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in the past

Genuinely one of if not the worst games I've ever played. Absolutely tedious to play both on the hard difficulty and also on normal mode. There's no good balance between enemies. You either have too much health, or you feel like a glass canon and it's not fair on how you go about it either.

The visuals are fuck ugly and the story, while having a decent opening, gets worse as it goes along. Very tiring and frustrating overall.

As a game on its own it's fine, but this is one of the worst sequels I've ever seen, it has nothing in common with the first game and every creative decision in this game is bad. They took the soul out of the game and turned it into just another ordinary FPS, it has no resemblance to F.E.A.R., they took out the best mechanics, the artificial intelligence is stupid, the game is too easy compared to the previous one, the interface is horrendous, The graphics are the same as any other PS3 game, the weapons are bad, the scenarios are very open unlike those of the previous game that generated a certain claustrophobia, it has more "terror" that is less scary than the previous one, you can carry less first aid kits than the previous one, instead of seeing audio files they are now quite long text files, and i almost forgot about all the bugs this game haves...

The story is okay and the game is entertaining, but it doesn't feel like a F.E.A.R. They took away everything that made the previous game unique, and turned it into just another ordinary game.

this is the resident evil 5 of F.E.A.R

Overall, the multiplayer was fun af I can't even lie.

A massive downgrade in terms of combat when compared to the original F.E.A.R. , no corner peeking despite enemies being able to peek is just bad design when confronting enemies.
The enemies themselves are at most kinda bland, but also really really tanky for some with no good reason, dragging on fights longer than they should, coupled with their weapons that will melt you.
The game also in this day and age can be incredibly unstable and buggy, barring from a seamless experience, especially towards the end.

However, there is a lot of good to this game. The horror visuals and effects are incredible, and really compliment what the first game did really well. The story also seamlessly takes place at the same time as the first game, which not only gives a sense of familiarity, but an idea of what is to come and expect.
Level design is also pretty cool, featuring much more detailed and varied environments, but still keeping the theme of the old game.
There is also a nice selecting of weapons, all having their own use and reason to be present in the given scenario.
Also the Powered Armour sections are fun as hell, love me mechs.

A very middling game to me, but I think majority will enjoy this title anyway.

how it went from being good to awful is something i won’t get

El desarrollo de este juego fue complicado, creo que en una epoca iba a haber un FEAR 2 para PC y un FEAR 2 para consolas, los cuales iban a ser distintos (???), pero como claramente esa idea era pelotudisima los terminaron mezclando y formado FEAR 2: Project Origin.
Un intento cinematico de continuar el juego inicial, pero que no llega a tocar ninguno de los puntos mas altos de su antecesor.
Ahora, el juego anterior es TAN bueno, que aunque este sea una version peor, sigue siendo divertido de jugar.

El final es interesante pero super raro btw, estan advertidos.

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You can really tell they were chasing the trends at the time.if you told me to guess what year this was the game came out, the writing/gameplay would give it away.

Too short, story is well, but scare is lost and sometimes make me angry.

F.E.A.R 2 tiene una historia interesante y gráficamente es genial incluso a día de hoy, pero flaquea en el resto de aspectos. El gameplay es muy simple y se siente incluso peor que el del original, el terror queda muy abandonado y apuesta por ser un shooter sobrenatural de acción, y el estilo artístico del juego en mi opinión es bastante inferior al del original y no logra transmitir tan bien las partes de terror.

В 2024 году все также приятно играется, геймплей отличный, сюжет неплохой для боевичка/ужаса категории B, видно что Студия Монолит вложила кучу денег и талант. Я думаю, стоит покупки (стоит 300 рублей на сайтах). Время на прохождение всего 5 часов.

F.E.A.R 2 has a weak opening gameplay wise, but then becomes so much better once you get the slow-mo power as part of the narrative - it's very deliberate in making the game feel underwhelming before revealing the mechanic. The plot is strongest in these early hours with the corporate intrigue and human experimentation mysteries in full effect. But then, the game settles into a groove far more reminiscent of other shooters from this era. Ruined cities, long gun fights against soldiers, missile launchers - that effective thriller tone the game opens with dissipates into what I can only describe as thematically standard. The game retains the fun of it's gameplay loop though, which kept me playing all the way to the end, despite the narrative losing the wind in it's sails from about the half-way point.

This game is a disappointment compared the first one. The gameplay is not as clean. The first had a tough but fair feel that made me feel really cool when I managed to beat a tough section. This has moments that are like that, but overall the difficult sections were more annoying than tough. The horror is worse, and the horror in the first was already weak. I found myself thinking Alma is a dick, not that she was scary.

I'm not much a fan of the original, but this one is a generic shooter that isn't scary despite its premise and has a pretty terrible ending.

(8/10) Most 2009 "next-gen" game I've played in a while.

