Reviews from

in the past

I have great respect for this game, it was very good.

Esse é o melhor GOW definitivamente. O jogo consegue ser divertido do início ao fim mesmo rejogando várias vezes

eu tinha uns 6 anos quando joguei esse jogo pela primeira vez, e foi minha primeira experiência com jogos violentos e a primeira vez que eu vi uma mulher pe.... isso eu não precisava contar.

Possívelmente o melhor de toda franquia, todo desenvolvimento do jogo é muito equilibrado, puzzles, chefões, história são encaixados perfeitamente.

Estamos falando de um jogo que definiu gêneros e gerações.

Mortes: 117
Kills: 1218
Tempo: 13:46:41 in game time
Tempo total: 20 horas
Dificuldade: God (Hard)
Average Challenge of the Titans rank: Titan

Jogaço da porra. Na minha humilde opinião ele representa uma melhora em quase todos os aspectos em relação ao primeiro jogo da franquia. Os modelos 3D e animações são mais bonitas, a música é mais épica, o level design é mais elaborado, os puzzles são mais desenvolvidos, a dificuldade é mais balanceada (não deixa de ter os momentos difíceis) e provavelmente outras melhorias que eu to esquecendo. Tem uns erros de continuidade se parar pra reparar mas é compreensível e dá pra ignorar

Esse jogo não tem tanto foco na história quanto o primeiro, mas a trama principal do jogo ainda é bem foda. A forma de contar a história e de apresentar o mundo é ainda mais épica e grandiosa que o primeiro. O início do jogo, primeira hora mais ou menos, é tão bem apresentada que se tornou pra mim o melhor início de gameplay de todos os jogos, seloco arrepiei.

Ter completado o challenge of the titans é a minha mais nova grande realização gamer

This really upped the ante from the first game, but still has a lot of repetitive gameplay going on. Lord help me I hate mashing a button to open a treasure chest.

Not nearly as good as the first game. The segment with the giant chain is really cool and always sticks out in my mind. Otherwise it's okay.

This game basically directly contradicts the end of the first game where Kratos is the god of war for all time.

Fiquei impressionado como a história desse jogo mudou quase nada do que realmente seria relevante pro caminhar da luta do Kratos contra o Olimpo e como o mesmo, com o poder do tempo, poderia ter salvo sua família e ao mesmo tempo mudar o destino de todos ali.

O combate melhorou, mas muito pouco em relação ao primeiro, pelo menos os inimigos não são mais esponja de dano que não reage a nada.

Achei ruim o parry ter um foco tão grande em dificuldades maiores (joguei no difícil) e ao mesmo tempo ele te atrapalhar em momentos de combo.

No geral o jogo é divertidíssimo, muito bom mesmo, mas como não joguei na época quando criança, não chega a bater o martelo da nostalgia.

zerei esse de todo jeito no meu ps2

PERFEITO subiu muito de qualidade do primeiro

This is honestly better than the first and refines everything about the original game.

"God of War II" is a significant improvement over the original game in every aspect. From the moment I started playing, I was blown away by the enhancements in graphics, gameplay, and storytelling. The level design is exceptional, offering a diverse range of environments that kept me engaged and excited to explore.

The game introduces a huge arsenal of weapons and magic, providing players with various tools to unleash devastation upon their foes. The story is gripping, taking the scale of the world to new heights and dramatically improving the lore of the series. Even in 2024, "God of War II" remains an absolute classic, a testament to its timeless appeal and enduring quality.

"Yoo I'm cracked at this game" I said while spamming every magic spell in my kit

This review contains spoilers

"God of War 2," released for the PlayStation 2 in 2007 by Santa Monica Studio, is a monumental continuation of Kratos's saga, surpassing even its predecessor in scale, intensity, and storytelling prowess. Building upon the foundation laid by the original "God of War," this sequel elevates every aspect of the experience, delivering an epic journey that solidifies Kratos's place as a titan of gaming.

From the outset, "God of War 2" plunges players back into the mythological realm of ancient Greece with unparalleled ferocity. The game wastes no time in escalating the stakes and expanding upon Kratos's relentless quest for vengeance against the gods. Set amidst the ruins of Rhodes, players are immediately thrust into a colossal battle against the Colossus of Rhodes, a breathtaking sequence that sets the tone for the grandeur and spectacle that defines the entire game.

