Reviews from

in the past

This was a bit rough to fully enjoy, but the levels were fun (only the Sly ones with proper platforming, none of the others). Some boss fights were fun, some were absolutely horrible. A mixed bag, but I was so happy to finally play the entry to this series after having missed it as a kid.

i streamed this so the QTE boss battle with miz ruby was damn near impossible - no game overs this whole play through tho :p

solid stylistic start to a good series.

Deserves much love and reverence as the genres contemporaries at the time of release and even after all these years. While it borrows from your Crash Bandicoot's, Spyros, Ratchet and the likes, Sly Cooper knowingly does so and still shapes out an exciting globe trotting crime caper oozing with style and personality. A great mix of stealthy platforming and rewarding collecting that incentivizes the player to complete the Theivius Raccoonus with new tricks and abilities. A soundtrack and atmosphere that hits nostalgic notes in my brain for a era of games that I still long for. All rounded out with a wonderful cast of characters and rogues gallery of cheeky villains. Sly flirting with the hot cop whos gunning after his ass, he's just like me for real. Easily one of the 6th generations best platformers.

Side note: I love the diegetic bass notes that play when Sly sleuths around. SOUL!!!!

I never had a PS3 when I was younger, I was a Wii kid until 2014 where I went with Xbox because my friends had Xboxs.

I am so glad I wanted to go back and play the games I missed, Sly 1 is truly amazing.

It's a lot of fun, I wish I had played it before...

Played time: 4hrs

Very frustrating at times (fuck those stupid minigames) and the way lives work in this game make no sense but the controls, graphics and voice acting is still great.

"Despite growing up on the Sly Cooper series, I never played the first game in the series until this point in time.

It was alright. The models didn’t look anything like what I was used to; everyone looked like younger versions of their current iterations. The boss fights were interesting, at least as far as platforming can go. What caught my attention were their designs and personalities. I'd say the voice acting was quite charming for its time, for both protagonist and antagonists, but the character art looked a bit rough in many places like in certain comic book cutscenes. For a game targeting a younger audience, the murder of Sly's parents was a lot more brutal than I remember it being.

Gameplay was close to platformers like Crash Bandicoot, being linear 3D games with very rare branching. The game was punishing due to the lack of a health bar, and the collectibles aren’t much to write home about. Generally an alright game. I remember unlocking ""slow mode"" and ""fast mode"" as secrets, using that to collect items easier.

Overall Rating: 48
Personal Difficulty: 40
Trophy Hunting Difficulty: 40"

When this game is good its very good, but unfortunately those moments are rare due to it being bogged down by annoying mini games. One second I'm sneaking through a giant snake's cage, and the next I'm on a jet ski hitting pirahannas to light torches. It feels as if it has no idea what it wants to be and that's a massive shame because the world and characters it sets up are a lot of fun. The linear level structure works well for this game too, though the open world works more in future games. Overall this is a good start, but it's bogged down by too many issues for me to replay much.

"I will give the game another chance," I said.
Once I got to the At the Dog Track racing part of the game, I gave up. The track is godawful with those turns and the physics are horrendous. After SIX TRIES, I gave up. I will never complete Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus.

I hate the one hit kills, tedious level design, and this awful racing minigame.

Sly Cooper in logged on Backloggd, a Saturday Morning Cartoon....

Sly Cooper first outing on the PS2 certainly oozes all the personality/style Sucker punch wanted to get out of Sly and the gang, Being the first game it is not like its counterpart sequels. Instead it takes a more Crash Bandicoot Platforming style with some Gimmick elements to keeps you on your toes.

I will say, this game has aged fairly well-ish in the graphics/ Gameplay department. It's cell shading does not really make it feel old apart from some animation rigging but I do not think overall this game deteriorates from it. It is as straight forward as they come. Make it from A to B and collect some "Clues" then BOOM Boss. Exploration is quite rewarding with the clue system. I managed to use a few Power ups during my playthrough. It's quite amazing how this was the first outing of what would eventually be a well respected series on PS2 and its 4th Sequel on PS3 but here we can see the blueprints of what made them great and then expanded upon in its sequels.

I would hate myself if I did not mention the Comic Book style and really good Noir Soundtrack this game was going for at times. The soundtrack was not quite there till Sly 2 IMO but you can see again the blueprints of something great about to become in the future. I applaud Sucker Punch for going this route. It really felt like a adventure with Sly and the gang and you were 100% in for the ride. No two worlds ever felt the same and they were all super distinct from each other.

I did have some "issues" with the game tho, it is not perfect by any stretch. I think it's checkpoint system on bosses (If there were any) is unforgiving lol especially when you consider this game did not have a health system like Sly 2, 3, 4. This is honestly a Skill issue on my part cause sometimes I get antsy and overconfidence in a jump lol, not gonna dock it for that. I think were it could have been really good is if the Villain's had more dialogue than the usual bickering about someone in the area and guards to be on the lookout. I wish they had more lines to give them more of a edge but again they are so unique and when you are ready to face them you already know what's going down and why Sly is there. Although they are quite memorable in style not much can be said about performance unfortunately.

