Reviews from

in the past

i cant wait for society to collapse so my political ideology can rise from the ashes

so much jank, randomly difficult.

Waiter! Waiter! Another serving of Bethesda slop please!

Fallout New Vegas is considered to be the crown jewel of modern fallout games and to this day it still stands as one of the best RPGs of the 2010's. New Vegas took the transition to 3d made by fallout 3 and expands upon its new mechanics and borrows mechanics back from the classic games to create the perfect 3d interpretation of the franchises identity and gameplay.

The Mojave wasteland feels often desolate but is intricately linked together and feels thoroughly fleshed out, from the different factions and their relations to each other or simple implementations like the multiple currencies. there are numerous locations that are interesting and have fleshed out stories to tell and the game organically pushes you towards all of them without outright commanding you to, to the point you don't notice it.

New Vegas understands that the way you build a character in an rpg will change your experience, every stat is useful and will have some way to make a check in conversation with npc's and nearly every perk is useful to a different character, across my second playthrough it felt nothing like the first one, simply because I handled how I built my character differently.

The game also is rich thematically, of the major factions none of them have a definitive goodness to them, it perfectly encaptures the struggle of old world ideas being revived and trying to reach power in the new world. paths like the independent new vegas while seeming positive end up hurting the weak due to a lack of authority. At the same time the authority provided by mr house or the NCR isn't entirely worth it for some people, mr house is an effective dictator and creates a cold and oppressive wasteland, the NCR are incompetent at protecting people and their implementation of tax hurts the lives of some residents, forcing them out. at the core is this is a debate that is still active to this day, the player is the one who must decide what the correct choice is, which is a fantastic implementation of player agency in a videogame.

New Vegas is still a must play RPG and would be a worthwhile foray into the fallout franchise, it's truly a special game that I would reccomend to virtually anyone.

Fallout: New Vegas is endlessly engaging thanks to the stellar writing and unparalleled interactivity of its world.

phenomenal RPG experience. one of the only games i've ever played where 5 hours in i told myself that i can't WAIT to replay this

this is one of THE greatest games of all time and THE best fallout game since fallout games

First time playing it and I enjoyed it a lot. From the vibrant and lively world to the characters and companions to the story with many arching paths and decisions to make, I can say that this is a profound game. My only main issue is that the gun play can feel frustrating, and some quests have questionable design, but any problem I had with the game was trumped by what I liked about it.

It is exactly the kind of post-apocalyptic game I've been looking for, not some raider-infested hellzone, but a competition between people trying to prop up states and governments once again. It felt.. real. It really hooked me in with the start. Goodsprings was alright, but what really kicked off my enjoyment for the game is places like Novac, Primm and the Mojave Outpost -- those were great places to begin and understand the world I'm venturing through. Not just those, but I especially started to feel for the world of this game as I went further and further in.

Overall, as an RPG and as a story game, it is incredibly well done. I can only rate this game highly.

I don't think I've ever played a game that made me think this hard about the decisions I wanted to make.

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W game


Definitely more in depth and lively than Fallout 3, but mostly looks the same since they used most of the same assets. Endless shit to do, many different playstyles, endings, and paths to take so i fw that. Every little thing you do affects shit in the game like your reputation, new quests & storylines. For example: if you help out somone in Novac, and they happened to be friends with someone in Freeside, when u get to Freeside they will say they fw you for helping out their friend and give you a whole quest and loot. Shit like that, where you never woulda got the quest if you didnt do sum entirely different. Speaking of storylines, the story in this game is amazing. The main quests are pretty linear up until you kill benny at the tops, and then you can choose who you work for and what path you take.

