For three dollars (in 2024 on steam) you get a fairly well put together and somewhat arcadey "roguelite". Its fun and simple and when youre going for a high score pretty intense. Even at the price though its just not enough. I cant see myself coming back to it often if ever. Its just very simple after an hour or two of playing and you'd already seen all there is too see at the half hour mark.

This is an amazing homage to early Survival Horror games without any of the archaic sometimes frustrating clunk. Its got an intriguing story, eccentric characters that feel alive, a theme park to explore that is oozing with charm and gameplay that is smooth and fun.

Its also got bonus content to unlock, satisfying to find secrets and clever puzzles that make you feel smart solving them. This is really my favorite game i've played this year and is something any fan of the genre should probably pick up. I can see myself someday soon going back for the two achievements i missed

This is a fantastic sequel to 2033. It's thrilling story keep you hooked. Satisfying gunplay, immersive elements like wiping off your visor or charging your lights. If played on Ranger the hud disappearing and being elements on your person is nice (though I would have liked to be able to check my ammo stocks outside of shops.) Overall I highly recommend this game. Still haven't played the DLC but looking forward to it.

A fantastic horde shooter but its so heavily monetized. It feels like every other direction you look there is a paywall. Its still a good game with lots to dig into and far better than its sequel.

To prefice this review, I played before the character refreshes began. I loved the game, its mysterious world, addicting survival loop and colorful cast of weridos are so appealing. Looking forward to going back to try it again in its new state.

This game is sweet. Its like an rpg disguising itself as a fighting game.

Always a fan of the art style of this game. I wasn't an early adopter so I don't know that pain, but I do know playing near the middle of its life-span was a joy. Still capcom puts too many microtransactions in their game.

Amazing as a coop experience. Dead rising is so much fun and this game really is just plain silly fun.

This game kept me engaged with fast snappy gameplay. An engaging story supported by a seemingly deep world illustrated with the neon lights that sci-fi cyberpunk setting is known for.

This is gaming hell. A purgatory. The only people still playing probably have sunk cost fallacy. Its a looter shooter with no story for new players, no content for a free to play, and somehow what feels like no loot. What an abysmal experience for any new comer who hasnt been playing since release.

A classic. Its fun and eerie. The jank of the engine can sometimes show through and make otherwise horrifying content somewhat funny.

Its alright place to hangout with some friends. The marble race gamemode is peak. It's really only as good as whoever is online at the time though.

Alright roguelike. It can be fun with friends but I don't find myself ever coming back to it without someone else pulling me back in. Its just not unique enough. Its very inoffensive.

Waiting for the full release. As is the game when I played was very shallow. Its charming, but a lack of depth had me only play for a few runs.

Mostly played this on console. Its a solid roguelike with a rhythm game component. It seemingly still gets dlc drops. Strong soundtrack and unique gameplay make it worth picking up.