Reviews from

in the past

Juego de molar. Sencillo pero complejo y con muchísima personalidad

A bananas game, and one I had very little interest in due to its seeming dudebro humour and funky physics, but actually giving it a shot allowed it to reveal unexpectedly enjoyable depths in its gimmicky seeming gameplay. Humour’s still shit.

Well, okay, I laughed a few times, and I've played games with worse writing, but it really is there to just give some context to what you are doing, and nothing more.

But what you're doing is a surprisingly fun gun ballet through well constructed levels where each one introduces something new for you to take into account, be it a new weapon, a new enemy, a new environmental detail, or a new twist on an old one. There aren't many weapons and nothing out of the ordinary, but they all feel good to use and offer some interesting approaches coupled with the game's weird character physics and unique movement.

It wasn't long until the start of every level filled me with excitement, both to see what the game had come up with now and to just enjoy its movement and shooting down the artistically adequate corridors (that I did enjoy in some way).

I'm not sure if I'd include it in my favourites list, but the fact that I'm even considering that is such a leap from not even wanting to try it out and doing it only because it was leaving PSN and pushed some button in me. I'm glad I did as I enjoyed the hell out of it, even the somewhat lacklustre finale. I never expected it to blow me away, and it doesn't the way a great game would, but for what it is - fuck yeah, I'd be up for now.

skidrow era scarso su questo gioco.

It's cute but it thinks it far funnier than it is. The gameplay is pretty entertaining but it thinks it far more fun than it is. It's short, it's bland, it has far less features than you think it does. Just play Max Payne or Hotline Miami if you want a rush of heroic bloodshed.

Wtf is this game? I just like it anyway

Very fun gameplay, very XD story.

Jogo legal, meio repetitivo... Mas divertido sabe? Um jogo que você zera em um dia se você rushar! Um game simples e com platina fácil, interessante demais

My Friend Pedro (of the 2019 variety), is a fast-paced side-scrolling action parkour hybrid game born as a reimagining (continuation?) of 2014's MFP: My Friend Pedro, this time expanded upon immensely to the point where this game is pretty standalone from previous entries. With it were added more mechanics, scoreboards and a plethora more of levels and weapons to play with and somewhat of a story along with it. And the end result coming from having played the Flash game a while back would be that it definitely left me quite impressed when it came to refining the formula that was established back then, there is definitely enough of an improvement to the point where this is a fully-fledged game with a lot going for it. For the most part.

It's a game that wants you to play it as if you were doing a Call of Duty montage, so doing all sorts of acrobatics while you dodge enemy bullets and do split-kills and stuff like that, in that department they did great, the new movement options are cool and I like that you get more points when you make it more flashy, not that it's needed but I spent a lot of my time doing so and it was funny.

Notice that I said all of those genres this game might possibly be, but I purposefully tried dancing around the word "platformer", because if this game was a platformer then it'd most likely be one of the worst I've played. The control isn't nearly as tight nor is the movement as precise for it to be a quality platformer, and there's later stages that are purely platform-based and really expect you to pull out some wacky moves that you have to fight against the controls for, that's probably the biggest hitter in this game and why it isn't more than just good in my book.

That being said, out of the 3 or 5 main campaign hours, it does spend its time well but it doesn't really feel fit for replaying or grinding for high scores, which is also a very big thing in the game if you're aiming for the Platinum (100%).

Don't get me wrong, when you're in the zone the game gets super fun trying to stack up these combos and jumping from one place to another, also the new mechanics added to it maintain it fresh all throughout but trying to get all S-ranks is very boring and repetitive as there's a heavy reliance on routing and the game itself isn't really friendly towards people repeating levels over and over again (No way to skip cutscenes, no way to know what the threshold is for an S-rank score, no quick reset that doesn't take forever, etc.) So thats a bummer if you aim to get everything you can out of this, and really waters down the experience a lot as replaying some of the longer levels for a while is nervewracking. The level design is very heavily reliant on you having to go through a stage perfectly to not bork your combo multiplier, and to that also play your movement well to not waste any time, this is often more infuriating than it is fun, especially when in some parts of levels it's impossible to keep a combo without any enemies nearby, so you are left to experiment whether or not you actually need that combo to be higher to get the S-rank, and it eventually leads to watching a YouTube video with the optimal routing for that level, and that gets tired when you do it twice, thrice or five times in a row.

The rest of the game, like the music, graphics or the story (or lack there of) are fine, but I don't understand the overwhelming praise for it, sure it's short and sweet but it's nothing otherworldly in my opinion, if anything the one thing that drove me to play it for extra hours was the demise of it.

Divertido aunque dure apenas 4 horas

Dev knows how to ramp up the difficulty, how to really promote the game with shareable moments, and mechanics that make sense but also can be cheesed. All in all, a solid game that's both original and a tad cute.

Nearly S+ the whole game
Fun Replayed

Great action game, played first on the Switch than got the PS4 version for the trophy hunt. Wasn't able to get the plat though, it is quite hard to get S-rating on the levels.

porra tipo
katana zero de baixa renda

A história é nadave mas a gameplay é daora

Apesar de achar algumas partes meio viajadas, acho que é isso que faz o game legal me tirou uma risada nasal

n sei pq, mas o jogo é bom d+ e sem sentido kkk

this game is fun for like 2 min then it gets annoying

The banana's stupid fucking smile will be my profile pic forever

A nice and fun game, its length is pretty much adjusted so it doesn't feel too short or long. It's a good time.

If you can't find anything to play for the weeknd or anything after busy hard work day, this game is just for you. You can finish it in 3-4 hours

A quirky action game, this is very on-brand for Devolver Digital, and I'd heard it bandied about on some GOTY lists, so I thought I'd give it a try on Game Pass. It's a good game, but I don't really think it's for me. That said, I enjoyed the 3 or so hours it took me to beat it on normal mode, even if I don't see myself ever going back to this game.

If you've ever played Hotline Miami, then My Friend Pedro's core conceit should be very familiar. Go through a level doing kills as quickly and efficiently as you can to try and get a high score (or at least finish the level). The twists MFP brings to the table are that this is a side-scroller instead of top-down, you have far more health than the basically one-hit deaths of Hotline Miami, and it has a bullet-time feature where you can slow down time to aim shots better. You can use 5 different types of guns, you can wall jump, kick stuff, make barrels fall onto people, kick a gas canister into their face and then shoot it before it falls onto the ground to make their buddies blow into tiny pieces and then kick the pieces into the face of the buddy who didn't get blown up. There's a lot of silly nonsense you can pull in this game if you get into it enough, and the top scoring runs for this game must look suuuper awesome.

The story is neat, but not that important. You're an amnesiac who wakes up in the back of a butcher shop about to be killed, but your hallucinatory banana friend Pedro gives you bullet time powers and helps lead you on your quest to horrible bloody murder (and safety). The world has a very neon, flashy look to it that clashes with a grungy, dirty dystopian flair. It's not the neon super-vomit style of Hotline Miami, and it's not entirely unique, but it looks nice.

Verdict: Hesitantly Recommended. At least for my tastes, this hasn't really come close to replacing Hotline Miami (coincidentally enough also a Devolver Digital game) in my heart. The lower recommendation is almost entirely down to it not really meshing with my tastes and it not really overcoming the quality of Hotline Miami for me. If I had to tell you which of the two to pick, I'd say HM every time, but if you're all Hotline Miami'd out and want something similar but different, this game is something you'll probably like a lot.