Reviews from

in the past

TLDR: incredibly important for the drakenier lore, gameplay bad, story hit or miss, ost amazing as usual.

You know youre in deep with drakenier when you either have played the game or watched 30+ hrs of gameplay on yt.

Unfortunately It was a mobile game so i chose to watch the videos when the EOS came through, i did try It though and the gameplay was abhorrent. That said the story itself is, hmmm, just "good", as theres a main plot but you do spend a lot of time watching the stories of other characters.

Ost and presentation are amazing, thats needless to say for the soundtrack as we have been oh so much spoiled by Okabe through the years(and the rest of the performers, lets not forget about them), presentation and art style however really intrugued me, i liked the contrast between the cage parts and the stories.

3 stars is mainly due to the gameplay and the structure of the, again, story which led to some parts being very hit or miss, for example i know several people who didnt like lars and griffs story while i did, but the opposite happened with Marie and Yuries and since those segments are mandatory to progress the main plot you may spend a lot of time with characters that, at worst, you actively dislike.

One big praise however is just how much info theres in the game, in the old drakenier games theyd leave quite the amount of things outside of the game, here however theres just soooo much info on everything that It really surprised me in a positive way.

Now for the most important part imo, the lore implications: im going to be honest, if youre into the drakenier lore this game Is quite literally mandatory to play(if It ever becomes an offline game) or watch, theres just so so much stuff, so many theories that can tie things together that It really feels like a mandatory experience from my point of view.

rip, game had potential but in the end, it was all for the cause of money

I can’t believe I actually played a mobile game for more Nier. Anyway, it’s OK, which makes it probably the best mobile game I’ve played.

It’s got a phenomenal soundtrack, some great character design, and a cool atmosphere with some interesting lore. But it’s just completely saddled with ‘mobile mechanics’. A completely nothing empty battle system just had me running this on auto and sped up for the most part. Every single stat and upgrade (which there are FAR too many categories) road blocked by silly consumables that you have to grind monotonously for. I’m so glad I played this at the end of the life cycle when they were giving these out, I cannot imagine sticking with this before the free stuff.

I didn’t really care for a lot of the stories and just wanted to see the main plot unfold. This combined with the gameplay where I’m not really doing anything just kind of made me want it to be over. The wrap up of both Arc 2 and 3 were great, and all the stuff before it just felt like blockades in the way of these instances.

There is stuff to like here, with some genuinely great moments in the main plot, but I just wish these ideas and characters were used in an actual Nier game, and not through a mobile trudge.

Picked this game up on February, after its demise was announced. It was clearly meant to be played on bite-sized segments with the fact that their chapters were mostly standalone with an overaching story. I didn't even care about the teambuilding because you only needed like 150k power at maximum (and the UI was EXTREMELUY LAGGY for some reason), and I have nothing positive to say about the fighting itself.
That being said, the music is soothing and god-tier. And I grew attached to the type of storytelling. I liked the references and payoffs.
I'll probably watch all the extra stories someday.

With service for the game over, I can finally put my thoughts on this game.

I have somewhat mixed feelings on this game. While I enjoyed the story and all side content relating to the story (Character Stories, Dark Memories, Hidden Stories, and RoD Stories), I found the gameplay and the grind for materials extremely repetitive. It also didn't help that for the majority of my playthrough, the game would lag and crash a lot. I eventually discovered that it was due to my iPad being an old model, and I was lucky to transfer my data over to my iPhone 13 before service ended.

Unfortunately, I didn't find this out until roughly a month before the end of the game. If I had found this out a lot sooner, I would've had a much better time with the game overall. But that didn't happen. In the end, I missed out on completing Sarafa's and 10H's Dark Memories, and missed out on completing RoD Stories for 63Y, Lars, and Griff.

Regardless of my experience with the mobile game, if it were to ever be remade for consoles, I would definitely pick it up again to relive the story and be able to complete all of the Dark Memories and RoD quests. I'm not sure how the game would be translate from mobile to console in terms of gameplay, but I have a feeling (and hope) that it would be a huge improvement in playability.

