Reviews from

in the past

the kind of game you play when there's nothing else on the wii u. this is my fall.

Me and my game collector buddy love to bring up this game occasionally just to say "Hell Yeah" about it. Really solid sci-fi horror game that I literally only played because it was available on the Wii U and it came in that one Humble Bundle.

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I have a soft spot for this game and it's probably a large reason why I liked Soma so much.

I still feel so bad for what happened to the Administrator...

Another game I started playing before I got a job and just now I'm finishing. Wasn't impressed two months ago by the story about trying to surpass the machine's own contradicting protocols nor the attempt to explore the value of machines compared to that of humans (since it degraded pretty fast in typical social commentary for these kind of things) but I did like the atmosphere that reminded me of 90s cinematic platformers and also the writing of the facility's AI, trying to talk normally while falling into the pitfalls of preprogrammed speech patterns, makes for an interesting characterization even if there's no more to it.

The game ends on a plot twist cliffhanger which doesn't add anything to the more interesting themes it was exploring apart from confirming what the other characters were telling the main AI, and I'm not playing through the sequel since this didn't hook me and I finished it just for the respect of its atmosphere

Short action adventure game about an AI in a combat suit trying to save the unconscious human inside by taking control of the suit and adapting its programming to try to find ways to access its locked functions, breaking the rules by following them. Good use of puzzle solving by having limitation based on programming rather than the usual problem of the person you are controlling just being incompetent. Good atmosphere. A sequel is out now but the game could have felt like a complete experience on its own.

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we failed to protect Administrator at all cost...

Neat idea but the trash controls and relentless backtracking wore me out quickly. Dropped it after an hour.

Příliš krátké (cca 3,5 hodiny), bez konce (jde pouze o první epizodu), s velmi krkolomným ovládáním, které "nejde do ruky" ani po několika hodinách hraní a tuctovou zápletkou. Ovšem jak je zápletka sice nezajímavá, tak dialogy jsou napsány dobře (navíc se smyslem pro cynickou nadsázku), atmosféru to má a sympaticky to sází na adventurní postupy spíše než ty akční. Nad adventurními prvky se sice nijak nezapotíte, na to jsou až příliš základní a přímočaré, ale některým problémům nápad(y) nechybí. Několika z nich však chybí logika.

The Fall zaujme, ale tempem i přístupem je to titul, který nepohltí ihned čili než stihne nadchnout, tak je rázem konec. Pokud se však tvůrci do druhé epizody z chyb a nedodělků (ovládání, délka, absentující logika některých úkonů) poučí, tak já u toho chybět nebudu.

Great game, even greater command line-style UI; even though the adventure game tropes are layered on a bit thick in sections (read: increasingly improbable solutions to certain problems), the story is one of the best I've seen in a while, at least in the Sci-Fi genre. While the ending was somewhat abrupt, it still gave off a sense of resolution and left me wanting for more adventures involving ARID. There were some annoying bugs, but none that couldn't be solved by a reload.

This game is really cool. The puzzles are well thought out and the dialogue makes sense. The story is also really good. I also thought the gameplay was pretty unique where the player had to use a lot of controls to actually do everything. I thought it was pretty cool.