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É uma experiência única, talvez não necessariamente boa. Não diria que é exatamente ruim porém no que se propõe a obra não funcionou comigo. No meu ver o ponto mais alto dessa VN foi o mistério e o desenvolvimento, e o desfecho é bem digno. Porém quando se trata de terror e em ser perturbador chega a ser cômico, é realmente falho. O suspense é decente, em várias partes conseguiu me fazer ficar ao menos vidrado no que estava acontecendo, nisso realmente não tem oque se criticar.
Não vou nem comentar sobre a pornografia porque vindo do Japão não me surpreende.

Veredito: É decente pelo mistério, suspense e pelo desenvolvimento. Porém é falho quando se trata de terror e em ser perturbador. Nota: 6.0/10

I game i dont want to come back. I like the story, but the leave scars in my mind.

all kinds of fucked up and downright disgusting

One of the scariest experience in media

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I always say, true art makes you feel stuff. This made me feel all sort of stuff. Anger, fear, uneasyness, hapiness. Dunno but it's a lot.

At first I though the thing on the image was basically a kid. But it's not, just a very thin girl and a monster. Yeah that thing there, it ain't real chief.

Our main hero fucks this chick that made me angry at first because I though I got tricked into playing a porn game for weirdos, but in reality he's fucking something entirely different because schizophrenia. He lives with her too and never leaves house. Perfect right? Hmm...

The endings are what they are, endings to the story but there is one that is depraved but beautiful, and describes this game perfectly.

It's a horror game, and the psychological one games or stories seem to have lost with time. It'll make you feel a ton of things. You won't be the same after it, at least the first week.

None of this would have happened if Fuminori simply owned an air fryer.

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What a messed up VN. The setting is already gruesome but yet it gets worse deeper into the story. And I'm not even had gotten through with the 18+ patch (because there are scenes with Saya are IMO not something i should read due to her appearance) which would made it even more dark/gruesome.

About the story: What i like the most is how a person can be so messed up due to a change in his worlds' view. How he lived is something i will never want to live and i can definitely see why he become the way he are. It's still messed up on how that perspective can degrade the main character during the story.

The story still was an hentai though, there's hentai elements here and there even if you read the Steam version. The censorship isn't that bad, you still know what happens even though they skip all hentai scenes and censor the really explicit parts (shadow/zooming on the non-explicit parts). That's good since otherwise the gruesome stuff would be ruined a bit. Still, it's better for me to not see them for my sanity.

I think the first half was stronger than the latter half, yet it didn't stop being messed up which means i was getting accustomed to what the VN offers and the focus became more on the side characters how to deal with the main character and Saya.

I didn't feel really for MC and Saya TBH. After all what they've done and the "tragic couple" smuck. Some character designs felt "Hentai-ish" because of the female designs, it were only Koh's and Omi's designs that had this for me though.

Overall. Messed up. Not as strong as i had hoped to be in the end. Still, good story for what it was though. I do feel the story really wanted to be Saya and MC happy since the other endings considering "good" were "bad". But even still it's kinda up in the air if that was the case.

Creator has weird fucking fetishes but overall a actually good novel game ( I am not weird pls)

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If this game wouldn´t have that amount of free-shocking-rape porn the game would be a lot better. With that being said, the first ending (Fuminori alone in the sanitorium) its fine. The Humanity wins is the best ending to me, really good. The "True Ending" is also really good, showing the ending of a love who ended dooming humanity.
The game is completly overrated, but don´t get me wrong, it´s good enough and it´s short.

I think I'm not the only one who was attracted to this game for it's supposed exploration of taboo concepts. many games nowadays and media in general are cowardly in exploring "uncomfortable" topics.
I think games like these should be made even if they are disgusting and repulsive. even if what they have to say is basic or inconsequential, helps the medium we love so much to evolve and give us new things to talk about, to explore, to connect with.
this game is bad though, but that just means that someone else will play this, be inspired to make something similar and good, and we'll have more games worthy of being proud to call art.

the fuck does "completed on blu-ray player" mean

im sure the blu-ray player version of this game is the essential gaming experience

yeah so uh this game is really fucked up, and if you arent very keen on dark stuff then you wont like it but its a really beatiful story in its own right, i remember playing it 2 or 3 years ago at 3am, alone in my room with the lights off. it was an amazingly fucked up experience that i will always remember

Oh, Saya no Uta... What a rollercoaster of a VN you were.
i am obliged to say that i was disappointed, in general, but i still struggle to know if this is something i can praise or dislike.
don't get me wrong, the ending has impressed me as much as the next person who sat through all of this, yet the thing that i'll complain the most about is (ironically) the lack of graphic, gory CGs. the disconnect between the author and the artist is blaringly obvious, and it's laughable on the H-scenes. i think i can say for sure that this game would've been a masterpiece if it weren't for that, which is a real shame, since the writing is so good.
so, to summarize:
i came here expecting gore, but all i got was a bore, and it all seemed like a chore, until near the ending's lore.
it was pretty good.

