say this is a game worthy of being played already. Played with a friend thorough the "campaign" (going through each boss) and we had a blast exploring each biome, dealing with enemies, gathering resources, and building up our characters. This is the first online survival game that I ever enjoyed.

good game with original graphics and gameplay element's , it's not finished and i'm waiting for more content -> long content draught

Bought this game to play with some friends, and it is so FUCKING GOOD. I haven't finished it yet because we got burned out on the Mistlands biome, but I plan to start another playthough with a different group of friends and finish it this time. Highly recommend playing with friends, although i think it would be pretty fun by yourself. Just beware it will probably take a lot longer then.

Very fun, very relaxing experience. Me like smash goblin creature with big hammer.

the gameplay loop can be fun but the iron stage actually just ruins the game for me

Not quite as legendary as something like Minecraft but it's pretty up there. I love the progression the most, the path is dug for you in a very satisfying way and is just great. The sole reason I'm not giving a 4 or 5 star are those damn deathsquitos.

My favorite game of all time. I have 350h so far. The gameplay loop is perfect for me, but there are so many smaller issues and quirks that pull this game down. It is lacking in many QOL features, has certain mechanics that are unnecessarily punishing, and you can run into some insane difficulty spikes. If these issues get ironed out, and once fresh content gets added in the future, this game will be a 5/5 for me and nothing will ever top it.

another survival game where all my friends all actually play the game and i get to just build the house with the resources they gather for me (◕ᴗ◕✿)

I played this game solo and I think I would have liked it a lot more

Amazing pacing and progression, addicting as fuck, and cool biomes. Some biomes are obviously better than others, and it can get quite grindy at some points.

Bosses are good, but not amazing. The score makes them feel pretty epic though.

Building is great.

Great atmosphere.

The graphics are simple, but effective. Charming.

Exploration is great in the beginning, but after a while you realize all the biomes are the same everywhere, so finding Black Forest number 10 is not that fun. Hopefully as they release new biomes, they will fill more of the map and exploration might feel more fun.

My favorite crafting survival game of all time (so far), and I can´t wait to follow the development.

Was fun for a bit and was even more fun with friends. I just don't think it was for me

This game is so boring that it's actually impressive.