Reviews from

in the past

Интересная игра, даже в онлайн получилось порубиться)

the decepticons have a bigger role in this game than the movie LOL

i remember having fond memories with this game and strangely being close with my dad whenever i’d play this for some reason

good game overall but why the fuck did they think that adding a timer with such janky movement was a good idea
multiplayer is probably good though, ill check it out eventually.

I have got to say, i am not satisfied. Game is really bland movie tie-in. Story is nonexistent. Playing different characters makes no difference. The lazy level up tree is really bad. Levels are thrown around on a globe like map, and it feels almost random. Enemies can be either bullet spongey or die really easily. Don't expect too much.

si, the game no tiene competencia

igual lo banco, este juego es el primer gameplay que hice en mi vida lastima perdi el video

joguei no cabelereiro quando criança, pika dms

Кратосу дали автомат

Some people may not like it, but I love how high-paced this game is. Fast gameplay and overall pretty fun.

remember that one level with the big one was fun but the rest a blur

The ps2 version is good and I’m playing the other version of the game

Tal qual o filme, esse jogo me surpreendia demais com os gráficos tá maluco.

ÚNICO jogo 100% original que eu tinha de PS2, guardei com carinho por muitos anos.

Eu era louco pra jogar isso, quando era criança adorava a ambientação o estilo muito daora, na época eu era muito fã da franquia, acredito que era por isso que meus olhos sempre brilhavam quando eu via.

E agora com a oportunidade de terminar o jogo, eu digo que sendo bem sincero... O jogo é bem legalzinho, tem suas diferenças que fazem ele ser divertido, outras que acabam sendo chatas e atrapalhando a experiência.

O sistema de combate desse jogo é muito esquisito, ou eu sou ruim mesmo, não sei mas a "hitbox" dos inimigos é estranha, as vezes achava que acertava mas no final estava batendo no vento, os inimogos são chatos (de dificil claro o megatron quem diga pois que boss chato) sofri muitas vezes para derrotar vários de uma vez só e acabava morrendo, na luta contra o megatron, eu passei muito tempo nela, combate dele é dificil para se adaptar. Levando em conta que a cada nivel vai mudando os robôs que controlamos

O cenário lá pro final pecou demais, repetindo sempre a mesma coisa, os primeiros níveis eram divertidos, passava uma imersão boa, mas conforme foi avançando o "Level Design" deixou a desejar.

O que eu tenho para falar de bom? é até dificil, mas seu diferencial, era o que um jogo dessa franquia precisava, divertido para jogar, até porque o modo campanha dele é bem curto, só demorei pois jogava 2 fases por dia e parava.

Os gráficos para a época até que são bonitinhos, não é um dos melhores claro, mas não te deixa com a sensação de é feio.

Bosses são a parte mais daora, uma hora você ta voando, do nada, está batalhando com monstros, essa diferença fez com que eu gostasse do jogo.

Posso dizer que, me decepcionei? em tese sim, acho que quando vemos jogos da nossa infância acreditamos que ele é incrível, mas depois de posuir senso crítico, as coisas mudam. Mas ainda consegui me diverti e diria que minha jornada com esse jogo acabou. Tem o modo arena mas não tenho com quem testar, mas li análises falando que é boa.
Fica a dica para quem quer dá uma chance, e se é fã da franquia assim como eu, vai te servir muito

This game doesn’t seem like it would be that special. It is a movie tie-in game, after all. But it is, at least to me. Changing in and out of vehicle mode, blasting transformers left and right—it’s something you have to play to understand. It’s very fun, and especially when the multiplayer was active. I would highly recommend this game.

Esse jogo é horrível, mas o modo arena de 2 é muito daora.

в сравнении с PS2 некст-ген версия выиграла только технологиями, потому что разрабы продолжают делать две сюжетно разные кампании и думать, что это и есть разнообразие и неоднотипный геймплей

Like the other movie games, this game is a third person shooter with vehicle mechanics. The controls involve 2 different weapon choices, close quarters combat options, and techniques you can do in vehicle mode. Compared to 2007 and dark of the moon this game has the most varied variety of gameplay in a transformers game that I've played so far. However, said gameplay is pretty clunky and stiff at times, close range attacks don't feel great to use at all, and when you shoot you also for some reason fight with the camera to aim, not to mention that using the special vehicle attacks was pretty much just second thought and I never used them unless there was an extra task for them to be used.

When playing through the campaign you are pretty much limited to the characters that the game provides you with, so in the autobot campaign you only use Breakaway (Aka the jet transformer), in only a couple of missions until you unlock a certain mission that allows you to play as anyone in any area. And that being said not every character is fun to play either. Breakaway and Grindor are very clunky characters with their weapon choices, due to the cool down on weapons which force you to change that weapon. Cooldowns, boosts, and health can be upgraded by the energon you collect through the levels but it's a slow process and the payoff doesn't feel grand.

The levels themselves are basically just fetch quests involving different kinds of missions, for example there are tower defense missions, destroying bot missions, and capture the flag type of missions to name a few. Both autobot and decepticon campaigns end in the same boss battle with the fallen for some strange reason. Both campaigns are only slightly different with the autobot campaign having a devestator fight (which was a solid fight), and the decepticon campaign only having mini boss battles with autobots. The gameplay in general overall feels tedious and dragged out at times and I actually prefer dark of the moon over this game despite its short game span. Minor stuff like the cheat codes and the characters compliments depending on how well you do in a mission are very cute touches to the game as well. There's alot to talk about, but not much to say about this game.

Alright God of War clone. But honestly way too easy, as a kid I could never beat this game for some reason. But as an adult I beat it in like 3 hours because my gaming skills has improved. Not great, combat is bare bones and the graphics are fine. But this game ain't it chief play God of War instead

Some initial missions were good but the missions got extremely repetitive and boring. I didn't even care the story at all.