Decided to play this before the end of service so i could say i played every NieR game, and im so glad i did because this became my favourite out of the three.

While the gameplay is just a basic auto battler, it was entirely worth playing for the beautifull art and stories.

If you like Drakengard/NieR, definitly watch the story on youtube or something. Because this is NieR 3, and i wish more people saw it as that.

Having just finished the game I find it difficult to fully sum up my feelings on the game, but I can say that over all I enjoyed my time with it quite a bit. While Reincarnation does suffer from some of the drawbacks of being a gacha game, it is nevertheless rife with strong stories and characters both in the main story and in the side content(character stories, weapon stories, events, etc). I loved the variety of characters and stories on display, and some of the characters became some of my favorite in the series. Over all it was an enjoyable experience that I wish I could recommenced, but unfortunately the game shutting down makes it impossible.

I wish I had a constructive review to write here about this game, but honestly it was just... a journey. I mean that in the best way possible, but I couldn't explain it if I tried to without just retelling you the game's story. The bombs they dropped on us toward the end were what I've come to expect from this series and Yoko Taro. So, safe to say, I'm mind blown with complicated feelings and all about this game after having played it, and all I can wish is that it wasn't a mobile game so I could pour over it more.

Also, for the record, I completed it with... 11 hours and 35 minutes to spare before the severs shut down. So, I am proud of that much having booked it from the end of the Sun arc all the way to the end of the game in the course of a day and a half.

Good night my sweet prince <3

I'm gonna say this now, the story is absolutely beautiful and fantastic, and the music is gorgeous, but my main complaint is the gameplay sadly, it's just so boring, not that you have to worry about that though because at the time of writing it's being shut in like, 5 hours! But I 100% recommend just watching the story on youtube and listening to the soundtrack

It's a damn shame that this is a stupid gacha game.... The story, characters, music and presentation are all wonderful but as soon as you get to playing the game itself, it's a complete slog. Please, no more mobile games Yoko Taro.......

Vou tentar ser o mais breve possível nessa "review" mal escrita, porque esse jogo não vale mais um segundo sequer do meu tempo e esforço.

Nier Reincarnation é um gacha e é ruim, e morreu não foi à toa. Só terminei o jogo base porque era um desafio jogar mais de 30 minutos disso por dia. O combate é terrivelmente chato, repetitivo e cansativo, onde não exige literalmente nenhuma interatividade do jogador, é basicamente tudo full auto, onde os personagens fazem absolutamente tudo sozinhos e você só fica assistindo e perdendo seu precioso tempo e gastando bateria do seu celular. E quando você não tá assistindo um dos combates mais bostas já feitos, você apenas fica assistindo a personagem principal andando em linha reta pelo mapa, que geralmente é composto de cenários genéricos de ruinas, e a única "mecânica" sequer de gameplay que existe nesse jogo é pra fazer você gastar seu dinheiro e tempo tentando ganhar personagens e itens mais fortes pra conseguir avançar na campanha, resumo, aquela clássica asquerosidade de gacha que você já conhece. Então pra preservar a minha sanidade mental decidi TALVEZ ver o resto da história dessa porcaria de jogo no youtube num futuro nada breve.

Mas pra não dizer que absolutamente tudo é terrivel, a trilha sonora é ótima e a direção de arte durante as histórias é bem charmosa e bonita, inclusive algumas poucas dessas histórias são bem escritas e impactantes, com alguns personagens muito interessantes e cativantes, como o Deimos e Akeha.

Enfim, às 6 horas (que pareceram 15 horas) que passei jogando Nier Reincarnation foi uma das experiências mais miseráveis que já tive com a mídia, e eu quero que todos os fãs de Nier vão pra puta que pariu.

There were WAY better ways to have told this story. A literal novel would've been preferable and less sleep inducing.
But yeah, it is "Nier 3". I just wish it was more "Nier" and less "waiting simulator". Even when not loading, it felt like just waiting. A slow burn that felt like freezing.