Overall I think it's a SUPER SOLID game. I would recommend to anyone giving it another shot. I played this as part of the Sly Collection Remastered so the visual certainly got a bump so I cannot speak on its PS2 counterpart in terms of its Animation Rigging and Cell shading. I think Sly Cooper is underrated overall and it is a bummer PlayStation has not given it another shot on Modern Systems. It makes my inner child cry so much because I grew up with this game from start to finish. Also it is a easy platinum to achieve. I got it in one playthrough haha.

My only flaws with this game are some characters not having much depth and the gameplay not being very responsive sometimes (or inputs seemingly not registering).

The game looks amazing, played it on rpcs3 at 4k60fps. The art style is amazing!! Makes the game barely age in some regards.

The gameplay is pretty simple but it's quite fun due to how good the level design is, each area feels quite distinct from the others.

The soundtrack is pretty nice, there's some pretty good tracks here.

The story is also simple but the execution is good! The characters are quite fun and seeing their interactions was always entertaining.

Can't wait to play the rest of the franchise.

When I was in middle school I remember watching my favorite youtuber at the time play this & the other Sly games and thinking "Those look so cool!" And then nearly a decade later and adult me played it and learned that it is indeed a super-cool game :)

Honestly thought this game was just fine nothing special definitely has not aged well due to the camera and boss fight but nonetheless it’s a decent starting point

I enjoyed playing this game a lot. The characters and the story of the game were very enjoyable, and i liked it so much i decided to platinum it. The only downside to the game, is that i dont like some of the controls, especially the camera control. It felt very clunky and irritating at times.

Minhas memórias me traíram, o jogo é lento, repetitivo e maçante. Infelizmente, prefiro preservar minhas lembranças antigas em vez das novas.

Wanted to replay the whole trilogy to relive some nostalgia during these dark times we're all living through currently.
Man oh man what a trip down memory lane still ages well for the most part the only real issues I have with this game is the forced mini game levels (mostly the 2 racing missions) being meh and some weird times when the had collection didn't read my input for some weird reason if you love platformers and the ps2 era give this and the rest of the games a shot

(Played the PS2 version this time.)

This is a solid good game. Nothing better, nothing worse, just good.
I find the core gameplay, and some of the minigames (namely most of the turret ones and the treasure one) I find enjoyable, and I think the story and stuff related to it and the looks are great (also the soundtrack is good)

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT then there's the stuff that's stinky, namely the lives system, which is just dumb tbh, some of the enemies (specially the trees), and the other like 75% of the minigames which put this game down to being just good.

Oh right I think the bosses in general are fine enough. Mz. Ruby and Clockwerk I think are fun, Raleigh and Panda King are piss easy but they're not bad still, and Muggshot kinda sucks

Decent platformer with a fun aesthetic and charming characters. But the final boss REALLY soured my whole experience with this game.

The first time I played Sly Cooper was when I was lying on the sofa with the flu, and my mother rented this from Blockbuster under my strict requirements that it 'had to be a game where you could double jump' (autistic kids have very specific needs, ok?). Not exactly the hardest bar of entry to clear, but she still managed to pick one of the finest double-jumpers on the market at the time, a feat for which I am eternally thankful.

Naturally, it was love at first sight, and roughly two decades later, that love is still very much intact. While I much prefer the sequels to the original (I haven't played Sly 4 to completion, mind you), there's really no denying that Sly 1 is still a great game. The style expressed in the art, level design, and music is all just so rich, energetic, and honestly unique that it's hard not to be enticed by it from the first level.

The platforming is incredibly tight, and although many of its gameplay elements would later be improved or changed in subsequent games, it just feels so great to pick up and play that even if you play these games in reverse order, it doesn't feel jarring. They really had the basic formula figured out from square one.

That being said, there are still places where you can tell they're figuring things out. For instance, Kevin Miller's voice work as Sly, while still decent in this one, is definitely a case of him finding his voice for the character. Everything is said in hushed tones, which can make the delivery of some lines a little awkward, but overall it's fine.

As has been said many times, the difficulty of some levels and boss fights can be pretty taxing. In particular, most of the trouble in this game comes from the non-platformer levels like Murray's races, the process of which can often involve doing the level a couple or few times over to get a feel for what needs to be done to win, thanks to the rubberbanding AI they pit you up against.

That said, yes, it was still early days for the franchise, and what faults the first entry has are more than made up for in practically everything else about it. The characters and story are charming and set a great prelude for events to come in the series, and the gameplay, at least where the platforming levels are concerned, is still as satisfying today as it was in the early 2000s.
