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in the past

an incredibly detailed & immersive game. has so so so much to do & so many random events that not everyone is going to have the same experience. tons of fun if you like super detailed & realistic games. sadly, i am too much of a baby & too scared to venture out in the night-time- and that's where all the fun is. just an absolutely incredible game, & for free/pay what you want?? i'm shocked i'm the first review here..

Genuinely really fun, coming from someone who doesn't typically like simulator games. I never played signal simulator but in all its meme-y-ness, VoTV still creates an eery atmosphere. Recent updates added features I wasn't a fan of at first (cleaning), but they've grown on me.

Started this game because I loved the atmosphere while watching Joel play it. Everything from the heavy gmod inspiration to the incredibly tedious signal-finding process is just so charming to me, and the atmosphere of knowing for a fact you aren't alone but not knowing when or where an entity might lurk is so unnerving.

This is up there with FFXIV free trial in terms of value proposition for zero dollar

So tedious. Will wait for the full version, maybe that justifies it more.

Um dos melhores jogos de "Terror" que ja joguei. Por mais que demore a acontecer as coisas, isso te instiga a querer descobrir cada vez mais o mundo e as coisas que acontecem nele.

Eu fico triste pelo jogo ainda estar incompleto e algumas áreas interssantes parecerem não estar prontas ainda, porém entendo que é extremamente difícil fazer um jogo deste nível.

Interesting astronomy horror game. You play as a swiss scientist in a massive satellite mountainfield and have to analyze and process signals from space. Satellites break, servers break and things are expensive so you’re gonna have to haul ass all the time. And then you start finding creepy shit.

The game’s loop is pretty fun and engaging (at least for me) and some of the events are really creepy, but the lack of health to be aware of (You’re invincible) and the way 90% of the time things aren’t really happening makes the experience somewhat boring for most people.

Besides that, the game is very pretty to look at despite being a source game with simple textures, and the times where it gets scary are VERY scary. I just wish you actually had a reason to fear stuff.

Also you trip too much.

It's stil updating so it's very worth it to check out later.

The one thing I can say about it is that it has a very specific, very niche sense of humor but that isn't a drawback in my eyes. It might be to other people, though. Already very fun with easily a lot of content even though it's still in development, and you have nothing to lose because the demos are free.

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Great psychological horror experience without resorting to horror tropes like blood, gore and jump scares. Focusing on the more subtle and mysterious horror, building up over time.

This game is great to experience with a friend as when stuff hits the fan its amazing trying to figure out what is going on and what to even do.

The basic gameplay loop can get a little samey but, I think it adds to the experience more than taking away, as you get more gear and ways to streamline the experience as things start to pick up.

Great game, going to keep up with the constant updates and fully enjoy it upon full release.

Addictive, hostile and wonderfully clever with it’s diverse route in the psychological horror genre. Voices of the void is purely an anxiety simulator, never letting you feel safe, even in your dreams.
After signal simulator was left to dust, this game has filled the void and given us so much more. I look forward to what the devs will bring us next!

Fantastic atmosphere with great customization options at the player's disposal. One of the very few games to actually scare me.

This game is full of secrets and event best experienced blind, so if you are going to play it, avoid reading any kind of discussion about it. The less you know, the better!

Very fun job simulator type of game with horror sprinklings. I'm only 12 hours in but I'm loving it.

I recently completed all days in v0.7, so I've seen most of what there is to experience for now. This game still has a long way to go before it's finished, but even it's current rough state, it's one of the most immersive and effective horror games I've ever played. It's still very buggy, poorly optimized and due for a lot of changes before a full release, but the core gameplay that's here right now is great and very addictive. It takes its time, allowing you to build up a routine doing your menial, daily tasks before things really start to change and begin to delve into the alien and supernatural. The slow pace and repetitive main objectives may not be for everyone, but it's incredibly effective in making you fall into a set routine, only to mess with you down the road. There's already an incredible amount of content with a heavy emphasis on player freedom and exploration to uncover the games many secrets, some of which are best left unseen.
It's best to go into this game with as little knowledge of it as possible, and experience everything it throws at you blind. It might take a while, but I'm waiting in anticipation for the next update. I can't wait to follow how this game grows in the future now.

