Reviews from

in the past

Creo que es un juego clasico de celulares, la verdad me encanto por las animaciones que tienen, pero el gameplay es simple y no ofrece mucho, aun asi tiene mucho estilo para ser mediocre

this game is goated with the sauce as kids say

I remember playing vector as a kid and loving it. I wanted to play it again and bask in that sweet sweet nostalgia, but it just crashes on startup now. Apparently instead of fixing the existing game, they went ahead and made two new versions, plain "Vector" and "Vector Classic". I truly love how disposable mobile games are, I spent money on the original Vector and now that's just down the drain.

Oh well, I just decided to download "Vector" because "Vector Classic" cost money, and I don't want to give the company money since they have left a bad taste in my mouth. I was expecting the worst since it's a free game on mobile and booting it up I just felt disappointed. I could buy currency, get powerups, and the main menu screamed modern day money furnace. I ignored all of that and went into the game proper. I played three levels and they were just as I remembered, simple but solid fun. It was fairly stuttery though, which detracted a bit from the experience. You may be wondering, why did I only play three levels? I instantly closed the app when a generic homescapes mobile game ad started playing after I restarted a level too many times because I wanted to get a fast time. I get the game is free, I wish they chose one method of monetization rather than "all of the above", and I can't stand ads.

I'm disappointed, but not surprised. This is all par for the course for free-to-play games these days, especially on mobile. I assume "Vector Classic" is what I should play if I want the original experience, but I'm already burned. Take my stuff away once so why should I trust you to not do it again. There's still a good game here but it depends on what version you play or how much BS you can tolerate.

a raiva que eu não passava com isso
muito bom

Muito bom! certamente aprimorou o que havia sido criado em Canabalt.

after 100%ing this game i can safely say that considering how much thought the devs put into the level design and each route you can take through each track, it's insane how there's no savestate function that makes it so you don't have to keep replaying the same two minutes just to get another try at the twelfth near-frame perfect maneuver

On the rare occasion I play mobile games, it's usually this, and it used to be a pretty solid game. Used to, because now it's filled with microtransactions and softlocking requiring you to either buy coins to progress or wait 1-2 days for things to reset.

No clue why they did this, but I guess at some point every ongoing game gets that treatment sooner or later. Real shame, used to be really fun, now I can't even progress the third levels naturally.

cured my 10 minutes of boredom

Honestly was pretty cool back then and even now

esse era mt bala de jogar na escola

After giving up on the mobile versions of vector, I just got the PC version. I enjoyed Vector a ton as a kid, so many hours dumped onto that iPad. So, I wanted to get a taste of the sweet sweet nostalgia. The original version of Vector on mobile doesn't work anymore, and instead of fixing that version to work on modern mobile OS's, the developer just made two new distinct versions of it. One being "Vector Classic", a paid version of the game that I assume is just the original release but updated to function. I played the other version which was free because I am a cheap bastard and felt betrayed that the money I spent on the original just went down the drain. Needless to say, the free version sucked, it has all the trappings of modern day free-to-play mobile games. So I gave up. However, I'm weak and my nostalgia still hungered, so I got it on PC.

I enjoyed my time with it, just as I remembered it being. I was kind of hoping that I would've enjoyed it as much as I did as a kid, but that's just a futile thought. That isn't to say that Vector is a bad game, it's simple good fun. A 2D auto-runner can only go so far in wowing someone. I honestly don't have much to say which is shame since I wrote more in my rant than the actual review. Vector just does everything it sets out to do, nothing more, nothing less.

"En büyük mü bilmiyorum ama çok büyük!"

Kendine ait bir evreni bulunan bu oyunda bulunan ilk sinematikten sonra kaçmaya karşı olan motivasyonumuz arttırılıyor, ardından oynanışın güzelliği sayesinde de kendisine bağlamakta hiç zorlanmayan bir oyundu.

Oyun her ne kadar kısa olsa da, oyun kendi kendine ufak bir hikaye ilerleyişine sahipti, özellikle son haritaya gelmeyi başardığımız sırada, aynı bizim gibi kaçan bir sürü insan görüyoruz.

Um jogo muito bem feito, bom pra passar o tempo e satisfatório de jogar.

Jogo muito legal. Proposta diferente e muito acima da média para jogos mobile. Joguei MUITO na infância.

Mirror's Edge for people who hate their job.

Jogava na sala no celular de um amigo. Chato.

3☆ - This was hype as a kid, super fun and super cool. Art was also awesome. Nostalgia +1☆.

I was a parkour master on this

This game had heart for a mobile game