steam next fest feb 2024

Nothing here!

Never Grave: The Witch and the Curse
Never Grave: The Witch and the Curse
time played: 40m
interest before/after: ★★/★★★★★

i dont play many metroidvanias or roguelikes and ive never played minecraft, but this was doing some cocomelon shit to me. this is a solid demo with intuitive UI elements and rewarding progression. there's settlement/building systems? multiplayer? you can possess enemies as a silly little hat? i'm absolutely sold on this game and its cute eldritch corpse witch


Roman Sands RE:Build
Roman Sands RE:Build
time played: 30m
interest before/after: ★★★★/★★★★★

it's like several things at once and i love every single one. paradise killer, dangan ronpa, zero escape, flower sun and rain; if you like any of these things youll like this


time played: 25m
interest before/after: ★★★/★★★★★

very pleased to see wrong organ working on something a little less metaphorical than Fish, i always enjoy themes of cabin fever and space madness and every element present here together feels like the perfect cocktail. the faux glitch/freeze area transitions are a fantastic detail.


Botany Manor
Botany Manor
time played: 22m
interest before/after: ★★★/★★★★★

really really like. made me very comfortable. i like botany through this puzzle solving/clue finding vehicle


Crow Country
Crow Country
time played: 34m
interest before/after: ★★★/★★★★★

i'd seen this floating around online following other indie developers but man even the demo is amazing. really well put together and gives just enough intrigue, there's a downright impressive amount of flavour text and FFVII visual style compliments the monster encounters in a juxtaposing way.


Parry Nightmare
Parry Nightmare
time played: 13m
interest before/after: ★★★/★★★★

ooh. ooh this is fun. hoping they can address the crazy performance hiccups i got in the second level. the artstyle is very charming and the music is superb


time played: 5m
interest before/after: ★★★/★★★★

unsettling, i like it. a little to the left but it has anxiety


Children of the Sun
Children of the Sun
time played: 17m
interest before/after: ★★★/★★★★

definitely not smart enough for this but what a fantastic experience. feels like if Mandy (2018) was a video game heavily influenced by Killer7. really enjoyed how the girl's footsteps incorporate another level of percussion to the bgm as well as the overall visual style. it feels like a direct 3d translation from the banner/cover artwork. the game itself is really challenging and rewards trial and error. very very cool


time played: 35m
interest before/after: ★★★★/★★★★

i'm so happy we live in a time of arthouse surrealist videogames. the demo performance was barely holding itself together and i do hope they address that (had a few softlocks i had to reload and redo segments) but this is a thematic anomaly. love the clashing interface/score and the integrated level up system for seemingly collecting religious items and praying. something unique


Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny
time played: 28m
interest before/after: ★★★/★★★★

very obviously undertale and moon rpg influnced, bit of zelda and anodyne in there too. has a lot of charm though and all the characters are very cute. interested to see how the full release will pan out


Chicken Police: Into the Hive!
Chicken Police: Into the Hive!
time played: 35m
interest before/after: ★★★/★★★★

from the photos i was a little wary of how the tweening and speaking sprites would work but they're actually really impressive. love all the silly animal talk (what the cluck, makes my crest crawl) and all the characters are fun and unique. some cool animal choices here too


Crypt Custodian
Crypt Custodian
time played: 35m
interest before/after: ★★/★★★★

so cool kitty and frogs. liked the unlocks and upgrade system and the curses. comfy


The Local
The Local
time played: 15
interest before/after: ★★★★/★★★

very enjoyable but i am so dogass at these movement tech games. not gonna let that ruin my like for it though. i always like to see my country in video games


Split Personality Doctor
Split Personality Doctor
time played: 24m
interest before/after: ★★/★★★

translation aside i feel not enough is communicated to me upon starting. am i supposed to stay close to my units as the tether hints i should? but i also have to go and grab pickups? it's kind of cute and silly but a better tutorial would go a long way, i think custom patients via steam workshop would be integrated in the full release which i think is kinda interesting. his little amongus suit is also funny


They Speak From The Abyss: Zenith
They Speak From The Abyss: Zenith
time played: 22m
interest before/after: ★★★★/★★★

time played is a little iffy because i went through it a few times not understanding how to proceed but did in the end. incredible texture work and fun enemy design. it's very derivative of smt particularly smt3, which isnt really a flaw just an observation.


Spirit City: Lofi Sessions
Spirit City: Lofi Sessions
time played: 10m
interest before/after: ★★/★★

ill look forward to the customisation in the full version. the focus tools available are neat but nothing you cant get anywhere else, waiting for another hook.


Blessed Burden
Blessed Burden
time played: 12m
interest before/after: ★★/★★

kinda interesting i suppose? basically what it says on the tin. nice texture work and sound design. when your guy jumps it sounds like the TTS voice that announces the assassins in no more heroes.


Super 56
Super 56
time played: 15m
interest before/after: ★★★/★★

some of these are really cruel especially the golf one. funny and charming game but don't think i'll buy for now without a friend to play with


Dyschronia: Chronos Alternate - Dual Edition
Dyschronia: Chronos Alternate - Dual Edition
time played:
interest before/after: ★★★/★★

just had backloggd delete my entire note so i'm going to shorthand it. for a port marketed as accessible to those without VR, movement and gestures are still slowed to a crawl to reduce what i assume is motion sickness whilst wearing a headset. there is no freelook during conversations and interaction feels stunted and limited, you'd be better off watching a youtube playthrough of the VR version than playing it as it is in this demo. LAM's artwork continues to be a delight when translated into 3d.


time played: 5m
interest before/after: ★★/★★

controls and menu icons arent very intuitive, unless i was doing something wrong (probably). it's a really nice premise and sandbox environment, i just think in the end these games aren't for me. wanted to give it a try regardless.


Bride into the Cave
Bride into the Cave
time played: 7m
interest before/after: ★★/★

i wish i could read in the game's native language as i think it would help me be a little more understanding. putting the text aside, the pacing and general presentation is hurried and doesn't pay respect to itself.


Pricolage: Idolized
Pricolage: Idolized
time played: 10m
interest before/after: ★★★/★

didnt end up as engaging as i expected from learning about the game.


time played: 18m
interest before/after: ★★★/★

the demo is ROUGH rough and i'd say it's borderline unplayable. i ran out of patience pretty fast which is kinda disappointing. i have hope for their future but for now im pretty deterred :(


time played: 18m
interest before/after: ★★/★

whatever backrooms game, i acknowledge them as interesting exercises in mapping and atmosphere. i downloaded for the "poolworld" locale popularised by the online genre of backrooms fiction because i love it and find comfort in it and love water levels in games. i was chillen playing this at 4am and they threw a jumpscare at me🖕


time played: 9m
interest before/after: ★★/★

i think they just really like puppetcombo not actually sure what they're going for otherwise. "horror with no jumpscares" >there are three in the demo


Ooze Odyssey
Ooze Odyssey
time played: 5m
interest before/after: ★★/★

there's very little impact to anything, movement or attacks. just kind of cookiecutter



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