Reviews from

in the past

Jogo estranho, engracadinho as vezes, mas enjoativo.

Basically a shitpost disguising itself as a game, and I love it for that reason.

All in all, it's not a great game. Extremely entertaining though, and the boss music toward the end goes way harder than it needs to.

Мощнейшая песочница в живом открытом мире. При этом не обделённая продуманным игровым процессом.

The game literally just boils down to holding the shoot button while you walk/run away from enemies.

(Game Pass) WTF IS THIS GAME?!!!!!

actually lowkey hilarious but i quickly forgor it existed

Not going to lie when I say this is the most creative and hilarious game I’ve ever played.

silly ass game that has some fun ideas but gets boring really quickly. I only really played it for the 100% and the ending was rlly fun but other than that it was mid.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #15

Lixo, não presta nem pra pra ser aquele jogo meme tipo um goat simulator

Taking the “broken physics” style of video game comedy and combining it with more over the top randomness, Deeeer Simulator is a crazy utterly nonsense game. Games like Goat Simulator have pulled this off in an amusing way, while other games like Surgeon Simulator have purposefully bad controls being the source of humour.

Deeeer Simulator is just…random. It’s not particularly funny, and it’s not all that fun to play. You play as a human that has been transformed into a deer, and the main “aim” is to cause enough damage to attract waves of cops, then defeat them to unlock a boss. Most of this is done by collecting weapons, which all stack up (the first time this happens is one of the few moments which can cause a smirk, due to how they all just attach to parts of the deer). As you collect more of the same weapon, it increases in power, so you’ll get more and more powerful as you destroy stuff.

You’ll get attacked by police (which is the one part which has some actual creative designs), dispatching a few waves will unlock the boss.

Repeat this for the second level, and then defeat one final boss and…you’re done. Game completed.

You can mess around a bit in levels, play with some vehicles and the like, complete some terrible mini-games (which are so poorly coded that playing them resets the level), and kill some optional bosses, but none of it feels fun or compelling. The game itself is just slow and clunky, and most of the humour just seems like they got a kid to say some random words and threw it together.

what in the actual fuck did i just play.
it was amazing.

Does the game play well? No, it hurts my hands and barely works. Does the game look good? No, it literally has Unity store asset acknowledgements in the credits. Is it an audacious mess of ridiculous scenarios that feels reminded me of Katamari Damacy? Yes, yes it is. It's a bat shit game that involves killing gods and entering the void of space as a deer who wields lasers attached to their head. That's worth like $10 to me

we're still doing this alright