Recently finished up this, and man I got a lot of thoughts about it. I’ve been playing since the game came out in 2021, stopped playing after the Sun & the Moon started, and got back into it when the End of Service was announced. NieR: Automata’s my favorite game ever and Replicant is not too far behind, so I was very excited to play this.

At first, it felt pretty stale and slow to get through. I remember Yoko Taro saying way back that this was the sequel to Automata, but nothing in the story brought up anything related to the previous games. This made it very hard to be interested in the individual characters, especially since they felt very 1 and done with how the chapters are laid out. But oh man, does the story wrap up nicely in the end. It felt like the storytelling got better with each act. Like, the Sun and the Moon characters felt a lot more memorable than the Girl and the Monster ones (granted that might be recency bias since there was a 2ish year gap between me playing the two acts). People and the World was everything I wanted from the start, and it benefits from being built off the foundation of the prior acts. For that it redeemed how I felt in the early story, definitely a great payoff in the end. If you loved Replicant 1.22 and Automata, you should absolutely check out the story on Youtube (Jaye Bird is a pretty good resource for all the game's content as it was in-game). It also helps if you know some pre-Replicant and between-game lore, like White Chlorination Syndrome, Legion, Drakengard connections, etc.

Now, the worst part of the game by FAR is actually playing the game, in every way. The combat is a mindless and slow auto battler. Like the combo meter building up and timing your healing sounds pretty decent, until you hit the auto button and realize you’ll get the same result. It makes all the game's characters and costumes feel the same except for attackers/healers, character stats, and different elements. Battling in the main story is so boring that it brought down my enjoyment every time there was a fight or 3 between story moments. The only kinda good moments were when characters would talk during the fight. Menus are also a tedious chore to get through, especially with it being where 99% of all inputs are made. I’m not sure if it was because I had a mid grade 2020 phone, but every menu action felt sooooo slow to get through, like getting a duplicate summon and wanting to upgrade the respective character and weapon. It also was hard to know what made units good toward the end, and checking everyone’s skills was so slow that I would just use to get the highest strength teams. Luckily though, the main story is not that high of a force level, and by the end Square gave us so much upgrade material that you could get by easily. This is excluding all the side content though which where strength and knowledge really mattered. Like, I never wanted to do Recollections of Dusk because it’s tied to a huge debuff that you needed the right character trait to get past. Just a sludge of a game. I really can’t overstate how boring and slow this game felt to play. It being a mobile only worsened that as well.

The whole vibe of a NieR game is done soooo good though. I wouldn't say the soundtrack is on par with the main games, but it’s still pretty good and fits the atmosphere of the Cage. There's a few standout tracks like Kaikyo, Kizuna, Normandy, Sekiryo, Kusabi, and the final boss song. I think what brings some of it down is the way too frequent normal battle songs and the way more atmospheric approach to the music. The artstyle is very striking, and the character designs and costumes are very memorable. I really dug the play or stagelike style the story chapters had, and how alot of a lot of Automata is felt in the UI elements. It's a shame that the Cage itself looks so huge and grand, but because it's a linear mobile game there’s no real exploration to go see everything it has to offer. On one I hand I like the individual characters’ worlds are only in the story play portions, but since we get whiffs of the 3D version in battles, I also kinda wish we coulda seen stuff like the wizard school, F66x/063y’s home, or Noelle’s wakeup chamber in its full capacity. One thing I loved was how much this game’s storytelling reminded me of the Forest of Myth section in Replicant or Automata’s near-endgame text story. Those really hit hard and I love that they kept doing that here.

The amount of lore here is insane, especially pre-Replicant timeline events. Like I haven’t read the complete EX or Recollection of Dusk stories yet, but from the little I’ve seen it adds a lot more to the Reincarnation characters and the status of the world before and during Project Gestalt. It really gets me excited to eventually play the Drakengard games, and possibly read up on SINoALICE’s connections; Drakengard 3 in particular with characters like Zero and Accord. Seeing the community talk about this game was really fun.

