Reviews from

in the past

The main gimmick is fun and all but I feel it only ever really shines with maybe 3 or 4 kinds of enemies in the game? Horrible final level. Not bad but man the jank felt less charming and more infuriating as the game went on

Hacerlo de puños en vez de disparos fue buena elección

Next (and likely last) up on my TinyBuild marathon is Mr Shifty, a game most people have called Hotline Miami with teleportation mechanics. They're right to do that, because that's exactly what it is. Mind you, a copycat isn't necessarily a bad thing, and this game is great fun!

The teleportation mechanic makes the arcadey Hotline Miami formula that much more hectic as you teleport around to get behind bad guys with guns and punch them up while trying to avoid their friends who also have guns. Tricking enemies into doing friendly fire, throwing items you find at them (or clobbering them over the head with them), and getting around/into walls are all things totally required to get through this admittedly fairly short game (it took me about 3 hours).

The story is silly and campy, with the literally silent Mr Shifty getting instructions from his female operator over his headpiece and the enigmatic and boastful Chairman Stone taunting you the entire game. There was more than one line from Stone that was just so campy it made me genuinely laugh out loud, so in my mind the story did exactly what it needed to. It's not trying to be some mysterious grandiose statement about something or other, it's just fun window dressing for a game about teleporting around bad guys and punching them.

Verdict: Highly Recommended. The $15 price tag is gonna turn some people away from a 3 hour game, but if you look at it like a $10 movie ticket, this is pretty good value in my mind. It's a fantastic arcadey brawler that's a very fun way to burn away an afternoon (or two) with.

This game is amazing. Actions in this game are very satisfying plus no repetitive level. But some levels were too difficult that I had to die more than 60 times to complete that. Finished it twice.

À primeira vista, é inevitável a comparação entre a provável inspiração de Mr. Shifty com os meus dois Jogos Indies favoritos, o qual são os incríveis "Hotline Miami" da distribuidora Devolver Digital, onde basicamente os dois compartilham da mesma ideia central de gameplay onde não pode levar nenhum dano, câmera para cima e etc, só que toda a diferença principal nesse pela temática de ser com o conceito de um "super-herói" urbano, mais precisamente baseado nas habilidades do "Noturno" dos X-Men, se teleportando de forma limitada de um canto ao outro, e uma habilidade especial que deixa tudo em slow-motion por alguns segundos, bem mais casual e não tão difícil quanto a sua acredito eu principal inspiração, mas que tem uma dificuldade equilibrada a partir de um certo ponto em diante no jogo, principalmente quando começa a aparecer diferentes tipos de inimigo mais brutamontes, etc.

Algumas considerações que posso dizer é que, primeiro que de diferente do Hotline Miami, é recomendado que seja jogado de fato com um controle no lugar do teclado e mouse, pois como não tem um sistema de mira pelo protagonista não utilizar armas, a agilidade dos controles de um analógico funciona bem melhor nessa questão pela coordenação entre se movimentar e "etc" dentro do game. Um ponto positivo para nós brasileiros é que sim tem uma tradução em PT-BR que apesar de em muitos momentos ser bem literal e dar muito a entender que foi feito com um Google Tradutor da vida com o cômico "FASE APAGAR" ao terminar uma fase do game, pelo menos ela funciona bem na maioria do tempo e você não perde nada de muito relevante da história por algum erro de texto nela até porque tudo é muito simples como já dito, e para concluir é que tive alguns crashes na fase final do game, que provavelmente foi pelo framerate elevado, que como sempre digo em todas as minhas análises, utilize algum software como o "Rivatuner Statistic Server" para limitar o FPS em 60 quando ocorrer algo do tipo, que quase sempre isso vai resolver o problema que você estiver tendo em algum game específico, pois algumas "engines"/"motores gráficos" fazem os seus jogos pensando nesse nível de FPS, e ao ter um nível demasiado aparece essas incompatibilidades que resultam nisso, principalmente nos mais antigos ou nesses mais Indies, que ao fazer isso, resolveu e enfim consegui zerar o game, o que vai à sugestão para os desenvolvedores adicionarem nativamente uma opção de limitar o FPS do jogo.

