Reviews from

in the past

an insanely good fighting game that would have been even more peak if the FUCKING PUBLISHERS didn't hoe the developers nasty style. fuck maximum entertainment.

it's alright, visuals are beautiful

I love the characters in this, but it's a shame the devs got sacked. Wish we got that storymode instead of another dlc fighter.
I had a lot of fun with it. The gamplay is pretty polished back when I played it.

I cannot recommend this anymore, due to the devs getting layed off and it in an incomplete state. this game has no future. so the rating is based off how the game was in its launch. one of the most fun fighting games i've played.

another game i loved the art style (but i'm just too bad with 2d fighting)

Terra meter: 82%

Story/narrative - 3/5
Gameplay - - 4.5/5
Sound/music - 4.5/5
General presentation - 4.5/5
Overall enjoyment - 4/5

Seems like a really great game that I do wanna play but as a gamepad player I can't figure out how to not have the Magic button also open the menu, which kinda makes the entire game unplayable for me right now. Maybe will pick up in the future if I feel like figuring it out. Proper UX/UI design is really important.

Looking at this game used to give me a warm smile every time I saw it on my shelf or even decided to give another run of Chapter 1 or mess around with the offline arcade/vs stuff. Now, it just makes me sad. Why? Well, while the news is just about two months old by now, it had just recently come to my attention that any active development for this game will be halted indefinitely after the completion of Season 1, with major developers already have been fired (with little public announcement outside of a single paragraph on the Steam page). This includes future prospective fighters, and any further chapters in the Story mode, with the in-development Chapter 2 being cannibalized and having whatever completed assets (lobby items, backgrounds, etc) being repurposed for the release of the final two Season 1 characters.

What makes this all the more heartbreaking is the fact that this game is one made with passion and care of the highest quality, and the game itself is actually quite good. Great even! The combat had a good depth, but still had a nice "pick up and play" sort of feel to it, making it smooth for noobs such as myself to enjoy what it has to offer. The cast of characters is just charming, and the realm of Fœnum is equally as such on top of being quite fascinating. It had quite the unique story mode that I felt was a good way to give it an adventure game type feel that makes it more interactable than just be a series of fights. It had the chops to be an incredibly fun and unique fighter that even I, a non-fighting game fan, greatly enjoyed and would recommend endlessly to my friends.

Now, however, I'm just picking up the pieces that chipped off of my soul from the news and revelation, and no longer have the heart to want to recommend this game... Actually, no, I still recommend getting this game, but don't you dare get a new copy! The publisher MODUS does not deserve a cent going forward, especially since they're going to just keep the IP and let it rot on the shelf, rather than either giving it up to the fans, or passing it back to the original creators. If you have the Deluxe Edition already, great, you can get the rest of the content they'll toss out, whenever that will be. Everyone else? I'm not saying you should fly a particular black and white flag, buuuuuuuuuuut...

Yeah, I'm bitter, but that's what happens when a great idea just gets snuffed quietly, having fans twist in the wind and the creators get hung out to dry with no explanation or heads up. Why is transparency so hard to do when it comes to publishers? Why wasn't anything done to salvage this project? Why does the publisher feel it necessary to keep an IP they CLEARLY don't care about? There are just too many upsetting questions...

I'm probably going to just gonna try to platinum the game in any way I can and at least TRY to jump into a Salt Mines game. Jeez, what another good idea that's just ultimately wasted with this nonsense...

I salute to you, MANE6. You tried to keep a dream alive, despite such incredible hardships (including the Hasbro C&D), and you had what it took to go the distance. It just a major shame that you were bitten by such a venomous snake, and are probably under a bloody NDA so you can't even talk about it.

MLP adjacence aside, the game is pretty fun. nothing about it stands out particularly to me, but its gameplay resembles melty blood AACC closest, and that game's pretty fun too. sad to hear about the abrupt end of development without delivering on the story mode, but... did people really want a story mode in an indie fighting game that badly? i suppose it's more of an issue of the devs going against their word, anyway.

why the fuck did they make a fighting game for fatass bronies

Really really good fighting game that's like Skullgirls but with a bit less depth except my friends are actually willing to play it with me.

this game feels really great to play, its the kind of fighting game you can just freestyle and a combo usually works out, feels good, and does damage too !!! i love the characters (though there were not very many on release but thats ok), i love the stages, i love the animations, aaaaa !!! GOD I LOVE PONIES

I'm not going to give a rating yet because the story mode is still in development, but it's very promissing. If you like MLP and fighting games, you should check out

i like the HORSES and they KILL PEOPLE

Bom, é aquilo né, não sou bom em fighting games nem de perto, mas é bem simples, jogar com amigos deve ser divertido.

i followed this game's development from back when it was Fighting is Magic. I love that Faust stepped up and despite shutting down the original project, gave Mane6 designs to work with. it's clear Mane6 had a lot of passion and ended up making a great game, too bad about the shutdown and some unfulfilled promises. Another game I like to go back to every once in a while and press buttons in, though I never got too invested. I like this game purely because of it's dev story and the fact it's a MLP fighting game.

Que buen juego la verdad, eso si es dificil de manejar a los personajes. Primero me lo pille en switch y luego lo regalan en PC, en fin jejeje.


Adoro todo lo que simboliza este juego, tanto como lo que empezo siendo como lo que ahora es. Es una pena que no tenga tanto tiempo para jugarlo hoy en dia.

This was my favorite fighting game. It's a damn shame.

Failed industry plant fighting game

i bought into this game's Kickstarter to see it's story, but with the rest of it canceled, it's a bit of a let down. decently made fighter from a casual perspective and it's story of development is fascinating on its own, but I cannot recommend supporting the publisher who axed the dev team.

People slept on this so fucking hard for being related to MLP. I don't even like MLP but this game is absurdly fun and well made. It's a shame the devs were all misteriously murdered during the great industry descent of 2023.

Note: The game is in an awful current state. The devs were laid off before they could finish the DLC characters, which are unsurprisingly beyond broken. I would not recommend purchasing the season pass or the new DLC characters if you already have the first two.

On the most recent development update, it was announced in a tiny paragraph after showing off the new characters, that development of this game is due to be ceased indefinitely. The story mode, which was advertised in the Indiegogo campaign and was part of a stretch goal is now scrapped after years of being told it was coming and that development was being done. What a joke.
With the recent clearance and closure of Mane6's merch store, the lengthy wait for the second half of the season pass and lack of updates after the change of publisher, it was pretty obvious something was going on behind the scenes, and it shows. Most likely, this wasn't the fault of the developers, at least I'd like to imagine so, but possibly on the new publisher, Modus, and if so, I wish them the best with their future projects, however as it stands I don't believe I can recommend Them's Fightin' Herds any longer. Due to the development being halted and no doubt that the already small playerbase is going to drastically shrink in the coming months and years, I don't see the game's servers lasting long either.
This is an incredibly disappointing turn of events, as I feel this game had so much potential, so many interesting and fresh ideas for a fighting game, such an interesting cast of characters and world, and in the end it all got cut short before it could reach its true potential.

Objectively speaking its a fighting game, however I hate it with passion, I believe this game has only on type of demographic and that demographic troubles me deeply, refer to the My Little Pony Jar Incident of 2014

It's a pretty good fighter, but i'm not a fan of the animal cast. Still worth playing.

Sick ass fighting game please play it NOW