6 reviews liked by 101Raven

I envy every person who hasn't read Umineko yet because they get to experience it completely blindly. Read Umineko

some of the best bosses I've ever fought in a video game the only thing that holds this game back for me is the clunky controls

Should you be alive... If it's even possible to continue to exist in these sealed lands. One day, perhaps you will make atonement for what you've done.

One of the most interesting and captivating stories of all time.

At first, every chapter is quite slow. That is until midnight strikes.
Every episode will be faster than the previous one due to no need to add context, but I don't think this is a bad thing

I'm glad they took the time to develop the characters in every episode, bit by bit, rather than everything in the first episode. I love how each episode has a hidden "topic" and focus.

Like in every WTC, there's a huge difference between question and answer arcs and they both have their own charms. Umineko is a bit less radically different, but still as great.

Be sure to play this while using the 07thmod for full voice acting. One of the best voice actings I've ever heard.