F.E.A.R 2 upkeeps the status quo of gaming in 2 ways. The first way being that you couldn't escape the brown and grey color palates of the 2010s. The second: It is impossible for Monolith to make a sequel that is better than their first game. Now saying that do I think that this game is the first spawn of a demonic creature that most people say it is... I'm mixed on that.

The game did what it set out to do fairly well. Its mission was to take what made the first game good, while crossing out the initial criticisms (i.e weak plot, lack of level/enemy variety) and I would say these things are made better in this game. Yet in pursuit of that, F2 lacks a lot of what made the first game so charming and unique. The AI barks aren't as frequent, The added cover system sucks and I NEVER used it, and the level design (while quite varied in location) never seems to hit the same highs the original did. I do think the core gunplay is better, but I think F1 made better use of it because its pacing never called for the same amount of high-intensity fights that F2 does. It allowed itself to breathe and have quiet moments that let you soak in the atmosphere.

Speaking of atmosphere, I think F2 does that really well. I love the demented scribblings and the idea of crawling through the ruins of a city made with a sinister motive in mind. The world building is great when its like the first game, but most of the time its just really bad text logs. The dialogue remains the same, largely unmemorable, but more palpable because it leans into that classic Monolith cheese (its such an unserious game at times). But I would be doing a bad deed if I didn't mention the elephant in the room: the tasteless SA ending. The one group of people I would not advise to play this are those deeply affected by SA-Trauma, I genuinely don't know what the hell Monolith was cooking with that one.

I had a fun enough time with F.E.A.R 2, yet its predecessor remains superior still.

História e ambientação muito boas, porém a gameplay me incomodou demais, coisa que foi corrigida no terceiro jogo.

F.E.A.R. is late 2000's slop. It's grey-and-orange mush that wastes your time almost as much as it insults your intelligence. It's not a good game, and I wouldn't recommend it unless you're dead-set on a F.E.A.R. series playthrough.

Sorry, I had to get that out of my system.

F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin fails as a sequel in nearly every way. F.E.A.R. isn't a perfect game, but it's a fun, impressive little romp that's charming in it's own right. With memorable locations and fun AI, it makes a great impression. F.E.A.R. 2 removes most of the complexity, turns the game into a brain-dead shooter, and fails to tell you why you're doing half the stuff you do.

Leaning is gone, and you've been made into a tank to compensate for it. A few solid shots would kill you in F.E.A.R., meanwhile you can take a dozen bullets and not even lose a third of your health. Enemy AI has also been toned-down. Instead of waiting in cover, trying to flank, or doing anything smart, nine times out of ten they simply charge at you, spraying and praying. As a result, the gun-play feels limp and shallow.

The bad horror is back, and now it's even worse. Bloody skeletons, bloody hallways, and quicktime horror sequences abound. None of it got me a single time. And there's zero horror ambience to make up for it this time. F.E.A.R. 2 cannot keep a tone, and it's frankly embarrassingly shoddy at times.

Also, I'm not sure where to put this, but this game feels bizarrely misogynistic all throughout. I know it's a 360 era game and shit writing was the norm, but it really stood out in comparison to the original game's seriousness. The way Alma is sexualized and portrayed as a whole feels really gross, and not in the intended way. The ending especially is just...uncomfortable.

Overall, I have nothing nice to say about F.E.A.R. 2. It's just bad. Don't play it unless you're (somehow) nostalgic for it, or you're on the F.E.A.R. series playthrough like I am (in which case, good luck).

Monolith Productions really hit the nail in the head when they developed F.E.A.R. , as it was such an unique and interesting game, that if they ever wanted to make a sequel for it, they needed to bring their A game in order to just scratch the level of quality of that one.

Here comes F.E.A.R. 2, an ill-fated sequel that never really got a clear direction and almost killed the franchise as a whole. At one point, two different games were even developed as F.E.A.R. 2, one for consoles and one for PC. However, the two games merged, and became one entity known as F.E.A.R. 2 : Project Origin.

This game is really hard to describe. Project Origin is way more cinematic, but also absurdly janky. It is brutal, but also lacking in terms of visual. It is a lesser version of the original, seemingly sharing the name of something that it wants to imitate as it slowly rots away while you are playing, until it becomes somewhat enjoyable for what it is.

Project Origin is something that would make any fan fear what an upcoming sequel will do to their beloved original. Sadly, it is an essential experience for those who seek more F.E.A.R. content from Monolith, as this is their last game in the franchise.

Do not get me wrong, Project Origin has it's own moments, such as the mech section that is weirdly fun for example. It is just that everything feels downgraded compared to the original. At least the plot is somewhat better, and it is much more akin to a movie, than a game. Actually, Project Origin would have worked much better as a movie to be honest.

Почему каждая часть fear это игры из разных франшиз ?

