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I really wanted to like this game but everything in this is too slow. The story moves on very slowly, the character moves very slowly, etc. So, I got bored and couldn't finish it.

Watched - Linca
Fun, well written and intriguing all throughout. Really enjoyed it overall!!

Funny and sad at the same time you should play this game i am sure you gonna like it

какая прекрасная игра и грустная концовка :(

Little Misfortune однозначно попадает в мой лист любимых персонажей, со своей харизмой и эксцентричностью Маленькой Леди-Ниндзя (только тсс...)

игру можно пройти за один присест, но я чуть растянула удовольствие. я думаю, что без озвучки игра бы не была так хороша, так что слышать гг и Мистера Голос только в плюс.

пожалуй, чем игра берет, несмотря на примитивный геймплей, не столько даже историей, сколько диалогами и рисовкой, в которых динамично сочетаются полярности: Маленькая девочка выглядит так невинно, а ходит и ругается вокруг, ещё и к лису подкатывает, пока мимо проходят жители с масками улыбок, а мама дома вечно пьет свой "сок". Криппи-кьют

однозначно рекомендую ♡⃛

Such a hidden gem, super charming with it's humour, art style and characters and is accommpanied by a really fun and captivating story.

What? Homos?

I had the cough MISFORTUNE of getting this game spoiled to me due to an awry tiktok that appeared in my feed a few months ago. Before I even knew what was happening, I had seen a crucial part of this game's ending. I tried to forget about it, but of course, the more I thought about it, the more it stuck in my head. But, despite that, despite knowing the twist from before I even downloaded it, I still had an awesome time here. I absolutely love the character writing, because it feels like it perfectly treads the line between portraying Misfortune as a perfect angel of a girl and portraying her as a big gross weirdo for the sake of shock value. I think it captures the pure essence of what weird little girls are like. I mean, she's basically a furry for god sakes.

The gameplay is simple, but I feel like it tries to overinflate its complexity and make it feel like it's more intense than it is. You make a lot of A/B questions throughout the game, as you do in a lot of games, and yet both consequential (''will you do this'' questions) and progression questions ("do you want to enter the next area" questions) are portrayed with the same screen-blurring, music-pausing effect that makes them feel like they have the same question. I think if the intention was to truly confuse the player over what choices have weight, it was accomplished, but I also feel like that's kind of lame. Otherwise, have the simpler preferential questions be portrayed in a more mundane way. I also think there were a few spots where the interact icon was a bit finicky, to where you had to stand at a distance to something in order to inspect it instead of right next to it. But these things never bothered me too much.

Overall awesome, totally nutty experience.

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Remember kids...always trust the fox👍

The hook that got me interested in this game was the sweet animation style vs the crude language and content in the game, but I never knew how dark the game would get.

Little Misfortune follows a narrator guiding a little girl called Misfortune Ramirez Hernandez to find eternal happiness. She lives with her abusive parents but still seems to be cheery and positive with a sense of humour. Little Misfortune has fallen in love with a fox called Benjamin who also seems to be on the same path as her…

As the game progresses you’re trying to figure out if the narrator does want to grant you eternal happiness or is leading you to your death. There are numerous occasions where you can make decisions on how Little Misfortune handles a scenario such as petting a dog or letting it go. Each decision will either change the next scene or give you a unique cutscene but they do not alter the end of the story. As well as unlocking optional cutscenes there are collectables strewn throughout the game. To unlock everything you’re looking at 2-3 playthroughs. I got frustrated when there was a collectible right next to a screen transition and I walked too far onto the next screen and the game will not let you return.

I love the dichotomy between the cutesy graphics and sound and the very dark themes. Little Misfortune seems to find a positive in situations but on a few occasions she will get cross and say “get yourself a fuck” which I found hilarious. Hilarity aside, there were a few occasions where I found Misfortune’s voice acting irritating when she would accentuate words like “fancy”.

Little Misfortune is only around 3 and a bit hours long so most people could probably do this in one sitting. It’s definitely a worthwhile game for people who are not triggered by its dark themes. The humour is hilarious and its themes dark but a very unique game in its own right.

Basicamente tudo está uma merda ao seu redor, mas você é só uma criança inocente e não percebe isso.

Esse jogo é bem interessante, bem curtinho também.

Faz bastante tempo que joguei o game, já não lembro muita coisa, mas lembro de ter me divertido jogando.

Man what a beautiful fucking game.

i did love how strange this game was, it was a good bit of both comical and unsettling, and the ending definitely sat with me

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I don't know about this one. My opinion is right in the middle. There are as many good things about this game as the bad ones.

Maybe the bad things first. Here comes my little rant.

