Reviews from

in the past

Young Souls is definitely a lot of fun, especially if you enjoy playing games like Final Fight or Streets of Rage. Finishing up at around 12 hours seems like the perfect amount of time for a game of this nature. Long enough to experiment with different weapons and load ups but not overstaying its welcome. Young Souls is an impressive success and I look forward to what the future may hold for this up and coming indie development tandem.

Deve ser minimamente legal com alguém, porém solo a progressão do jogo se torna "vazia", os mapas são confusos, os personagens não tem nenhum carisma, pelo menos no começo, não deu vontade de continuar.

Un juego indie que, apartando de unos pocos bugs y de que el rendimiento (en ocasiones) no es el mejor en Switch, la verdad es que es una buena adición indie al catálogo de la consola.

Lo recomiendo, en especial si buscáis un desafío (aunque, si no queréis un desafío, tampoco pasa nada, hay diversos modos de accesibilidad que reducen éste, así como también tienes la posibilidad de cambiar la dificultad del juego en cualquier momento).

I don't know how to really classify this. It's a dungeon crawling RPG? I thought it would be more fun than it was. Fell off after a few hours.

Very fun couch co-op, but the solo experience can be punishing. The ending of the game is a little bit of a slog as well.

This game is a side scrolling brawler with a bit of RPG.
Visually the game is fairly good, it's going for a cartoonish aesthetic and it's nailing it, it's beautiful without being jaw-dropping.
Sadly the game is not voiced and the overall sound design didn't blew me away, the fighting sounds were okish.
In terms of gameplay since it's a side scroller, the game is quite straight forward and offers very little in terms of depth, you're getting any new abilities throughtout the game, you're choosing weapons and armors that have abilities that will dictact your gameplay. It's still quite good eventhough at times it can be weird in terms of hit registry due to the perception of depth.
The enemy variety was also ok, it was challenging and pushing me towards trying to play differently depending on what I was fighting against.
The final point is the story, I didn't like it, it felt strange, starting with the main protagonist that I really didn't like, making the characters swear all the time do not make then interesting. The tone of the game was also out of whack, sometimes trying to be funny in tense situation and sometimes trying to be serious. The fact that the overall story was a bit weak didn't really help.
To conclude, I think this game is good since it's not overstaying it's welcome, it's length is perfect around 9-10 hours to complet, I would recommend it if you're into side scrolling beat them all games that are a bit challenging.

Wasn't fucking with the game a ton despite really liking some aspects. Likely cuz I was ass at it. Probably gonna give it a revisit