So far I’ve had a hard time caring super hard about any gacha game I’ve played, but it's really sad hearing Reincarnation will be gone forever here soon. It’s a surreal feeling I've never experienced directly with a game. Usually these kinds of games’ gameplay loops seem so tedious and frustrating that it never looks worth it from the outside. It’s because I love NieR so much that I decided to stick it through to the end, and I’m really happy I did. Boring and sludgy gameplay aside, I’m glad this game’s art and narrative existed and is being preserved by the people for others to still experience. I am now part of a niche community of a niche community who was here while it was alive, and I feel I got a stronger connection to the game because of it. Just make it a standard game next time Taro, but maybe that’s not your style. I’ll be there for the next entry.

Mobile game trappings aside, the art, music, and story of Nier Reincarnation is incredible and extremely valuable if you're a fan of this franchise overall.

For all intents and purposes, Reincarnation is Nier 3, and if you can't experience the end of the story before it shuts down, find somewhere to watch it because it rules.

this game offers some nice and likeable characters, as well as a decent enough story. however, i suppose it never fully clicked with me. i grew attached to certain characters (hina and yuzuki for example) while other characters didn't leave much of an impression on me (the android couple or the mountain man - can't even recall their names). i think if this ever got re-released as a proper game, with a few tweaks, this could be better than what it is now. it's not bad, but just not enough

just a bit boring but cool to play for a bit

rest in peace

it's really a shame there was no offline upload for this game since it's literally nier 3. the combat was pretty lackluster but the storytelling, character designs, and music were all great, as expected of yoko taro

This review contains spoilers

I guess I'll write out my thoughts on Reincarnation.

It's an interesting game. The individual characters' stories/worlds are written excellently (except for the last two storybook chars) and I loved reading basically everything on offer and learning more about their stories and their tragedies. The overarching main plot on the other hand was kind of mixed. Arc 2 was great and Arc 1 was fine but it all tied together pretty poorly in Arc 3 and the ending basically requires Replicant to have much impact. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it feels like the plot of Reincarnation was thrown to the wayside in order to tie up loose ends from Replicant version 1.22. I really liked Levania and Fio's exchange before the end though, and seeing the characters in the ending sequence was great.

Arc 3 in general while not bad felt like it should've had an additional chapter (no fault to the dev team, the game shut down). I loved the growth and interactions of the characters but again it all gets swept away by the last chapter to focus on Him and Her. I'm not even getting into it here but Her is an abysmally written character imo and she also does the trope of becoming brown when evil which is. Really gross.

Overall, my rankings would be:
Character stories: 10/10
Overarching story: 6/10
Gameplay: 2/10 (It was so bad. At least the cage was fun??)
Music: 10/10
Overall: 5/10

DoDNieR continues it's trend of making mediocre games with very compelling stories.

Favorite characters were Rion, Dimos, Noelle, and 10H.

Gone too soon. R.I.P. king.

Gameplay is basically non-existent (and through that at least slightly less painful than Drakengard 1 /hj), music is great though the OST lacks in variety. Biggest strength is definitely the design of the cage, which constantly blew me away, despite its simplicity.

But sadly this game consists of more than just walking along those beautiful corridors: it wants to tell a story as well - or at least it tries to, while it often feels like it doesn't REALLY want to. Characters, one of the biggest strengths in previous games, are one-dimensional and mostly disappear into the background aside from their individual weapon stories that make up about half of the game: and they're barely any more interesting than the weapon stories in previous games, just now stretched out over an entire chapter each. Predictable at best, hilarious at worst. The rare good idea is quickly suffocated by the extremely stilted presentation.

The main story of Sun and Moon, the second story arc, was the only part of the game I felt went in actually interesting directions, conceptually. The story between the two siblings still mostly falls flat for me in the end, but telling this story from two, intertwining perspectives was a short glimpse of an interesting idea - something that could've been turned into a proper story for a proper game.