(version 0.7)
Starts out like a spiritual successor to Signal Simulator, and then the terror begins.

While there's plenty of room for suspense and paranoia inside the base, you'll miss on most of the content if you won't dare venture out at night
(if it helps, MOST things can't actually kill you)

Also full of absolutely bonkers secrets no mortal has any chance of finding on their own, the kind I respect devs immensely for putting in their games but rarely have the patience to solve. Join a community for hints & help or be OK with looking things up online.

Already tens of hours worth of amazing content, can't wait to see what full release will look like.

eu fui jogar esse jogo pq gosto dessa ideia de “terror CLT“ como chamo.

e eu fico incredula como no alpha esse jogo é muito bom em tudo que se proproe,tem momentos que eu ficava em puro terror e nao era quase nada acontecendo serio que jogo bom E TA NO ALPHA AINDA VEI

meu unico problema é seus controles que são meio confusos

Detailed, immersive, terrifying, and fantastic all the same.
My only issue is performance, but knowing it's mostly an engine issue, I can easily look past it.

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Reviewed on version 0.6.2.
Seeing as the game isn't complete, this will be more of a stream of conscious review rather than one with much thought put into how to articulate myself.

Voices of the Void is a spiritual successor to Signal simulator with its own twists on the gameplay and atmosphere. Using source engine sound effects with ps1 styled blocky textures, unreal engine lighting, and models too high definition but too janky to fit neatly into any category, VoTV has a bit of an identity crisis aesthetically.

In spite of these issues the game manages to craft a decent atmosphere, letting the player sink into the workplace and loop of finding signals, writing down hash codes, and fixing up servers and transformers. The game features a myriad of upgrades and items to help smooth out this process, however an issue arises where things go too smoothly. Once you buy kerfur, upgrade the stability, and get any useful upgrades to improve the speed at which you can acquire and process signals, the game becomes rote and formulaic. You'll rarely need to leave the base to fix up the transformers and write down hash codes, but these are quick and easy. There's exploration to be done, but by the point I was getting bored of the core loop, the main alien entities started spawning in. Ones that can actually kill you.

The suns floating around, the occasional ariral bully arriving, and a few events that either just give a visual change or shake your base are all to keep you entertained as you reach into the late 30s all the way until the demo is completed on day 44. There's potential here, but unless there's more to do in the base than decorate while you're trying not to get killed, I don't think the final hours of the game will be worth replaying by the time the game is complete.

I come home from work where I clean shit off the floor and make sure everything is going alright from 2-10 almost everyday, then when Im home the first thing I do is play a game about I clean shit off the floor and make sure everything is going alright only this time a little goblin runs by my feet once a day.

Even though I loved the atmosphere like everyone else, I couldn't put up with how tedious the game is. Even though I played the game up to Day 20 and got almost all the upgrades, it still felt like a shore that never ends.

