Reviews from

in the past

not urobuchi's best i think but it's pretty close. an excellent entry into vns and serves as a wonderful gatekeep. you won't forget it.

this game is for people who edit anime girls smoking cigs and self harming onto pictures of messy rooms and genuinely wish they were real / think the girl is like them fr
i remember as a kid online , before even knowing what a visual novel was, id see people talk about the most disturbing anime thing ever this game called saya no uta and i was scared of it bc it had gore in it. the image of saya and her weird flesh wings burned into my mind. than i found out it had a bunch of horrible shit in it and never thought about it again untill i got into vns and saw so many people praising it. My mistake. Don't read it, a wretched waste of time.

me da vergüenza decir que jugue este juego, pero el lore esta muy bueno

cara. eu já ouvi muita coisa boa sobre saya no uta e desde sempre a proposta me convence, mas eu fui jogar e fiquei tão não ironicamente perturbada tipo de Verdade que terei que ter muitas bolas (ou falta de respeito por mim mesma :p) pra tentar de novo. adoro adoro terror e já li muita visual novel Paia da Silva, então nunca imaginei que isso fosse acontecer E honestamente é meio doido e interessante que tenha acontecido. espero poder gostar dessa história direito um dia!!

A história é maravilhosa, mas não gosto da parte "p3d0" q tem no jogo

interesting story but there was no reason for all that porn dawg

A grotesque Visual Novel that succeeded at keeping me on edge for the entire playthrough. The story was peculiar at times, alas overall good, with the exception of some aspects which I will not name here. Because of these exceptions, I find this difficult to recommended. The soundtrack, in my opinion, was a sort of 'mish-mash' that worked well for the themes and events that occurred during the duration of this VN. Interesting and horrific.

Some scenes were really gross and unnecessary..

13 yo boy edgy power fantasy writing. does vn exist to tell a story or does it adds a story in only to make porn more "elevated"? also no excuse to have here literal child porn.

Did you know I'm utterly insane?

Incredibly well written; with some amazing tension and overall extremely thick atmosphere. I'd say that even the 18+ scenes are a thematically important piece of the story and that's kinda impressive idk.
Really enjoyed it.

an insanely interesting short vn. i only recommend this to play censored as the h-scenes don't bring any substance and are just weird as hell, i wish it wasn't a common trend across vns to have actual like, good stories and then bring children in the table

absoluetly love the backgrounds of saya no uta though, they're really interesting and are beautifully drawn, beautiful horror visuals, although this VN is not something i'd exactly recommend, if you're twisted enough and interested, it is worth a try

An amazing combination of horror novel visuals and Lovecraftian horror and combined with the amazing ost and characters it really kept me on the edge of my seat wondering what would happen next

Its a short visual novel but god is it impactful. Its a twisted love story viewed from the perspective of many different characters, and all endings feel like satisfactory conclusions to it. It managed to keep me on my toes at all times. Great read.

Not for me, the music was really great tho i'll give it that.

Saya no Uta possui uma escrita muito insana, e sem dúvidas, um desfecho enigmático satisfatório. Certamente o maior (e único) problema da Visual Novel é as H-Scenes com a Saya, que é uma menor de idade, mesmo que ela seja uma "entidade" o seu visual não apaga o fato que é uma loli.
Mas, se deixar isso de lado (por mais que seja difícil) Saya no Uta nos presenteia com uma história e um mundo grotesco bem escrito, sendo bem rico em detalhes e ótimos desfechos pros personagens. Sendo bem sincero, cada final que fiz, não senti que foi um péssimo final, e sim que ambos de certa forma são bons do jeito deles.
A atmosfera que a visual novel cria me arrepiou bastante, seja pelo "vazio" que as artes passam enquanto eu lia os diálogos, ou também a trilha sonora, que são ótimas e passam uma sensação de desconforto gigante. O artista que criou as músicas está de parabéns, porque fazer transições cleans entre musicas calmas e agradáveis pra puro barulho e agonia é algo de se impressionar.

Enfim, é uma VN Eroguro muito boa, mas, que infelizmente se perde em seu conteúdo erótico com menores de idade.

A Saya é vesga.

Dava pra ser um 10/10 se não fosse os ecchi de loli e hein. A história e ost é um 10/10

interesting story but i hate l0l1con bullshit

pretty good but trust me maladjusted 13 year old girl return to my little pony clips on youtube . you dont need this yet

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I understand why there are a lot of hate for this VN. It has multiple unnecessary adult stuff happening. But i feel like the premise is unique. A person who view the world in disgusting form but the only beautiful thing is an unearthly-creature whereas in real life its the contrary. We got a happy end, but again, it was from our MC's POV. This VN also being adapted to western comic, which proving it has something good in it. I lowkey want this story adapted into a movie tho.

Despite some unnecessary scenes I really like it! I'm weak for Cosmic horror stories and disturbing romances

Just very unimpressive for modern standards IMO, don't care much abt it's impact.

I'm not sure if I could trust anyone that actually likes this visual novel if I'm being real. I honestly only played this because I had "Saya's Song" stuck in my head for like a week and thought to myself at 1 AM today to finally give the stupid VN a go (knowing I wasn't going to like it). Anyways I did manage to play it through in like 3 sittings since it was short but Jesus Christ was it actually awful. I also got every ending so before any dudebro with nonce particles inside them gets rowdy thinking I only got one ending or something, CALM DOWN.

I liked certain concepts of the game such as Saya being a sort of "idol" to Fuminori, but I genuinely wished the game didn't try cramming down stupid unnecessary sex scenes down our throats like "heh... isn't this EVIL and DARKSIDED? take a glimpse at Urobuchi's DARK and TWISTED mind... heh". Like great, thanks Urobuchi I don't like you. Everyone and their grandma is like nnooo nooo these sexual scenes are supposed to cement how far gone Fuminori is and how he's losing his humanity and like it's to show how he and Saya are the only lonely people in each other's worlds and- BLAH BLAH BLAH I DONT CARE. IT SUCKS. If I'm being real the sex scenes with Fuminori feel like an excuse for men to find a way to feel aroused during these scenes because clearly they were trying to hit some sort of erotic points for the reader. There are so many things that could have been done better to still prove that Fuminori is a horrible human being without it resorting to sex. I had to keep skipping the h scenes and their dialogue because why would any sane person want to see a grown ass man doing all of that to someone who looks like a ten year old. If I had a nickel for how many times I saw the word manhood as a replacement for the word penis I'd have enough money to fly to Japan and drop an anvil on Urobuchi's head.

Anyways, I just don't appreciate how pessimistic and misanthropic this visual novel is, and I guess I'm glad I finally played through this myself so I can mentally throw rocks and strike people with psychic beams anytime I see someone praise this horrendous piece of slop.

Saya no Uta is amazing, genuinely one of the best openings for a story ive ever read, and just such an interesting and unique concept specially for its time. His situation makes for an amazing bittersweet relationship with Saya, which was often grueling to read, in a great way. I really would absolutely worship this game if it wasnt for the authors fetishes being absolutely plastered throughout the game, literally derailing the games story in my opinion. Eventually all the mystery is gone and the game just becomes a disgusting noncon monster porn game, which feels specially as bad when the story is already extremely predictable.
Still a fine read, I guess. And the music is great.

I'm never going to sleep again.