Then the final arc, The People and the World, comes along, with a "power of friendship" main story, carried entirely by tons of lore drops that make all the TRUE NieR fans go "WOOOAH, LORE!!!". Because this IS the real NieR 3 after all - how could you disagree, when it has all this incredibly """important""" lore that answers all these questions? At least, that's the sentiment I've seen online recently, one that might just be the final nail in the coffin towards my alienation from the NieR-community.

Here's the thing: what defines the "importance" of this game within the series? Sure, it answers tons of questions, it confirms so many of the theories I had for almost 10 years… but at some point, I just had to ask myself: "so what?". I was really invested in the lore of this series for the longest time. And now all this buildup for all these grand mysteries lurking in the background, carefully planted over the course of multiple games: it all culminates in the answers being thrown in my face in between the actual plot. All this LORE barely matters to the events of the actual story, much less so to the characters themselves. They just accidently stumble into documents and glorified flashback sequences and go "wow, I have no idea what any of this means", just so players can go "YOOO, THAT'S THE THING FROM DRAKENGARD!!!".

I think at some point many fans of the series have stopped to understand what made Yoko Taro's games so special, and why he handled world building the way he did. Over the years, I've seen more and more people complain about how the lore is "too spread out" across different types of media, and how all of it should've just been in the games themselves instead. But no: those details and backstories weren't originally left out of the games to get on people's nerves and sell more books and manga: you think anyone bought those before Automata became the success that it was? You think this was all planned out as a clever marketing strategy? No, those details were left out because THEY DIDN'T MATTER. The lore was always hinted at, there was always this certain air of intrigue to how big and incomprehensible the DrakeNieR multiverse really is. Instead, the games focused on the characters inhabiting that world - never understanding it fully, much like us.

I always loved crafting theories around the lore because it was this hidden background element: something I had no chance of ever fully grasping. First and foremost, however, I was there for the stories Yoko Taro decided to tell. That becomes all the more obvious, now that we get a game in the series he didn't direct - one he only supervised to make sure it stays accurate to the lore, while an entirely new team of writers came up with the actual, individual character stories.

This is the result: paper thin vignettes drenched in lore. So much new knowledge, yet so little value. I never cared less about what the world of NieR might have left to offer.

its nier so its automatically good, rip

I think it's a bit lacking compared to other gacha gameplay-wise, but its story and the way it integrates in the greater Nier universe is fantastic

nier reincarnation foi desligado hoje, dia 29/4/2024, esperei até hoje para logar ele e... foi uma jornada e tanto.

Assim, não se enganem, eu não amei jogar esse jogo e muito menos jogaria um jogo gacha desses se não tivesse o titulo nier estampado nele, afinal, nier, drakengard e as criações do yoko taro no geral tem um espaço enorme no meu coração, e apesar de saber de todos os inúmeros defeitos que não fazem desse aqui um bom jogo, pra quem é fá maníaco assim como eu, a história e todo o lore de reincarnation é um prato cheio.

Pra começar, o jogo nos introduz a uma situação totalmente nova no universo nier (parecido com o choque inicial de diferença entre nier de 2010 e o automata). Estamos em um futuro distante que parece não ter muita conexão com a franquia, mas após horas de confusão, um combate automático horroroso e milhares de gemas gastas para conseguir personagens, com o passar dos capítulos e das belíssimas "histórias corrompidas" vão surgindo conexões com nier automata (o qual reincarnation é uma sequencia basicamente direta), nier replicant, drakengard 1 e 3, e surpreendentemente, os que agora são confirmados como partes separadas e únicas do universo de drakenier, nier automata 1.1a e nier replicant 1.22... (sim, o anime e o remake são histórias próprias)

nier reincarnation faz um trabalho ótimo em explicar a existência de diferentes versões das mesmas histórias dentro do lore do universo, conectando pontos que até então eram soltos e explicando muito do que até então era especulação, atenção também para a trilha sonora que é impecável, a quantidade de referências e de conteúdo nesse jogo é genuinamente impressionante.

