Reviews from

in the past

good platformer, kinda short but its k

watching grameplay of this game is more fun than actually playing it. a good idea but just tons of weird story stuff and dumb ideas put in there that kind of bogs it down. it's fine i guess.

Pretty solid fun game, enjoyed a lot this little experience

love the movement in this game and often come back to think about it

A neat little game. Story isn't anything special and is even a bit disappointing, but the first person platforming with its grapple mechanics definitely make this game worth your time. It took me only about 3 hours to complete, though.

Poucas pessoas conhecem esse jogo, e quem conhece é pelo Goularte.

É um jogo divertido até, a melhor coisa dele é a liberdeade de movimentação, é bem satisfatória.

A história pra falar a verdade não lembro muito bem, faz tempo que joguei, e não é muito marcante pelo visto, é bem simples.

É um jogo interessante pra passar o tempo!

Fun ,well designed and well executed for what it is. The writing was too janky for me to care too much about anything happening behind basic intrigue, plus the ending was too corny for me. Discovering the worlds was endearing enough though. Overall a good time.

bem meia-boca, não é um plataforma com controles muito bons e a história não é lá essas coisas, mas é bem bonito e curto o suficiente pra não se alongar demais

A Story About My Uncle combines fun, enjoyable gameplay with a touching story that gave me goosebumps. At the same time, it (the game) does not get boring, as it goes away in 3-4 hours. A very good game for a couple of evenings

Bir dönem YouTube'daki yorumcuların favori backround videosu idi bu oyun. O yüzden biliyorum, aranızdan bazıları artık oyunu oynamış kadar oldunuz.

Neyse, fena olmayan bir 3 saatti.

funny youtube background game, but was fun. liked those silly little blue people species, spiced up the game a bit. also pretty atmospheric!

Devs heard having a grapple in your game makes it better. They forgot to add other gameplay though.

not bad but I threw up because of motion sickness

cool little game, i like the swinging or whatever it is system

The movement is fun, but it's short and a bit janky. Get on sale.

Muy buen movimiento y plataformeo pero todo lo demás fue super meh

This is a cute short adventure game!

The story was interesting, but nothing too deep. The grappling parkour puzzles are a ton of fun! You play as a kid following his scientist uncle's trail through a different world. It feels like a Jules Verne inspired kind of adventure. It's really not that long. I think it only took around 4-5 hours to play through.

It is absolutely worth replaying, exploring, and gathering collectables solely to unlock Goat Mode. My partner and I were laughing at it for so long!

It's a cute adventure, give it a go if you are looking for something new to play!

This was my first game on Steam. I bought it on another platform and redeemed the key on Steam, and I ended up forming a sentimental attachment to this game. It's very fun, engaging, and you can finish it quickly. The gameplay is slightly challenging and intriguing.

Fun gameplay and world, story lacking

Beautiful narrative with an overall good voice acting. You follow your uncle steps while uncovering the mysteries of his work and sudden disappearance. Lore's good, light and simple to understand. Had a good time while playing and even better when finishing.

História bem chatinha, sem graça e sem muita profundidade. No entanto, o que se destaca nesse jogo é a jogabilidade, muito gostosinha e funciona impressionantemente bem. Não recomendo se você quer se interessar por história, mas se só quer um jogo pra ficar voando com o poder da sua luva ouvindo uma musiquinha recomendo MUITO.

I don't play many platformers these days, much less first person platformers, so A Story About My Uncle (ASAMU) was a bit of a step out of my comfort zone. I'd heard it mentioned on a couple of video game essay type youtube channels and figured I'd give it a go. It didn't blow my socks of it, but it was a neat a experience.

The gameplay is entirely focused around the mobility you get from your power suit -- a couple types of big jump, some grappling, and, later on, a boost. Using a combination of these abilities, you go from one checkpoint to the next, figuring out how to grapple-parkour your way through surprisingly hard challenges. There are no enemies or anything like that to worry about; the environment is challenge enough. The physics and movement felt really nice. That said, at times, I struggled to determine when an object would be in range to grapple, which lead to some annoying falls. Of course, there was almost always a checkpoint nearby, so it wasn't a big deal.

I loved the tone and environments of ASAMU. There's a great larger-than-life, otherworldly adventure, bed-time-story feel to it that resonated with me. While I'm actively in the "linear game are usual better" camp, I wouldn't have minded the game being a bit more open and exploration focused. As it is, you're generally going directly from A to B, with lots of checkpoints and high difficulty, which I found to be a bit at odds with the overall tone. Easier exploration sequences would have served to break up the challenge as well. There were a few areas in the game where every inch felt hard fought, to the point of tipping past rewarding and into frustrating.

There wasn't a whole lot of story to the game, but what was there was endearing. The voice acting felt a bit odd, with the cadence of delivery feeling particularly off, but it wasn't enough to break me out of the mood they were setting.

ASAMU is quite short, clocking in at around 3 hours. I think that was the perfect length, though, given the linearity and consistency of challenge.

It has a lot of heart put into it, and some decent gameplay. I don't think I ever really trended into liking the narrative or aesthetic particularly much, but you could see how much it meant to the devs.

Jogo da mãozinha do goularte. Plataforma daora, história ali só pra dizer que tem. Possui features de time attack, incluindo achievements.

A very pleasant story with very interesting, but no less annoying gameplay after an hour of play. The main glove allows you to cling to certain surfaces and, thanks to elementary physics, you begin to float... and fall, fall a lot. Luckily the game ends at the right time.

История о моем дяде. Очень приятный рассказ с очень интересным, но не менее надоедливым геймплеем после часа игры. Главная перчатка позволяет прицепляться к определенным поверхностях и благодаря элементарной физике, начинаешь парить.. и падать, очень много падать. Благо игра заканчивается в тот момент, когда надо.

Gracioso el movimiento pero nada fuera de lo comun, el como lleva la historia esta graciosa, me parece un cuento moderno