Reviews from

in the past

Hot garage.
Terrible online, repetitive missions, lack luster weapon variety, hallway defender simulator.

No tutorial, boring gameplay, rubbish sound effects, and awful FOV and camera shoved up your player's arse.

The more I play this game the less I like it. The initial gameplay loop is fun, but it definitely grows stale as time progresses. The alien AI become laughably predictable. After a couple missions you can predict where the xenomorphs are coming and just sprint through the levels. I was also seriously disappointed in the lack of boss fights. You do encounter the alien Queen, but the entire sequence is a letdown. Also, do not play this game solo. The android marine AI allies are useless, they just get in the way and contribute very little. This is a fun game to play with friends, but not alone. This game has a serious lack of content. Yes, it isn't a full retail price, but I was expecting more. I worry for the replayability of this game. There are 4 chapters and only 12 missions and a horde mode. That is not much to keep people coming back. Once you've finished the game, which took me 10-11 hours, there is not much reason to go back and play it again. There is a fun game to be had here, but it lacks substance.

It's no Colonial Marines, thankfully.

But it's no Dark Descent either.

It's the one in the middle that is easy to pick up and play once you get a hankering for killing some bugs after rewatching the movies.
Perfectly Serviceable.

ваще нечего сказать, +w m1 игра, классы и скилы придумали просто чтоб они были, каждый уровень это бесконечные унылые обороны точек

Had some fun playing it, but it's just so dumb and clunky and the “story” moments of the missions are no fun on repeated playthroughs (which is an inevitability when playing without friends). When I needed more space on my PS5 for another game, this was an easy pick for the first one to go. I might reinstall it some day when I'm in the mood for some rather mindless online shooting with a few somewhat interesting mechanics (mainly the class differences), but I don't know, man. It just ain't that good.

Good fun with friends, not very much content though (The highest difficulty is bullshit though)

Good fun with friends and nails the feel of Aliens whilst incorporating lore from Prometheus/Covenant as well as elements of Isolation such as Seegson synthetics, etc

sadly becomes super repetitive after a couple of hours, lacks any atmosphere you get from the movies, just play alien isolation instead👍

Pretty satisfying to kill many aliens but that's really all there is. This feels like it should be an arcade game with a physical rifle or something. You basically just hold down left click. Unfortunately reminds me of Space Hulk: Deathwing, which is not great. But it's much more polished and feels better to play. This is just not a great style of gameplay loop.

40 euro pour des vielle mission linaire ou tu fait que tirer. En plus le multi est buggé. Le jeu se donne un style avec une histoire avec des dialogue banale et sans interet

Hurts more when you're a fan of the franchise and no one wants to play this boring game with you.

A very competently made third person co-op shooter. Unfortunately, competency puts this game towards the top of the list when it comes to the Aliens franchise.

A lot of the fun is in the different classes and weapons and how satisfying they can feel but the actual missions lack variety or any sort of replayability a la L4D's director or the procedural generation of a Deep Rock Galactic. I think the biggest misstep of the game was using wholly custom characters rather than customizable pre-made and voiced characters like Vermintide 2. A lot of what gives Vermintide its character is in the interactions between each member of your team. One of the most memorable parts of Aliens is the personalities of the marines, and that's just not here rather you get an extremely limited character creator in place of it.

Fun for one or two playthroughs or mabye a couple more with some buddies but ultimately a game you and I will both forget about a week from now.


I'm not saying that everything in the Alien franchise should be imbued with psychosexual horror but I mean this is just hyper-militarized junk with random waves of xenomorph-like zombies. It's unbearably bad.

I played this game with friends, it could be worse but it revealed a fun experience for all the fan on Alien Saga!

Игра на шестёрочку. Весьма однотипна и скучна. Де-факто мы имеем отстрел волн некроморфов на аренах. Можно было бы придумать и что-нибудь поинтереснее, поскольку ближе к концу происходящее начинает надоедать. Даже в кооперативе

An ok game, killed some time with this one from the free PS Plus.

The game does not run well on PS4, but I still had some fun.

This game under promised and over delivered. Incredibly fun gun-play, interesting build options, lots of unlocks, tons of replay-ability. Fine story told by great voice acting keeps you
engaged through the 4/5 campaigns. The biggest mistake here was the matchmaking during the launch made it very difficult to find groups, so you had to bring your own.

A solid co-op horde shooter that was clearly made with a lot of love for the Aliens franchise, one that puts its focus where it needs to be in a game like this: the moment-to-moment gameplay of defeating hordes of enemies, and it nails that.

This is a lean package that does not overstay its welcome; hell, I felt lukewarm about it at first and my enjoyment only grew. As this was clearly made on a budget and as a studio's debut title and because the team likely put most of its effort into the gameplay and design, the extremely forgettable story and characters are an unfortunate but understandable shortcoming.

Genuine hidden gem that didn't get nearly as much appreciation that it deserved when it launched.

average squad shooter experience

Essential for Prometheus and Aliens bros. Its crazy how spot on the music and atmosphere is at times

Does what countless games before it have done before, and does it extremely poorly. A game where you have to fight off aliens should not be this much of a chore to play.

S'il faut fuir un jeu c'est bien celui-ci

It seems like there are a dozen games in this style released every day and so many of them are buggy and dull. This one is no exception

A introdução do jogo empolga, pelo nave sendo atacada e todo o clima de terror começa bem, mas já nos 5 minutos seguintes é só decepção.
O que tem os xenomorfos como criatura máxima predatora voce mata aos montes, o que é uma decepção.
No filme um alien massacra um esquadrão inteiro e aqui é o contrário, um fuzileiro massacra um esquadrão de alien.
Passe longe do game.

Had a tonna fun with this game!

The cover shooter part really came out of nowhere.

An unoriginal, but fun and competently-made co-op shooter for fans of the source material.