Reviews from

in the past

Perfection on top of the first game. No other game matches the chaos between friends that this game elicits, and it is all the better for it. Tons of fun, and super easy to teach. Play it with friends!

The definition of a perfect sequel. It corrects all the mistakes of its predecessor, and adds many great things. The first game was already really good, but the second is pure gold.

all levels 3 star , pretty enjoyable with good mate👍 76/100

I used to play this game with my little sister all the time. The controls and gameplay are easy enough to understand for her and it's already a great co-op game which made it really good for playing together. Our other siblings could easily join in as well since it supports up to 4 players.

pqp ninguém faz nada direito nessa cozinha

Very fun game, to play with friends and family, works with up to 4 people, which is incredible, witnessing the confusion of it, it just gets a little too difficult in some parts, but that's part of the fun.


jogo casual que é bem mais divertido pra jogar em multiplayer local, pois o single é tão sem graça e fica impossível.

a melhor coisa é ver o caos acontecer na cozinha do jogo e com as pessoas jogando esse troço

Começou com um "vamos jogar esse jogo, ele parece divertido" e terminou com 2 homicídios e uma louça mal lavada.

Most chaotic fun I’ve had in a while. If you’ve got 3 close friends it’s a must play.

me diverti muito ria muito jogando com meu namorado só odiava fazer pizza e bolo

ممتعة جدا انك تلعبها مع اخوياك

Overcooked 1 & 2 are absolute top tier party games, but they do require some actual video game acumen to be any useful at. Your mom will get frustrated playing this

It made me turn into the worst person imaginable

O mesmo jogo Pt.2, porém muito mais bonito e extremamente funcional. Divertido pra destruir relacionamentos e gerar brigas desnecessárias sobre quem esqueceu uma cebola na panela.

Ótimo jogo, porém peca no conteúdo principal, deixando muito espaço para as DLCs tirarem mais dinheiro do jogador.

it's more levels for overcooked, still functionally the same game.

to reiterate from my overcooked review, it's a decent party game, fun to burn through in a couple hours but not something where i'd really wanna revisit most of the levels more than once. our group had some netcode problems this time, though, and one of our group of 4 dropped out around world 5, so that's maybe something to be aware of if you're not all in the same city

"PASAME LA SAL, OTRA VEZ" - ahh juego con segunda parte

perfect game for multiplayers, if i was playing by myself i honestly dont think i wouldve enjoyed it. the arcade feature was actually better than the storyline game in my opinion, liked the different stages. didnt like that you couldnt actually chose which stage you wanted in arcade though, it gave you one from its own subsection's, (ex, 1-1 1-2 1-3 ? its fun because its actually pretty challenging, almost too challenging at some points i was like theyre asking for too much. so fun but this game could really ruin relationships.