What sets "God of War 2" apart from its predecessor is its ambition and scope. The narrative evolves into a deeper exploration of Kratos's inner turmoil and his increasingly fraught relationship with the gods. As players guide Kratos through a series of jaw-dropping environments—from the labyrinthine depths of the Underworld to the heights of Mount Olympus—they are treated to a narrative that deftly weaves together themes of power, betrayal, and the consequences of unchecked ambition.

The gameplay in "God of War 2" builds upon the foundation laid by the first game, refining and expanding the combat mechanics that made its predecessor so beloved. Kratos's arsenal of weapons and abilities is expanded, offering new ways to dispatch enemies with devastating combos and magic attacks. The addition of new weapons, such as the Barbarian Hammer and the Spear of Destiny, adds depth to the combat system, allowing players to tailor their playstyle to suit different challenges.

Boss battles in "God of War 2" are a standout feature, showcasing the game's ability to deliver epic confrontations on an unprecedented scale. From battling the deadly Sisters of Fate to confronting Zeus himself, each encounter is a test of skill and strategy, punctuated by cinematic flair and breathtaking set pieces. The sense of triumph that accompanies each victory is palpable, as players overcome seemingly insurmountable odds to bring Kratos closer to his ultimate goal.

Visually, "God of War 2" pushes the PlayStation 2 hardware to its limits, delivering environments that are rich in detail and brimming with atmosphere. From the haunting beauty of the Island of Creation to the fiery depths of Typhon's lair, each location is brought to life with stunning art direction and masterful use of color and lighting. Character animations are fluid and expressive, capturing the raw emotion and ferocity of Kratos as he battles his way through the pantheon of gods.

The soundtrack, once again composed by Gerard Marino and others, complements the game's epic scale with sweeping orchestral arrangements and haunting melodies. The voice acting, led by Terrence C. Carson's commanding performance as Kratos, imbues the characters with depth and nuance, elevating the storytelling to new heights.

"God of War 2" is a triumph of storytelling and game design, surpassing its predecessor in every conceivable way. It expands upon the strengths of the original while introducing new elements that deepen the player's connection to Kratos and his journey. As Kratos's quest for vengeance unfolds, players are drawn into a narrative that is as emotionally resonant as it is thrillingly action-packed.

In conclusion, "God of War 2" stands as a testament to the power of storytelling and craftsmanship in video games. It is a sequel that not only meets but exceeds the lofty expectations set by its predecessor, offering an unforgettable journey through myth and legend. Whether you're drawn to its epic battles, its intricate puzzles, or its compelling characters, "God of War 2" is an essential experience that solidifies its place among the greatest games of its generation.

10 / 10
Historia: 9
Gameplay: 10
Graficos / Arte: 8 (Para la PS2 esta muy bien)
Banda Sonora: 10
Experiencia Personal: 10

Un Historico de la PS2 y el mejor GOW, muy buen gameplay y la banda sonora como siempre increible. De los mejores graficos de la PS2. Este juego supo agarrar todo lo de su precuela y mejorarlo mucho mas.


played as a kid, don't remember much outside of beating ass and puzzles

Não tem como um dos melhores jogos já feitos na história perfeição do início até o fim, um jogo que marcou diversas pessoas e que jamais será esquecido

hope the next iteration of god of war games revolve around kratos slaughtering valorant players

More God of War hyperviolent fun and games. It's good.

You can feel the absolute swap from an original greek tragedy into just pure edgy IM GONNA KILL ALL OF GREEK MYTHOLOGY with heavy coatings of spectacle its absolutely glorious to behold but this also has the effect of gameplay not really like developing at all? its odd

I love how this time around, they decided to make the story the most stupidest dumbest shit ever. And it was phenomenal.
It's more of the same, but now Kratos wants to kill Zeus, and it's AWESOME!!!
That ending is peak and it's fr fr better than FNAF6's.

Melhor jogo da franquia, papo reto

Even though this game surpasses a lot of what God of War 1 did, I still prefer the first over the sequel. I think it's the different weapons and story that didn't click with me as much, still this game is fantastic. It's best enjoyed at your friends basement with a bowl of dorritos, cup of mountain dew and Linkin Park Meteora blasting in the background on a peaceful Saturday morning.

É o melhor GoW, e caso não concorde, eu estou tranquilo em aceitar uma opinião errada.