Reviews from

in the past

started off really good, the dlc and cost became confusing, the game was also very stale and lacked strategy , as if they just decided to put big units and cool ones, but gave up on alot of fundamentals in strategy just to add alot of characters and playstyles which failed on being that special to begin with, always ended in stalemates.

nothing special just disappointing

Really enjoyed this one, probably the best console friendly version of an RTS to date.

best cutscenes in the whole series..

Vast improvement over the first Halo Wars, really cool art style, lore & gameplay.

Another good RTS for those who aren't too familiar with the genre (like moi) alongside a pretty cool expansion on the Halo story.

I actually liked the first one better despite being a way simpler game and needing QOL fixes this game brought. The Banished was a cool new faction and Atriox was a compelling character, but the story kind of just ends with a sputter because they want to keep content for books, comics and other Halo games.

La historia sola fue refrescante para el universo de Halo, las cinemáticas de Blur te despeinan los pelos de los webos

Not that many sequels in gaming improve upon every single thing the first game did. HW2 has better controls, more interesting characters, and a great tie-in with current plotlines (Halo 5, Halo Infinite, maybe even the next installment too who knows). The DLC is definitely worth it

i only played this game when it came out insd i remember loving it. its a great introduction to the banished and the game feels like a great continuation from the last game, however the ending is very poorly aged since they scrapped the halo 5 story (thank god) i would've love to see where they were going with it.

it’s like if they made halo but age of empires 2

starcraft 2 coop commander simulator

Although not as consistent as the first game, Halo Wars 2 features some fantastic levels that more than make up for its downfalls.

A step up form the the first game, this one was a bit more challenging but I enjoyed it. The cutscenes in the campaign were pretty cool and story was good. I also had fun on the multiplayer side of things and the extra characters were nice to have

The campaign missions aren't as interesting as the first one, but they did challenge me a bit more which I enjoyed.


the main campaign is.... fine
the banished one however, hold a candle to Starcraft 2, at least with creative mission design. For that alone, it's worth it.

This is like having an old shitty car and replacing it with a new one, and like it’s engine is better, and it goes faster and it looks more “modern”, but you still kinda miss the old one. That car might have looked “older” but it kinda looked cooler than the new one, and it still ran well, and you know what the old one had some god damn personality.

História muito boa, trilha sonora é bem feita pelo Gordy Haab

Tem Jerome
e o online VS é bom, no aguardo do 3 com John Halo e Linda Halo de Líderes

What an incredible upgrade from Halo Wars 1. Halo Wars 1 was a niche foray into a genre that isn't played by many, so you didn't expect or even need it to be amazing by any means. It was solid, and that's what mattered.

Halo Wars 2 on the other hand? Excellent. And honestly, it's one of the better Halo titles if you can stand the RTS genre. I actually really have a soft spot for these characters - Professor Anders, Spartan Jerome, and etc. Not only is the gameplay of Halo Wars vastly improved over its predecessor, the game now also firmly cements itself in the timeline of Halo by introducing the Banished for the first time prior to Halo: Infinite. Units are satisfying to use, and having more voice diversity gives the game more personality and pop.

If you like Halo and/or Strategy, give it a shot sometime. It's a solid starter RTS too to get you in the genre, but I will warn that some later missions get fairly difficult.

Score: 88

I absolutely love that they continued the story of the Spirt of Fire without retconning anything. Lots of cool lore stuff for a Halo head like myself.

Wishing they'd make another game.

One of the only Halo games I had not fully played. This game is an excellent step up from the first. Lots of QOL changes make this game faster paced and gives an overall smoother experience. The Spirit of Fire crew this time around have much more personality and the Banished imho are cooler than the Covenant, Atriox is seriously intimidating, taking on 3 Spartan IIs. The missions are more varied and units are fun to control, especially late game. Definitely a great RTS experience for beginners and Halo fans.

A great sequel that expands the original in almost every way. The console experience is just as solid as the original and the story is actually very interesting.

They managed to take the first game and make it even better!

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I loved this game. Especially because it's the first time the flood showed up in a decade

was fun and all just not as good as lego battles

Co-op Playthrough finished in 6 hours 30 minutes with JJ D00M. (Minus failed missions time).

Another great addition to the Halo Wars games, can't decide if I prefer 1 or 2. Across the board the level design was either terrible or perfect and no inbetween. More units/buildings/interactive spots on the map but the graphics seemed a bit more cartooney for this one and also didn't feel AS HALO as the original Wars game. Cutscenes went hard.

Played all DLC. Was cool to play as Atriox and also firefight is a no brainer for strategy. Would've loved a mode like that on BFME.

My 3rd favorite RTS game that's all you need to know