Great follow up to FEAR! I really liked how much better gun play felt! The AI isn’t as good here…

Fun shooter to kill time. The story is nothing incredible, but it is still enjoyable. The set pieces and moments are better than the first. AI and sandbox were definitely downgraded.

Call of duty com gasparzinho, não é grande coisa, mas tem um gunplay bem gostosinho e um flow agradável tanto que não consegui parar de jogar até zerar, o terror dele é bem qualquer coisa o pipoco sustenta.


Eu curti mais a jogabilidade do 2 que do 1, porem, o 1 com certeza da mais medo.
Embora Fear não seja um bom exemplo de medo

Since I revisited F.E.A.R., which is one of my favorite horror games of all time, I decided to do the same with its only good sequel. While not in the same level as its predecessor, F.E.A.R. 2 managed to address some issues, while carving its own action-packed path.

Before I say anything else, F.E.A.R. 2 is very pretty to look at. It's not groundbreaking and the screen can be quite blurry sometimes, but I'd definitely put it on a list of graphics that still holds up. Also, in comparison with the first one, this is miles ahead.

Project Origin continues to blend horror and action very well. I did find this one way more frantic in its shooter roots than the first entry, but I think this helped the game to become its own thing, not "only a sequel." There are a lot more things to shoot at, more enemy types, decent mech sequences, more guns and dangers to tackle. The best thing is that, while not as groundbreaking as the first F.E.A.R., it all just works with ease. The spooky parts did feel a little less impactful, but there are still some very freaky moments. One HUGE improvement was the level design. Sure, it's still very linear and "corridor-oriented", but it's not as repetitive as before, areas are larger, more apocalyptic, features some memorable environments (especially towards the ending), has a better pacing and it's overall a LITTLE more dynamic. This is one of the things that bothered me A LOT in the past and I'm glad that they tried to fix it here. As for the story, It's still nice. I'm glad they expanded on what happened in the first F.E.A.R., answered some unanswered questions and actually created an interesting lore to follow. I do prefer the first one, since it's a lot more mysterious and told through a very bizzare writing, but it's cool to see that they did not stray from their weird path.

But I also felt that Project Origins faltered in many ways. Much more than the first game.

For starters, if you loved the soundtrack/sound design of the first F.E.A.R., you'll see none of it here. I do not know how they managed to fuck it up so much. While the story is good and can stand on its own, if compared to the first one, it feels weaker. Monolith explore themes and events a lot more here, but fails to make it in the quiet, ominous and very menacing way that the first one did. I liked the action, but, sometimes, it feels like they forgot the horror. Also, the audio message and audio logs are gone. Now you'll find files and you have to stop the action to read them. If you want to do that, you'll read A LOT! F.E.A.R. 2 feels a lot easier than its predecessor and, while that's not an objectively bad thing, I miss the tactical and mindful shooting system. The speed of duels and number of enemies hinder this feeling. Especially since their A.I. is very dumb. New enemy types like ghosts and the "undead" are not fun at all to fight against. In fact, they're even more annoying than the INVISIBLE enemies. Also, the 5th and 6th are not good. The school has some of the worst level designs of the game and the subways are just very uninspiring. I loved the final interval, but MAN! The game DRAGS a lot before you can reach it.

F.E.A.R. 2 is not as good as its incredible first game. That much is true. But it doesn't make it less enjoyable.

I definitely recommend this for fans of the first game and, if you're a fan of horror games, you should try it too. Now, if you do not fit into these two categories, you might find it forgettable and a bit generic.

My initial optimism going into F.E.A.R. 2 was quickly deflated when I realized just how different it was from the first game and Extraction Point. In its own little vacuum it's pretty good, there's a lot more locale variation than the first game, and I found the story to be slightly more interesting too. My problem was that I had thought it would still be like the first game, just with HD models and while some of that is true, there's a lot more of an emphasis on high octane action, the kind of action I'm sure I would have really enjoyed more had I not gone in with high expectations after 2 very solid shooters.

Health and armor pickups litter the maps meaning you can play a lot more loosely than you could before, both helped and hurt by the inclusion of stimpacks that serve as instant health recovery. There were a lot of moments I had a full inventory of health kits because I just never needed to use them. To be fair though, the limit is only 3 so you reach that cap very quickly.

To give the game a bit of credit though, there are 2 instances of turret sections, and 2 instances of mech piloting. This goes back to what I said about the emphasis being placed on action rather than slower methodical combat moments. I thought these moments were great and I sort of wish they'd have done more of them to really differentiate it from 1. I also really enjoyed seeing props from the first game make a reappearance, as well as higher detailed versions of enemy designs. It helped ground this in the series and make it still feel like a follow-up even if the gameplay was altered.

This is definitely the 6/10 kind of game I'm looking for in my 7th gen shooters, it's just a shame it's a follow-up to a completely different and much better shooter.