Reviews from

in the past

omg literally greatest game of all tiem bruh 😭😭😭😭

a good game but it´s not a great one despite it being a lot of fun

The only good sports game ever made, absolutely crazy

KSI vs Matt is a dream match i need to see

didn't play this as much as resort.

The fucking sweaty state my 6 year old self would be in after boxing with Matt for 2 hours

it came the time to log this one i much like a lot of elderly people have put hundreds of hours into this lil gem

This is the only game I think I've ever played, that EVERYONE in my entire family does not think is a mistake. So, I guess that's gotta be saying something. Bowling tournaments were wonderful. The most excited I ever was being around extended family was playing this game.

There's so many good reasons why this was the Wii's best selling title.

Honestly the best game they could've packed with the Wii at launch. Simple to understand, enjoyable by everyone.

This game remains almost unmatch in terms of pick up and play fun with Wii Sports Resort as a close second, 5 great mini games that support 1-4 for most of them with additional fun training mini games. The only real let down is due to the motion controls spasming out sometimes but other than that, no golf game since has match this besides Wii Sports Resort

i made friends in primary school just because i owned this game, shout out Wii Sports frfr

Great sports game for everyone, but the single player content gets old fast

Fine in its own right, but as far as pack-in titles go it's a borderline gold standard

A definição máxima da simplicidade. Jamais esquecerei daquele dia chuvoso em dezembro de 2010 quando ganhei o Wii e joguei com a minha prima até doer o braço.

crazy how a mini game compilation can be this good

Like how Tetris came with every Game Boy, this came with every Wii. Only ever played it as a kid like everyone else did. Complete nostalgia, great music, and too many good memories.

Absolute blast to play, I've had so many fond memories playing tennis and baseball. I never managed to get a home run the legit way cuz the sensors were pretty hit or miss, so I'd just swing the wii remote in a circle randomly and that seemed to work, so yay!

Wii Sports Resort is just in all ways better. Played this one a few time with friends because I only have 2 wii remotes with motion plus and two without.