- The gameplay is weak. You side-scroll through all the levels, click things to get some narration, and make choices that in the end don't make much difference. I think there was only one puzzle that required going around and gathering some information to progress, in the zoo when looking for the key. And that's it. It was boring enough to make me take a break for almost 3 months before I eventually finished it.
- It's short. I played the game twice (normal playthrough + to get all achievements) and it took me less than 7 hours, so roughly 3.5 hours to finish the entire game. I believe if there were more things to do and more places to show, the overall experience would be better.
- This particular "taste of humor". I lost my count how many vomit puddles there were throughout this 3.5 long story. Or an adult cow shitting on a cub's face? Why?
- The antagonist. I liked his manipulative skills, his way of talking, the choice of the voice actor. He is the big bad one that wants to trick a child. And yet he is disturbed when Misfortune is swearing? Or he is asking the player to give Misfortune a fun time at the spooky festival? And finally the ending - if his goal was to play with Misfortune and get her to trust him, why in the end when she rejected him, he showed her his true form anyway? They had a deal and she broke it. Does that mean that if she played to the very end, he wouldn't show himself? What was the point of this whole thing, to find the eternal happiness? It looks like, regardless of Misfortune's actions, the outcome would be the same. Or maybe his goal was only to play with her and the outcome really doesn't matter. But then why was he nice to her? Where is the toying part? I may completely misunderstand his character, but to me, Morgo's intentions are unclear. Oh, and coming back to his voice - a great tone when it comes to deceiving victims but when he is a big scary monster, it would be cooler if he sounded a bit more menacing because in the end he still sounded like a gentleman. A little filter would make a change.
- Weird fetishes? A full-screen drawing of Misfortune's nude gurgling belly, completely pointless and uncomfortable (especially that there were very few drawings of this kind put this close to the screen like it was some crucial aspect for the story). Another thing - Misfortune stuck in the window's frame with a panty shot and farting several times. I don't know, maybe it's just a silly joke I should not pay attention to for my own sake, but it made me very uncomfortable.

So maybe now some good parts to balance it out.

- Story. Despite being so short, it was good. I liked this little adventure, subtle hints for Misfortune's past and putting everything together. Who is this fox? Who is Mr. Voice? For quite some time, I questioned who is good and who is bad.
- Voice acting. I mentioned Morgo's voice. He is great and fitting before revealing his form in the ending. But Misfortune's voice is wonderful. So fitting, so nice to listen to, though I suspect some may find it annoying. But I think this is her thing, to be a little annoying but also sweet.
- Art style. Backgrounds are just beautiful. I liked every location, regardless of where the story was taking place at the time. Characters look a bit goofy, but it adds to the uniqueness and makes it hard to mistake the game's style with any other.
- The fate. Misfortune is dead from the very beginning. We learn that she may die (or, straightforwardly, we are said that she WILL die). So as the players, we try to avoid this fate, but we can't because she died before we even started. And there are small, subtle hints throughout the game that show it. The black birds following us everywhere. The grim reaper in a boat waiting to take us if we pay a single coin. People ignoring us when we talk to them (the cashier doesn't count, but maybe because he was influenced by Morgo somehow or wasn't real in the first place? I'm not sure). The unrealistic situations that wouldn't happen in real life, like the hamsters club, a duck with a boombox, the zoo janitor actually having a bird head (unless humanoid animals are the acknowledged part of the world building).
- Humor. I smiled and laughed a few times. If we ignore all the uncomfortable jokes (which aren't that many compared to the rest, but still...), the sense of humor is fine.

It was good enough to make me play twice to get the achievements. Some aspects of this game disappointed me, but it wasn't an entirely bad game because after all I had some fun with it. So I'll leave it in the middle with 5/10.

Little Misfortune я придбав майже випадково, але це було просто шалене круте відкриття, і пройшовши її, я зрозумів, звідки аж 91 % гарних відгуків за весь час. Це той чудовий момент, коли історія така крута, але це не випадковість, а гарно продуманий тандем, коли візуальний стиль, музика й самі рішення в дизайні ігрового процесу всі є лише слугами їхніми. Пана сюжету та пані історії.

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Eu gosto da personagem, ela é bem cativante e a relação dela com o narrador é engraçadinha até, mas a história em si é ótima (vi gameplay)

minha namorada transmitiu o jogo inteiro pra mim achei bem divertido e muito louco aquele final

esse daqui é um soco no estômago pqp, terminei de madrugada pra chorar msm q ódio, n é em todo triste tem momentos hilários tbm q adorei kkkkkk o pum é d+ scrr, nem sei se fiz o final certo por ser um jogo de escolhas e etc faltaram 2 cutscenes pra liberar, mas poxa... "i'm a little lady, you know?"

mto tristinho, vale a pena a experiencia.

Little Misfortune they could never make me hate you

it has a MAD ending, worth your time

A little bit slow but good story and sad ending

Interesante sátira y crítica a la desinfantiflización progresiva de la sociedad y una triste apología a los niños que crecen en hogares disfuncionales donde el abuso físico y psicológico es su realidad diaria; el acercamiento a la realidad subjetiva de Misfortune está muy bien ejecutado, la forma en la que el gameplay, partiendo de la tendencia más o menos actual de tomar medios y tipos de narrativas asociadas a lo infantil, y corromperlas, funciona bastante bien en el sentido de lo que quiere transmitir la historia.

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Todo dia de noite eu lembro da misfortune encontrando a mãe dela chorando no acidente de carro onde ela morreu e eu fico todo abalado

A beautiful game, funny at times. As you progress through the story, you build many theories about what is happening, since you are involved in the process. I didn’t like that the elections don’t have any significance and there is only one ending, not counting the “secret” one, which adds only a small detail; I won’t spoil it. Thanks to the possibility of choice, some tension and a feeling of their importance were created, which in the end gave us a ride. Overall I really liked it. If you erase your memory, you can go through it again.