Reviews from

in the past

League Wild Rift is a fine version of League, and it has a lot of really good new things base League doesn't. It actually has onboarding and tutorialization with mechanics, even like a little quiz to make sure you understand some concepts. The models are generally better and you actually get to look at the models up close because you can set them to be your main menu and champion select has the models all standing there like HotS. They also look like they have some fun new skin lines exclusive to this version. Sometimes I feel like League is beholden to legacy skinlines and keep making more of them, and don't do fun one off skins that much anymore. Also just more quality of life stuff like thresholds that show you when you can last hit the minions (they use this shit for SOME champion ults in other stuff in base League, so I think they should add this to it too).

However, this is still a mobile game so actually playing it just feels worse than actual League. Using your thumb for all 4 of your abilities + summoner spells is quite frankly too much and makes it hard for those split second reactions you can attain in League. I'm sure you could get used to it, but idk if I would ever find it "good" feeling.

É um jogo bem decente, mas a empresa não parece ter deixado ele de canto

Apesar de ser do LOL de PC e perceber que esse é MUITO diferente, reconheço seu valor. Para jogadores casuais, nem tem comparação, Wild Rift é muito mais interessante. As partidas são bem rápidas e o jogo é estrategicamente simplificado, acaba sendo mais fácil de manter uma vida saudável xD. Também gosto das particularidades criadas nos campeões do jogo, como a ult da Ashe que podemos manobrar, isso demonstra que houve um cuidado criativo em tornar Wild Rift uma versão bem particular do jogo original.

Пока что лучшая MOBA, что только может быть на телефоне. Играется хорошо, никакой рекламы, старые знакомые персонажи Лиги.

O LOL que você leva pra onde quiser, é basicamente andar com drogas no bolso

O lol que deu certo, apesar dos pesares e da recente mecânica gacha

Adorei. Gosto dos personagens com suas habilidades bem desenvolvidas, dos bichos da selva, até do mapa eu gosto. Queria muito fazer uma comparação do Wild Rift com o LOL de PC mas eu infelizmente ainda não joguei então não da.
Mas, gosto de tudo nesse jogo e não tenho nada do que reclamar... eu acho. (Na verdade tem sim. Mas não é uma reclamação, é uma sugestão de melhora, poderiam colocar mais campões. Só isso mesmo)

jogar no celular não é uma experiência

"A Wild Ride with Room for Improvement"

"Wild Rift" presents a mixed bag of brilliant design marred by frustrating community and system aspects. The game excels in its character design, which is nothing short of spectacular. The creativity poured into each character's abilities and the diverse range of items add layers of depth and strategy to the gameplay.

The game strikes a delicate balance between being accessible to newcomers and challenging for seasoned players. This 'easy to learn, hard to master' approach keeps the gameplay continually engaging and rewarding.

However, it's not all roses in the Rift. The game's community is a significant downside, often coming across as extremely toxic. This can dampen the overall experience, especially for players seeking a more congenial environment.

Another letdown is the repetitive nature of the champion's voice lines. Over time, they lose their charm and become more of an annoyance than an immersive feature.

The matchmaking system is a sore point as well. It often feels unbalanced and can lead to frustrating gaming sessions. Additionally, the in-game events tend to be more cringe-worthy than enjoyable, which is a lost opportunity for enhancing player engagement.

Lastly, the game could be more generous with rewards for loyal players. Accumulating in-game currency without sufficient avenues to spend it is a glaring issue. A suggestion? Allow players to purchase a random skin with their accumulated currency - it would add a much-needed element of reward for dedication.

In summary, "Wild Rift" offers a fantastic gameplay experience with superb character design and strategic depth. However, its full potential is hindered by a toxic community, repetitive elements, a flawed matchmaking system, and a lack of rewarding engagement for long-term players.

O jogo é OK, mas a comunidade não. E a riot não ajuda, tomando decisões que são tóxicas na construção do Game.

sou melhor neste aqui, me estresso tanto quanto no pc mas no pc eu relevo por jogar muito mal! esse aqui eu curto até jogar sozinha. é divertido apesar de ficar braba com algumas situações.

total downgrade from league. The players are somehow even worse in every aspect

meu guilty pleasure né? odeio essa porra mas nn consigo largar nojo

decent adaptation of LoL for mobile and a good timewaster, but Riot doesn't really put as much effort and love into it as it should probably get.

O jogo é mediano, a lore tbm!

Es como el LoL pero mejor. Pero también muchísimo más incómodo de jugar.

Slightly better than the og.

Não recomendo nem pro meu pior inimigo.

Junkie simulator part 2

Nem sei o dia exato que comecei a jogar essa podridão, mas é só rage, vontade de bater na mãe e quebrar as coisas em casa, só jogo pelo Gragas e pelo Kayn

Como cuando estos inútiles vagos de mrda se demoraron en abrir el server de latam, pero cuando lo abrieron el precio del RP era mucho mayor que el resto de regiones cuando en latam se gana varias veces menos que en esos lugares... Lo peor es que las skins costaban más que en lol de PC pero traían menos cosas como menos animaciones, menos voces y ningún gesto...

Y como si no fuese poco, tuvieron que censurar a varios personajes o de plano cambiar características del diseño de los personajes para "acoplarse" a un nuevo mercado. Y no solo eso, ahora los "gestos" tenían un horrible estilo artístico característico de esta mierda de juegos chinos.

Había dejado lol de pc años atrás antes de que saliera WR, pero con la salida de WR volví a caer en esta droga de mierda. Vrga, como me arrepiento de haber desperdiciado mi tiempo nuevamente en esta basura en todo 2021 cuando podía estar haciendo algo mucho mejor como leer Visual Novels.

se não fosse essa bosta, meu lol de pc ainda seria legal

Despite being a direct replica of its PC counterpart, the game feels as if it was tailor-made for mobile devices, resulting in a more enjoyable and accessible experience.

One of the standout features of Wild Rift is how it manages to remove the learning curve associated with the original game, making it more approachable for newcomers and veterans alike. The level of polish and support provided for this mobile adaptation is commendable, showcasing a full-fledged, free-to-play game that doesn't compromise on quality.

Of course, as with any game, there are occasional issues and bugs that can surface, and it's inevitable that players will encounter trolls or toxicity in PvP games. However, these minor setbacks do not detract from the overall enjoyment of the game. Wild Rift runs smoothly, offers an entirely free-to-play experience, features decent matchmaking, and most importantly, it's a ton of fun.

In summary, League of Legends: Wild Rift is a stellar mobile adaptation of a beloved PC game, delivering a more accessible and enjoyable experience for players on the go. Its polish, attention to detail, and commitment to maintaining a fun, free-to-play environment make it a must-try for fans of the genre.

Solid job turning League into a mobile game.