My story & ending:
At first i was working for Mr house until i realized I didnt like him and that he was a total dictator at around his 6th mission when he told me to kill The Brotherhood of Steel. I fw the brotherhood heavy so I decided that i was gonna kill mr house. But since I was alr so far into his quests, neither the Legion or the NCR fw me (event tho the Legion can suck a dick) so i had to go to the Yes Man. Im glad i did though because i think it was the perfect ending. I got to the last mission at like 14 hours in, but didn't end up completing it until 32 hours in. I tried at 20 hours when i thought i was ready, but Legate Lanius tore my ass up no pause. Im still a lil salty that i dont get to keep his helmet after killing him, but it is what it is.

please God smite down all radscorpions and i will worship You forever amen. veronica i love you.

i keep trying to like this game but i cant get through it for some reason i just open it and then move my guy in a direction press the auto walk button and eat cereal until i ubmp into something

YYEEEAAHHHHH! Who won the lottery? I did! Smell that air! Couldn't you just drink it like booze? HEEAAHHHAAAHHAHAH

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This is the first fallout game that I've played for more than a couple hours, and I very much enjoyed it. The setting, whilst visually bland, was really interesting and kept me engrossed in the universe, and whilst the main storyline was not the most interesting, it did have aspects of mystery that kept it interesting. On top of that all of the side quests were great and incredibly enjoyable to just explore the Mojave completing quests as you stumble across them. I think the exploration in this game was really good, and it never really felt like a chore as it does in some other open world games once you get to the latter part of the game. Whilst the gunplay wasnt the most satisfying (I don't think fallout games are really known for that anyway), the variety in weapons made up for that and I enjoyed testing out the many weapons. There was a good variety in enemies aswell, many of which actually scared me to face until I got stronger, apart from the Deathclaws, those scared me throughout the entire game, suffice it to say that I left the quarry until the very end of the game lol. I ended up siding with the NCR as the Legion were awful, and the final questline for the NCR was quite interesting but nothing overly special. I just literally nuked the final boss. Overall, a very strong base game experience that I enjoyed greatly.

There’s only so much a games setting/story can protect it from its faults

there'll be no wedding bells for today

I'm so happy I could cry. The 4th time I've tried to play it since release - first in a decade. No idea why, but it stuck this time and I simply couldn't stop playing it. A perfectly paced experience from beginning to end - it manages to be a fully fledged RPG that I finished in a breezy 56 hours, including all 4 expansions and at max level. You just don't get that in 2024, where every RPG is bloated to 200 hours and feels like it sucks the life out of you. Nobody does it like Obsidian.

Completed Any%

I feel like its unfair of me to give this game a 3 and not explain that, because I really wish I could give it a 4 instead. This is a REALLY, REALLY good RPG, it has it's lulls for sure, especially when you're meeting all the different factions and a lot of the quests can turn into "go press a on these things and then come back to me to let me know you pressed a on all the things", but- BUT- there is an undeniable charm to the writing and world building of this game that is unlike anything else in its series or other RPGs. There are so many stand out and memorable characters and moments in this story, as well as the game leaning heavily on the RPG half of its Action RPG genre, meaning you get a lot of opportunities for player expression where it feels like no matter what it is that you specialized in or speced into that character will have its time in the spotlight so to speak. There's plenty of quests that can go in several different ways, and overall it's just a very, VERY entertaining black comedy of an RPG to play though.

What I CAN'T look past, and why I can't in good faith give the game higher than a 3 is the fact that the game is painfully stuck in the shadow of it's much worse older brother, Fallout 3. This game got rushed out the door, most noticeable with how underdeveloped the legion are as a faction compared to everyone else, and more importantly Obsidian was stuck making the game on the worst hellfire shitfuck engine ever written by man. Oh my god, the Creation Engine is fucking awful, its so- PAINFULLY- awful, and the fact that Bethesda just gets away with releasing shit in the state that they do will never not be mind bogging to me. Throughout my play though, I had several hard crashes to desktop, several times where it soft locking loading a save, forcing me to restart the game and load an EARLIER save, I got stuck in the terrain several times and had to load an earlier save, I kept achieving the same achievement over and over again, characters (including quest important characters) would constantly be running into walls and generally not a single thing in this game moved in a way that looked or felt natural, sometimes dialog just wouldn't load so the character just stared at me until the would be dialog was over, an uncountable number of times where items or corpses or living characters were floating in the air, items falling through the floor, cracks in the floor leading to the forever nothingness below, some of the worst pop in I have ever seen and plenty of stuttering, and a frustratingly inconsistent auto save that would have me sometimes lose almost no progress when dying and sometimes had me lose like 15-20 minutes worth of progress after getting one shot by an enemy I didn't even have time to process.

