Reviews from

in the past

swagmoney: the game

GooeyScale: 70/100

Decent game but I only played through the first area. Had to try it before it left PS Extra.

Amusing and chaotic "story" and fun gameplay but just feels like a really good flash game. Needs something else to tie it together.

это дерьмо
не пишите мне и не связывайтесь никак если вам такой юмор нравится и вам кажется что эта игра "fun".

My Friend Pedro takes all the scenes out your favourite dumb action movie and puts it into a video game. You're shooting endless amounts of dudes while jumping, flipping, swinging on ropes, diving through windows, dual weiled so hit multiple targets at once, riding on skateboards, richoceting bullets, kicking objects into faces, falling incredible distances, riding a motorcycle. They introduce all of these mechanics pretty slowly so you have time to learn them and it's all really fun. You're given a pretty generous slow motion meter which makes performing these feats very doable while also getting to see it in such detail. The normal level of aim assist also helps with this without beign too strong that it makes the game feel like it's playing itself. The levels are designed well enough that keeping your kill combo going to get S ranks is fun and satisfying. There are a few levels that try to change up the formula but most of these drag a bit. I couldn't tell you much about what was happening in the story but it's probably not important. Very fun game.

Plot twist was a masterpiece trust

Divertido em alguns pontos, irritante em outros.

Tem seus momentos satisfatórios, mas sinto que visualmente ele é pouco inspirado. Não gostei da história, sei que o foco dela é ser non-sense e pouco elaborada, mas mesmo assim ela conseguiu me desagradar, achei grandes parte das piadas chatas.

Agora que tirei o pouco relevante da frente, a gameplay tem seus bons aspectos. Gostei de todas as armas, todas elas tem utilidade e brilham em seus respectivos momentos. Gosto bastante dos ítens de oportunidade no cenário, principalmente a gasolina e a frigideira, são bem divertidos de usar. Sinto que o plataforming do jogo não é muito preciso, me vi errando pulos que senti que deveria ter acertado, pular nas paredes é inconsistente e as vezes irritante por causa disso, aquelas caixas destrutiveis no cenário também viviam me atrapalhando e quebrando minhas sequências de combo. Achei a velocidade do protagonista muito lenta, qualquer coisa envolvendo "timing-perfeito" é prejudicada por causa disso, na verdade, o jogo todo é prejudicado. O pacing dos combates seriam ainda melhores e os pulos menos chatos caso o boneco fosse mais rápido, rejogar ele com algum modificador de aumento de velocidade deve ser uma experiência razoavelmente mais divertida e visceral.

Um comentário rápido, nada sútil, sobre My Friend Pedro. Não me arrependo de ter jogado, mas sinto que o jogo poderia ter sido mais, gosto muito da ideia de um Max Payne side-scroller, mas sinto que esse jogo não "chegou lá" ainda sabe? espero que ele tenha uma sequência aprimorada.

eu já tinha zerado antes, mas decidi platinar e mds tirar S em todas as fases é um pesadelo

porra tipo
katana zero de baixa renda

A história é nadave mas a gameplay é daora

Apesar de achar algumas partes meio viajadas, acho que é isso que faz o game legal me tirou uma risada nasal

n sei pq, mas o jogo é bom d+ e sem sentido kkk

this game is fun for like 2 min then it gets annoying

Si alguna vez estas aburrido, este juego es el indicado para entretenerte por unas cuantas horas.

I remember when this was a Flash game that I stumbled across late one evening. When I saw that it was being made into a full-fledged video game I was stunned but also intrigued. This took the simple Flash game and improved it drastically. The gameplay is really fun and its weird story makes it worth playing for anyone looking for a niche and interesting game.

It never really feels like it hits its stride in the same way something like Hotline Miami or Katana ZERO does. I think for me, a lot of it comes down to how floaty the movement is, and how the "shooting in 2 directions" mechanic can feel a bit clumsy when you're trying to get into things. The humour also isn't for me. If you like Devolver's other offerings, you'll probably find something in MFP, but I'm not sure how much I wanna revisit it.

My Friend Pedro is a game that manages to pack so much personality and lots of different ideas all into a 3-hour experience. Each level allows for different tricks and movements to be used and it makes each ability so much fun to use. The story is also very bizarre and has moments that make you question everything that's happening, but I feel like it just adds to the experience of an action rampage while being off your medication. Definitely, an experience I won't be forgetting anytime soon.

Really fun platformer/ shooter that you can finish in a couple days.

É legal, mas se jogou uma vez jogou todas.

Juego de molar. Sencillo pero complejo y con muchísima personalidad

A bananas game, and one I had very little interest in due to its seeming dudebro humour and funky physics, but actually giving it a shot allowed it to reveal unexpectedly enjoyable depths in its gimmicky seeming gameplay. Humour’s still shit.

Well, okay, I laughed a few times, and I've played games with worse writing, but it really is there to just give some context to what you are doing, and nothing more.

But what you're doing is a surprisingly fun gun ballet through well constructed levels where each one introduces something new for you to take into account, be it a new weapon, a new enemy, a new environmental detail, or a new twist on an old one. There aren't many weapons and nothing out of the ordinary, but they all feel good to use and offer some interesting approaches coupled with the game's weird character physics and unique movement.

It wasn't long until the start of every level filled me with excitement, both to see what the game had come up with now and to just enjoy its movement and shooting down the artistically adequate corridors (that I did enjoy in some way).

I'm not sure if I'd include it in my favourites list, but the fact that I'm even considering that is such a leap from not even wanting to try it out and doing it only because it was leaving PSN and pushed some button in me. I'm glad I did as I enjoyed the hell out of it, even the somewhat lacklustre finale. I never expected it to blow me away, and it doesn't the way a great game would, but for what it is - fuck yeah, I'd be up for now.

skidrow era scarso su questo gioco.

It's cute but it thinks it far funnier than it is. The gameplay is pretty entertaining but it thinks it far more fun than it is. It's short, it's bland, it has far less features than you think it does. Just play Max Payne or Hotline Miami if you want a rush of heroic bloodshed.

Wtf is this game? I just like it anyway

Very fun gameplay, very XD story.