The games flaw:
1. Ragdolling is very annoying since you constantly get put into it whenever you are low on food and/or sleep, it gets to a point where your character falls to the ground every 5 seconds. While ragdolling, you cannot move and cannot break out of it until you stop tumbling. It's especially infuriating when you're on the ATV (The vehicle you use) and you ragdoll while on it, making you fall for like an entire minute and losing your vehicle since it keeps moving without you. You also can't run while low on either things mentioned.
2. The hunger system forces you to waste currency in order to buy different amounts of food (I literally had an entire fridge filled with the military food bags that I couldn't eat) since you have to wait until you can eat more of the same food.
3. You can't sleep if you have above 70 on your sleep bar, sometimes your character will refuse to sleep, if you're hungry you can't sleep. You need a lot of currency to buy a portable bed since the one you get at the start is very difficult to move, and it is on another room away from the computer area, making it a back and forth in order to skip time to speed up the satellite process.
4. The transformers (generators) that would deplete its power by a random number or tick, which forced me to drive there every 1-2 days. Running is too slow and depletes a lot of hunger, driving is faster, but a pain since there's an excessive amount of trees from your base all the way to the generators. The generators are also located near the borders of the map, which meant losing a lot of gasoline and time. Every trip would take like 75-80% of my vehicle's fuel.
5. The upgrade system is the worst thing about this game, it forces you to unlock multiple other upgrades in order to speed up the computers and obtain more currency. You're given little to no detail on what each upgrade does. Refunding gives you less currency back, which forces you to either stick with the upgrades you have or lose a lot of currency. Most upgrades are very expensive, I got the majority of them only of non-stop grinding up till Day 20, while the game's story has a total of 30 days.
6. The amount of currency you get is so little, I felt like I was a machine being paid minimum wage while doing multiple jobs at once. Even doing the hashes and the daily task didn't feel like enough. On day 20 I was still running out of food, boxes, drives, and fuel.
7. Driving the ATV was very buggy. Using turbo made it constantly do an entire U-turn with the slightest move to either side (There being so many trees makes it worse). Sometimes it would start up but not move. Getting out of it would make my character strafe forward while ignoring all other moving directions. Without turbo, the ATV would move way too slow. The solar panel upgrade is also too expensive.
8. Any form of convenience requires a lot of currency, like the cat that fixes servers for you cost 500, a digital map that barely does anything useful is 150, a storage box is 50-300 depending on size, buying another microwave cost 400, the portable sleeping bag is 150, the best camera cost individually 80 and gasoline cost 25. Each daily task, which is where you get the most amount of currency, only gives you 140-177 with most upgrades unlocked.
9. Buying both the robot cat and all 16 upgrade levels of “server stability” would cost a total of 740. So you would need a total of 740, to get rid of the server problems. If you can't buy that, then you will have to deal with going to each server on the top floor of the satellite that doesn't work, and you will have to fix each one. If you don't fix them, then your download speed will be a lot slower.

Basically, my biggest issue is that the game gives me very little time and currency to just do what I want.

50 hours of sitting around waiting for something to happen (it never does) but the game has such a unique goofy charm while simultaneously being fucking terrifying that it's just so irresistible. Looking forward to supporting the official finished release.

Я насрал в штаны

A really neat and free horror game where you operate and maintain satellite dishes in the mountains.
The game has a very nice artstyle and surprisingly is super addicting and relaxing for me while also making me shit my pants at random points. Intead of shitty jumpscares, this game has tons of random and scripted events that can happen, the chilling ambience and these events make it feel like you're losing your mind and sometimes you don't even notice them until days later into the game.

Unbearably buggy at the time of writing. Shame, since everything was vibing so well at first. Hope to revisit when the kinks are ironed out, but cannot recommend in good conscience currently.

J'attends les nouvelles maj avec impatience et la 1.0.0 sur steam mais c'est juste excellent

the terminals didn't work for me. the downloading section just wouldn't work so I made it into a cleaning sim instead which was pretty fun in till I sweep too hard and knocked over a vending machine that hit and killed me instantly

I might go back to this game once I know a little bit more about it, my little brother recommended the game to me and watched me play it

edit I figured out what I did wrong I'll play more later
edit edit even learning how to control it it still doesn't work

Back when I was an early teen I used to look at YouTube videos about mysteries and secrets in GTA: San Andreas where people would obviously use mods to pretend aliens were a real thing in the game.
This game and its community feels exactly like that, except that all of the insane bullshit you find about the game is indeed real, and I love that.
Only big criticism about the game that I have is that too many days don't have events, leading to a lot of empty days and a bunch of cool events such as one relating to the sun just not happening to me in my entire 40 day playthrough.

I don't think I've played a game that manages to bounce between silly and terrifying so often. I find myself chuckling, cowering, and chuckling over what I cowered at. What a wonderful, digital home this game is!

É assim que um jogo de terror tem que ser, uma mistura perfeita de calma, comédia e terror. Acontecendo de forma orgânica, com a ambientação e o mistério sendo os principais fatores, e não jumpscares baratos.

(e ainda tá no Alpha)