Por fim, achei bem divertido e para mim valeu a pena por gostar bastante desse tipo de jogo e dessa temática, mas para quem for jogar já adianto para não esperar nada de mais em sua história ou em qualquer coisa do tipo, pois tudo aqui é extremamente simples e convencional que só serve para conduzir o jogador entre as fases sem um desenvolvimento narrativo mais elaborado, tal qual é em Hotline Miami que desenvolve vários personagens e etc, servindo como só um jogo, como dito acima, mais casual para zerar em cerca 4 à 5 horas de forma levemente desafiadora, e mais descontraída. Agora, uma dúvida meio besta que fiquei nesse exato momento que foge um pouco da análise do jogo, é se dá para considerar o protagonista como um "super-herói" e não um "anti-herói" porque, sim, a ideia central de não usar armas de fogo e não matar a maioria dos inimigos do jogo e só nocauteá-los tá lá, usando só armas brancas, e “etc”, só que do nada o cara tá jogando os inimigos do 7º andar da janela e f*da-se, ou se não queimando e explodindo geral no fogo dos barris vermelhos do jogo, então genuinamente eu não sei, fica a dúvida aí.

oynanabilir ama 5 yıldızı haketmez

É um hotline miami só que com a mascara do Tony e a Corey, a história é ignorável, a gameplay é bem gostosa, principalmente quando você faz combos, mas eu senti falta de um apoio visual; um medidor de combo, luzes etc, caso já tenha zerado os dois Hotlines, esse jogo é um prato cheio

The foundation is perfect, the core gameplay leaves so much to be developed on top of the base idea. The door is open for so many opportunities.

And yet?

At first, you'll have fun for a bit. The gameplay is refreshing, the mechanics are really neat, etc, etc. After a while you'll realize the forumla barely changes or innovates on itself and eventually you'll realize it's like this for the entire game.

Mr. Shifty decides to rely on redundancy for about 4/5ths of the game. There's the occasional new enemy type, weapon type, or level design which might force you to slightly alter how you go about tackling the game, but a majority of the time there aren't really any major ideas or changes which enhance the teleportation mechanic. No upgrades and no interesting interactions via "shifting," it is what it is. Halfway through the game I was already feeling like getting it over with, they run out of content and new ideas to utilize so quickly and playing the game feels like an absolute chore. Its difficulty is founded on frustrating slop where they place enemies and weapons wherever they felt like without any real second thought to it, stage-design likewise. Some levels are stupidly easy and some levels are obscene in difficulty because there's no real thought behind level design. Some sections might have long periods of fights without a screen transition meaning you have to endure for however long it requires, and sometimes the screen transition happens 5 seconds after entering a room. If/when the game crashes, you're expected to restart from the very beginning of the stage because of an oversight. Fun!

On the topic of enemies, the AI is just fucking stupid. It's completely inconsistent in how it acts and at times just completely broken and unresponsive. They feel so rough and annoying to deal with. It doesn't help that it feels this way for over half of the cast of enemies.

Story doesn't really have anything to offer either, it's very elementary. "Big bad guy has something in his tower and you need to KILL him." The humor doesn't alleviate the boring story because it's just as bland and lame.

I actually did not enjoy this game at all, and I'm 95% sure it's probably just a skill issue or something but damn is it annoying. Even if you're playing cuz "Muh top down one shot one kill like HLM game" you're probably not gonna get a lot of that here.

Ever since Mr. Shifty was first announced I had been following the development of the game and even played the beta build back when it was released. It was a fun game and a decently enjoyable experience having similar but also different elements from other games such as Superhot and of course Hotline Miami as already mentioned by others writing reviews of this game... It is just only now on sale that I bought the game and played through the story in its entirety.

To begin, the ability to "shift" or teleport a short distance through walls, obstacles, and bullets is a nice touch and a fresh mechanic in the game. In addition, the combat system and a largely destructible environment full of melee weapons to use against enemies (who have guns) also help to keep the game interesting (at least for the beginning half of the game). The art style and the soundtrack as well were done to a large degree well.

The problem with this game is that the story of the game ends up feeling generic and also too long to the point where the back half ends up feeling like it is dragging because the game mechanics become stale. There is largely no new mechanics or additions to keep the game feeling fresh in the back half and as a result, the game just ends up becoming a boring mess to some extent. I was also kind of disappointed at the difficulty spike, which in this instance on the last few stages of the complete eighteen stages total in the story, seemed to become challenging just because it could, without any real justification to the point where the end of the game was anti-climatic. Also, I do agree with what other people have said about the other mechanic of the game on the slow motion time, which activates when you are going to get hit with a bullet. I also wish that this mechanic could be controlled/triggered by the player and wasn't automatically activated.

All in all, Mr. Shifty still provides a decently enjoyable experience with a unique addition to the top-down action genre that has enough content to stand alone as its own title, despite being plagued by a few details such as the story content. Even though there are some things that disappointed me slightly in the end, I would still recommend this game to anyone who wants to give it a play-through. I would also consider getting it on sale as there is limited replayability. (The only incentive to really replay the levels are the first completion is for the speedrun achievements or to try and get fewer deaths or a perfect run). The game is fairly addictive and entertaining though for the most part in conclusion.