So yes, New Vegas is a damn good RPG, but god damn, it is unmistakably, and unforgivably fucking BROKEN.

Purposely made this game my 100th review cus this was my fav game back when i was 7-15 and it deserves that rank fr(it was gon be ff7 remake since i beat it on my last birthday but like gotta keep being final fantasy hater so yeh) like I got this game from a store called bookman's with like a 30$ my teacher got me since I was the best kid in her class and i bought this and three cus i knew i liked three beforehand and was the game I was originally getting but I saw that cover and that n cr ranger felt it was calling my name fr and i liked the orange since that was fav color( not that i told everyone since i thought it was a gay color dont ask) and when i got home that day my while life changed man like in ways i cant even describe and ik sure in ways i dont even realize man i spent like every other day of my life man just hours on just playing this game like just discovering everything and getting every ending like this game made me the loot goblin i am today like I used to dump all special stats into charisma(accurate to real life) and nothing else so I could trade for all the cool shit like guns n shit like i was greedy af bruh like since i didnt have the internet i just learned everything about this game hands on and still knowing shit fr like i got the confirmed bacholer and that lady killer perk for the charisma check not realizing how ironic that is cus like y'know...yeah like i never realized i was flirting with arcade gannon every playthrough fr like I just got him as my companion everytime he was cus he was easy af shits crazy rauls the best companion tho but all the companions are great like veronica and cass😫😫 omg anyway i have so much good memories with this game man but yeah back to my greed like I remember when I was in freeside and how expensive everything was and how I needed the passport and i saw much money i could make from the van graffs i went crazy dawg i remembering how much trial and error i put myself through to kill everyone in the store and how i tried stealing that three shot plama rifle kill em and all the other guns in the store and none of em worked so i remember i realized i could just pop the guy outside and go brute force all the way and that was the day i learned that turbo was the most important drug in the game for cus i think i took it by cus i was spamming all my heals and i was desperate since they was whooping my ass and when i saw that it slowed time dawg you can imagine my excitement when I saw a had a couple of em and they helped me straight slaughter all them mfs shit was so cool and i remember when i finished got my Xbox my first playthrough I decided to do the actual van graff side quests and i saw that when you do first mission they let you have all your guns n shit in the store and i was oh that wouldve been nice to know but when i got to that final part in the warehouse i was hol up i did these missions before meaning back then i coulda walked in the store with all my shit without having to pop the dude outside and just being easier in general but i just never realized that i was like damn bruh im retarded💀💀 but yeah speaking of the xbox one i was happy since i was finally able to buy and play the dlc which also changed my life but I'll give my thoughts n shit on each of em but to review them id give honest hearts a 5/10|dead money a 9.5/10|old world blues a 10/10| and lonesome road a 9.5/10| and ig gun runners a 10/10 since when i bought it i exclusively used medicine stick every playthrough i played like i love that gun so much and boom boom too with that water that makes you hit faster on top of turbo dawg i was unstoppable but yeah i will always love this game would keep going but it be too long I got shit to do and my smoothies liquefied rn so im sad 😿 but yeah UNFORGETTABLE 😸👍/10

This is the real Role Playing experience

broke my save mid loading screen . fuck off

Mod it to make it play good and you have one of the best western RPGs in the market, even 14 years later.

И эту игру Тодд Говард называл не каноном и худшим проектом студии? Но ведь на лютых объективычах New Vegas это лучшая RPG ever. Я получил 55 часов истинного наслаждения проходя эту по настоящему ИГРУ. Я просто даже ни могу её ни с чем сравнить, потому что я нигде больше не получал такой игровой опыт.

3 дня ебли с модами, чтобы игра начала работать, и по началу было интересно, но по итогу не особо затянула меня игруля, по факту очень добротная, но не мое просто