Mas ok, você deve estar se perguntando o que é que tem de demais nesse jogo então pra eu estar gastando meu tempo falando sobre um gacha que eu mesmo já disse que achei ruim, na verdade, ele foi tão ruim e teve tão pouca adesão que acabou saindo de serviço em apenas 3 anos, então pra que eu estou aqui falando dele ?

Bom, nier rein conseguiu algo que eu achava inimáginavel, a franquia nier sempre foi sobre narrativas que usavam a mídia de video games ao seu favor, e reincarnation segue a mesma premissa, ele incrivelmente conta uma história que só poderia existir em um jogo gacha, pior ainda uma história que funciona justamente pq esse jogo estava prestes a sair de serviço e se tornar uma mídia perdida. A história de reincarnation é sobre memorias, sobre guardar memórias, sejam elas boas, ruins, de amor, ou de raiva, de luz ou escuridão, de seus entes mais próximos ou de toda a humanidade, e sobre lutar para que essas memórias que guardamos com tanto carinho não caiam em esquecimento e sejam apagadas para todo o sempre, é sobre desejar que existamos para sempre na memória daqueles que amamos. É a história de um mundo que sabe que esta fadado a acabar e quando não há mais nenhuma esperança de salvação ele fala diretamente com você, jogador, e pede para que, no fim de tudo, você pelo menos se lembre dele com carinho. É a culminação de 3 anos de histórias e atualizações do jogo que agora lutam para não serem perdidas, exatamente como as histórias e memórias que os personagens de dentro do próprio jogo lutam para guardar, é uma quebra de quarta parede insana, e algo que nunca achei que iria presenciar na vida.

Com certeza nier rein não foi um jogo perfeito, longe disso, e eu não to tentando fazer com que você, seja lá quem for que teve saco de ler tudo até o final, aprecie o jogo tanto quanto eu, só queria explicar porque que, pra mim, ele foi uma experiencia que eu não vou esquecer nunca.

A wonderful story with the characteristic storytelling of Yoko Taro games, full of hard situations and beautiful moments. The game also brings us several references, especially in Season 3, to the different DrakeNier games that any fan will fall in love with.

But that's where the (very) good part ends, the gacha system and the lack of gameplay spoil the experience. Luckily I have played during their last moments of life in which they have given away many things to make it very easy to complete the story.

It's a shame that a game of this caliber dies completely and can only be experienced again through YouTube. I hope that one day a console version comes out without the gacha elements.

o que que dinheiro não faz com alguém né? é decepcionante pensar que um jogo de gacha pra celular e que vai fechar os servidores online e offline pra sempre no dia 29 é realmente Nier 3.
parece que não se esforçaram pra absolutamente nada a não ser a história, a gameplay é repetitiva, o combate nem é o jogador que joga e quanto mais eu jogo, mais desgastado eu fico de tão horrível que isso é, e é triste pensar que uma historia tão linda com personagens tão incríveis tenha ficado preso nesse pedaço de estrume que nem sequer existir vai mais.
eu cansei, de verdade. é muito melhor só assistir um video no youtube da historia do que perder tempo da sua vida com isso. se não tiver nenhum port, nenhum remake, ou nada parecido depois do seu fim pra compensar o desastre que esse jogo foi, Nier 3 é a maior decepção que eu já pude ter com um videogame

Played it right before the end.
In pure Yoko Taro fashion the game is full of hot evil women and depression that can only come from the mind of an alcoholic.

May his liver be the most powerful liver for the next 50 years.

No matter what people say, this is NieR 3.
It's story is of the same quality you'd expect from Yoko Taro and his team. Just a damn shame it's a gacha. Would've been perfect for a format similar to Octopath Traveler.
Still, a worthy entry with some of my favorite characters of all time. I hope it'll one day get an offline port so that its not permanently lost to the void.

I spent way too much time playing this game