(also, the soundtrack's pretty awesome, gotta give credit for that)

i'm gonna steal something from urobutchi's goddamn house

Algumas coisas se salvam, tipo a história e o suspense. Mas no geral achei mais ou menos. Eu acho que não foi lá uma boa VN para começar a ler as obras da Nitroplus, mas ela conseguiu me entreter um pouco, é uma experiência bacana, mas não “uau, que VN foda, única!!”

The most intense 3 hours of your life in some respects. I am not sure I will ever forget this.

here's john wayne urobuchi in 2003: i want to dress up like a hack and have sex with children and kill them

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alien cunny has the power to end life on earth

something something the developer's barely disguised loli rape fetish something something

Lo siento... Simplemente no...

Una obra sobrevalorada y no por NitroPlus, sino gracias a la gente que habla de ella la cual estoy seguro de que ni siquiera entendieron el significado de la obra, solo la leyeron por el morbo o porque su ídolo favorito hablo de ella.

Al menos le doy sus méritos al hacer implementar un estilo artístico que se siente atemporal, tener un OST muy bueno, tener escenas retorcidas que juega con el tema del horror cósmico antes de que eso se volviese tan popular y un final que lejos de ser bueno, es crudo y apresurado (cosa que no me parece mal el final que se le dio, puesto que no es una historia que te cuente el incio y final, es una historia la cual vez desde un punto avanzado en la historia del protagonista, tu solo eres un espectador mas en la decadencia como humano del MC)

En su momento cuando la termine mi opinión era mucho más negativa, pero ya casi 1 año de eso y mi opinión se ha enfriado un poco y ya no la considero una obra mala, solo pretenciosa y un tanto mediocre, pero es que al final me ha generado un odio por ella gracias a las personas que hablan de ella como si fuese algo del otro mundo diciendo que es lo mejor cuando las únicas VNs que han leído esa gente son Danganronpa, DDLC y Katawa Shoujo...

Song of Saya is a great visual novel: compelling and horrifying yet emotionally resonant. An excellently-written, mature story that handles its subject matter so well that it managed to make even the worst fucking thing imaginable pretty and sympathetic. There are sex scenes, yes, but they're not there to cheapen the story with waifu bullshit, or 'reward' the player. Much like its other elements, Song of Saya masterfully weaves eroticism into the tale without letting it fall to plain old titillation. Everything was well done: mystery, horror, a bit of biological philosophy... and love.

It's worth getting all three endings as it's not a long read, and there are only three choices to make in the entire story - this isn't a very player-driven VN. In my opinion, that's a good thing, as it's entertaining enough to just let it play out. Cozy up, lie back, press the Auto button and enjoy a story that's touching and depraved. This is one VN that's as worth your time reading as any book.

Короткая, но достаточно занимательная внка сразу с кучей настроений и жанров. Отличный саундтрек, благодаря продолжительности не успевает надоесть. Ну, может быть только чуточку.

Очень понравилась вторая ветка, когда внимание смещается на Кодзи. Их с докторшей сюжетка, в отрыве от основной линии, воспринимается как такой необычный приземленный хоррор с таинственной страшной ебакой. Сама бэкстори и лор мне кажется крайне интересным. Обычно аниме и внки если и делают что-то интересное, то потом до бесконечности эту хуйню всячески задрачивают до такой степени, что тебя заебывает. Тут же наоборот - инфы выделяется сколько нужно, грамотно расставлены акценты, всё заебись.

Проблема в том, что это всё - меньшая часть новеллы. А большая заключается в той самой чернухе и порнухе, благодаря которым вы скорее всего и знаете о Сае. Так что не знаю нахуя я вообще ща расписывал всю эту поеботу, если в остальном вн - это "ебучий психопат ебет ребенка в комнате из плоти (и это еще не всё!)"

Если у вас твердое и четкое отторжение всего, чем эта вн известна, то просто забейте хуй. Вы только 10 раз ущемитесь, понегодуете и всё равно продолжите жить свою беззаботную жизнь. Если же вам интересно опустится в этот грязный омут с головой и вас это не пугает - милости прошу.

p.s. а вообще в интернете есть вещи В РАЗЫ более хуевые и мерзкие чем это. Я не хочу нормализировать или как-то поощрять эксплуатацию лоликона, фетиша на изнасилования и прочей извращенной хуйни. Но хэй, в конце концов игра не скрывает своего содержания от игрока и тем более она не ограничивается ТОЛЬКО ЛИШЬ этим. В мире есть куда более уродливые и опасные вещи. Опасные потому, что не раскрывают свою истинную натуру. ДуМаЙтЕ

Was confused when he started killing people. Isn't he the main character? Aren't the main character supposed to be a good guy?

Plusy: wciągająca historia, super muzyka, niezły VA
Minusy: brak

I played 1 hour of this until I was dumbfounded, my friends and partner found out and told me to get a refund.

I was still curious about one element of the narrative so I watched someone read through it on YouTube....

Best decision I ever made was refunding it. I know my friends got my back ♡

Also thanks Steam.