Reviews from

in the past

i used to steal my auntys phone to play this game

Crazy how they made a game set entirely inside my balls

World of Goo is a monument in the indie games community.
The objective is to construct towers and bridges out of different species of the main characters of the game: the goo balls, and reach each level's pipe end so that the goo balls get sucked in.
The game worlds are amazing, they are varied, keeping you permanently engaged and the music is outstandingly good, taking inspiration directly from classical music.
The plot manages to get feelings out of you which you didn't even know existed, a rare sight masterpiece.

For the time it released, this title was so polished and unique. Really loved playing this.

Interesting vibe from this game. I mostly watched my brother play it, but I gave it a spin at some point.

Good googly moogly

That thang is juicy

Really interesting and cute puzzle game. Had a lot of fun

This was one of my first puzzle games and it is still one of my favorites to this day. The mechanics with having realistic tension and support makes it require you to think about where you use your limited goo balls.

nightmare fuel for me as a kid

One of the first indie puzzle games on the Nintendo eShop that I played, I frankly had a blast with it. Wholly unique, cute, and at times somewhat disturbing. Using your goo balls to construct elaborate bullshit devices but having enough to make it to the ending is both compelling and a chill experience. The presentation, music, and aesthetics sell it even harder. It's just a really good puzzle game.

Very creative, fun, engaging game

I played the Wii demo of this game AGES ago and then got it on Epic Games when it was free, it's a short and fun game, really needs some tough thinking time.

But whoever made the levels "Blustery Day" and "Weather Vane" ACTUALLY needs to perish.

Um dos primeiros expoentes da explosão dos jogos indies, continua gostoso de jogar até hoje. Com uma trilha sonora excelente e personagens cativantes, vale a diversão apesar de não ser tão preciso em telas de toque.


One of the first exponents of the explosion of indie games, still fun to play. With an excellent soundtrack and captivating characters, it's worth the fun despite not being as accurate on touch screens.

too hard when i was little but too easy now that im grown

Cero quejas con este, buen juego de puzles, se ve muy chulo y tal.

My favourite puzzle game of all time, really fun characters and an odd setting, loved the variation throughout the levels which made it never get old.

This game wasn’t very fun to play. As a puzzle game, it feels outdated, with a lot of design ideas that feel quite weird nowadays (some were probably even considered bad at the time). Also, the puzzles rarely intrigued me or developed ideas i found to be smart ones.

I, however, don’t think playing it was a total waste of time, since it’s interesting to see how games, especially indies, have evolved since then.

Jueguito piola de puzzles, el problema es que no tiene un carajo de ritmo y se hace medio pesado. Recomendado para pasar el rato.

Nostalgic puzzle game with weird story and aesthetic. Need more games like this.

Cute little puzzle game where you stick some goo fellas together. Requires a lot of creative thinking.

me (the silly) and my army of goo(f)balls